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File metadata and controls

120 lines (81 loc) · 4.23 KB


The Mirror Node can be ran locally or via Docker. To run locally, it'll first need to be built using Java. To run via Docker, either build locally, or pull latest images from GCR.

docker-compose pull


Ensure you have OpenJDK 11 installed, then run the following command from the top level directory. This will compile a runnable Mirror Node JAR file in the target directory.

./mvnw clean package -DskipTests

Running Locally

Database Setup

In addition to OpenJDK 11, you will need to install PostgreSQL 9.6 and initialize it. The only setup required is to create the initial database and owner since Flyway manages the database schema. The SQL script located at hedera-mirror-importer/src/main/resources/db/scripts/init.sql can be used to accomplish this. Edit the file and change the db_name, db_user, db_password db_owner, grpc_user, or grpc_password as appropriate. Make sure the application configuration matches the values in the script. Run the script as a DB admin user and check the output carefully to ensure no errors occurred.

psql postgres -f hedera-mirror-importer/src/main/resources/db/scripts/init.sql


To run the Importer, first populate the configuration at one of the supported configuration paths, then run:

java -jar hedera-mirror-importer/target/hedera-mirror-importer-*.jar

Additionally, there is a Systemd unit file located in the hedera-mirror-importer/scripts/ directory that can be used to manage the process. See the operations documentation for more information.


To run the GRPC API, first populate the configuration at one of the supported configuration paths, then run:

java -jar hedera-mirror-grpc/target/hedera-mirror-grpc-*.jar

Additionally, there is a Systemd unit file located in the hedera-mirror-grpc/scripts/ directory that can be used to manage the process. See the operations documentation for more information.


To start the REST API ensure you have the necessary configuration populated and run:

cd hedera-mirror-rest
npm install
npm start

Unit Tests

Run the unit tests using jest by using:

npm test

Running via Docker Compose

Docker Compose scripts are provided and run all the mirror node components:

  • PostgreSQL database
  • Importer

Containers use the following persisted volumes:

  • ./db on your local machine maps to /var/lib/postgresql/data in the containers. This contains the files for the PostgreSQL database. If the database container fails to initialise properly and the database fails to run, you will have to delete this folder prior to attempting a restart otherwise the database initialisation scripts will not be run.

  • ./data on your local machine maps to /var/lib/hedera-mirror-importer in the container. This contains files downloaded from S3 or GCP. These are necessary not only for the database data to be persisted, but also so that the parsing containers can access file obtained via the downloading containers


Before starting, configure the application by updating the application.yml file with the desired custom values. This file is passed to Docker compose and allows customized configuration for each of the sub modules.

Finally, run the commands to build and startup:

docker-compose up


Shutting down the database container via docker-compose down may result in a corrupted database that may not restart or may take longer than usual to restart. In order to avoid this, shell into the container and issue the following command:

Use docker ps to get the name of the database container, it should be something like hedera-mirror-node_db_1.

Use the command docker exec -it hedera-mirror-node_db_1 /bin/sh to get a shell in the container.

su - postgres -c "PGDATA=$PGDATA /usr/local/bin/pg_ctl -w stop"

You may now power down the docker image itself.