This is example code for building your own CRUD screens in Lift.
For a complete write-up, see the blog-post: TBC
To download, build and run:
$ git clone git://
$ cd lift-CRUDBasic
$ ./sbt
In a browser, go to http://localhost:8080 to see the app runing.
To import the project into Eclipse, from within Sbt:
>eclipse with-source=true
Then from within Eclipse, File->Import -> Existing Projects into Workspace, and navigate to your lift-CRUDBasic directory.
As a bonus ;-) the project comes with a suite of Selenium-based tests. To run the tests, from within Sbt:
> test
You can see 100% test coverage of the Event and EventOps class using sbt-scct.
- Download and publish locally sbt-scct from
- Uncomment the line
addSbtPlugin("ch.craven" %% "scct-plugin" % "0.2.1")
from projects/plugins.sbt - Uncomment the line
Seq(ScctPlugin.scctSettings: _*)
from build.sbt - From within Sbt, generate the coverage report with:
- View the report at target/scala-2.9.1/coverage-report/coverage-report/index.html
To see a running version of this code, go to