Uses OpenTheDamnDoor as submodule.
- connect the Arduino USB Serial Light to the Arduino Ethernet via the six pins at the opposite site of the Ethernet port, with both boards' top side up
- connect Arduino USB Serial Light via micro USB cable to your computer
- download and install Arduino Software Environment
- open acts_as_door.ino in Arduino Software Environment
- if the following steps do not work, check
- from the menu choose Tools > Board > Arduino Ethernet
- choose Tools > Serial Port > /dev/tty.usbmodemXXXXX
- make your changes to the Arduino code, click upload in the editor window and check the console output
- for programming reference, see
- for the DoorOpener hardware layout, check the DoorOpener.fzz sketch file
- OS X Menu Bar Tool: open if already build, otherwise open OpenTheDamnDoor.xcodeproj, choose Product > Archive from the menu and then click Distribute… and Export as Application, choose Don't Re-Sign if you do not participate in the Mac Developer Program
- Web App: open on your iPhone, tap the action button, choose add to homescreen, close your browser and open the new app
- Bookmarklet: copy the content of OpenTheDamnDoor.js to your browser's address bar, hit return and save it as bookmark
Licensed under the terms of the MIT License.