Hi, I'm Daniel Pisati, UX / UI Designer and frontend developer 🚀 based in New Zealand and a design system enthusiast.
As an aspiring designer since childhood, my passion for the creative process has been an inherent part of my identity. From a young age, I immersed myself in the world of drawing, investigating, and understanding how things function. This unwavering enthusiasm guided me toward a career in product design.
However, my journey took an unexpected turn when I ventured into the realm of programming. This newfound exploration revealed an exhilarating avenue for problem-solving and innovation. Fueled by an insatiable thirst for knowledge, I dedicated myself to becoming a lifelong student of this dynamic universe.
Today, I am thrilled to merge my love for learning, creative expression, and problem-solving in a harmonious blend. By combining these passions, I continuously strive to push boundaries, create remarkable experiences, and find innovative solutions.
I am humbly passionate about sharing my knowledge and constantly learning from the diverse perspectives of others. Recognizing that true growth comes from collective efforts, I embrace the role of a team player and eagerly contribute to our shared objectives.
Talking about Personal Stuffs:
- 🔭 I’m currently working as a Software Developer
- 🌱 I’m currently learning Node.js
- 👯 I’m looking to collaborate on open source projects
- 🤔 I’m looking for help with backend in general
- ⚡ Fun fact: I'm not a bag juggler...
const danielPisati = {
pronouns: ["he", "him"],
height: ["1,68cm", "5'5"],
weight: undefined,
hair: null,
degree: "Design - Bachelor degree - Level 7",
stack: ["React", "Next", "Typescript", "Javascript", "HTML", "CSS", "Material UI", "SASS", "Tailwind", "Node", "React Native"],
hobbies: [
technology: {
always: "studying",
current: "next.js",
future: ["webpack", "socket.io", "three.js"]
craftBeer: {
currentFavoriteStyle: "Double IPA",
breweries: ["Behemonth", "Epic", "Garage Project", "8 Wired", "Kereru"]
{ coffee: ["Long Black", "Pour Over"], },
{ sport: ["Futsal", "Volleyball", "Cycling", "Running"], },
{ game: ["Legend of Zelda Breath of The Wild", "Portal 2", "CoD: Warzone", "Rocket League"] }
challenge: "I am always on a diet..."
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