Process to take QGIS project through to Cloud-Optimised GeoTIFF (COG) creating a COG raster that acts like a styled raster tile.
The method is still in development.
A scripted method to leverage QGIS and pyQGIS to export styled images at each zoom scale of interest, then convert those images into a single COG format.
The basic premise is to create a QGIS project with data that employs styling rules for each zoom level. This includes changes in line widths, blending, turning data on and off, etc. With the QGIS project in place, we then export raw tif images for each zoom scale at varying resolutions. The images are coverted to GeoTiff and built using an overview structure, with the lowest resolution being the root. The root image, with overviews, is then converted to a COG. The COG is a single Tif image, with overviews internally tiled like a raster tile. This COG can then be used in a web client like a raster tile.
This method requires a Tile Matrix. For this project, resolutions and scales are set following LINZ map tile standards.
Base process is as follows:
- Develop QGIS project
- Build in zoom rules for scales
- "Export as Image" based on scale
- Images are built with an overview structure, with the lowest scale being the base of the overviews
- Combine images into COG.
- Upload COG to S3 and consume via webviewer
QGIS editor and tiler can be run from Docker:
docker pull dragonflyscience/qgis-builds:3.22.12.ltr.20221109
or users can build the QGIS docker using:
make docker
Launch QGIS editor:
make qgis
Launch Tiler
make tiler
Inside tiler run:
make QGISPROJECT=qgis/full-nz.qgz.qgz SCALES=32000000,16000000,8000000 image-exports
After images are created:
make QGISPROJECTNAME=full-nz SCALES=32000000,16000000,8000000 create-cog
COGs may be loaded to S3 for use in Openlayers.
See: for setting up Openlayers
Web components built using OpenLayers v6
Load website for editing:
npm start
Build project and move build to proper location for Git to use:
bash utils/