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REST API performance testing

To run REST API performance tests against an existing set of database and REST server, follow the steps below. To setup a database and a REST server for testing purpose, see Setup Postgres and REST Server section below.
All steps below are assuming hedera-mirror-rest/ is working directory.

  1. Configure database, REST server, and other configurations in __performancetests__/perfTestConfig.yml. See configuration section below for more details.
  2. Setup tests in __performancetests__/tests.yml.
    (Optional, needed only when running custom tests)
  3. Run perf test npm run perftest.

Code for REST API performance tests is in hedera-mirror-rest/__performancetests__/.


Configure database, REST server, etc in __performancetests__/perfTestConfig.yml. It supports following configurations.

Name Default Description The IP or hostname used to connect to the database 5432 The port used to connect to the database mirror_node The name of the database mirror_api_pass The database password REST Server uses to connect mirror_api The username REST Server uses to connect to the database host:port of REST server to send queries /tmp/perftest/querySets.yml File containing query sets. If it does not exist, new query sets will be generated and written to the file. If it exists, then query sets from the file will be used. /tmp/perftest/ Dir to output results. Result files will be named apiResults-<timestamp>.yml.


Tests definitions are in __performancetests__/tests.yml. Tests are specified in following format

- name: "transactions - unique account id "
  query: "/transactions?result=success&type=credit&order=asc"
  filterAxis: ACCOUNTID
  count: 1
  rangeNumAccounts: 100


  • name is user defined name for the test

  • query is any arbitrary REST query.
    It should NOT include http://host:port/api/v1 as prefix. It should also NOT include param set by filterAxis.

  • filterAxis is primary axis to filter results. It can have one of the three values:

    • ACCOUNTID: Sets param. Values for this param are sampled from entity_num column in t_entities.
    • CONSENSUS_TIMESTAMP: Sets timestamp param. Values for this param are sampled from consensus_ns column in transaction.
    • BALANCE: Sets account.balance param. Values for this param are sampled from balance column in account_balance.
  • count: Number of values to sample for the param which will be set based on filterAxis. So this also represents number of queries that will be in the query set generated by this test.

  • range*: If not set, queries will be point lookups on the filterAxis (for eg. If set, queries will be range lookups on the filterAxis (for eg. timestamp=gt:1577909471.335876000&timestamp=lt:1577909571.335876000). The value used for lt: is sampled from the database, and the one used for gt: is calculated as sample + range*.
    Name depends on value of filterAxis.

    filterAxis Name
    ACCOUNTID rangeNumAccounts
    CONSENSUS_TIMESTAMP rangeDurationNanos
    BALANCE rangeTinyHbars

Query Sets

For each test in tests.yml, values will be sampled from database based on its filterAxis to generate query sets. For example, the query set generated for above test definition is

 - name: transactions - account ids range (100)
    query: >-
      - - '5233'
        - '5333'
      - - '5103'
        - '5203'
      - - '7094'
        - '7194'

Setup Postgres and REST Server

Follow steps in Installation to start a local Postgres database and REST server.
Then follow the steps in Data Generator to load test data into the database.

How test works

Perf test works as follows:

  1. Get or build query sets: If file specified by exists, then the query sets in the given file are used. Otherwise, new query sets are generated using __performancetests__/tests.yaml and by sampling data from the database. Newly generated query sets are also written out to the file specified in the config value so they can be reused in AB testing (for eg. Migration testing as explained in next section).
  2. Queries in query set are sent to the REST server and stats like execution time, response size are collected.
  3. When all queries have finished executing, results are written to the console and file (if is set).

REST API Perf test architecture

Migration testing

When migrating schema, test performance changes using steps below.

  1. Run performance tests on current schema (follow steps in "REST API performance testing" section).
  2. Migrate the schema manually.
  3. Run performance tests on new schema (follow the steps in "REST API performance testing" section). Use configuration to ensure that query sets generated in first run are used in this second run too.
  4. Compare the results manually.

REST API Perf test migration