This version is the first draft version of the code for publication. This version of the code resulted from re-running the entire ArcDyn pipeline from the beginning (i.e. from the original sequence files received from sequencing centre). The scripts here represent Step 4 in Box 1 of the SPIKEPIPE paper.
downloading and concatenating the fastq files for each sample
TrimGalore to remove adapters and filter out bad reads
fastQC and multiQC to generate summary statistics
minimap2 and samtools to map reads to mitogenomes and barcodes and to filter the bam files, also run bedtools to calculate coverage per position
merge and process the idxstats and genomecov files, merge by Run, and generate input data files for statistical analysis.
The statistical analysis code and the input data files for statistical analysis are in 7_ecological_analysis/.
reference files for use above (reference mitogenomes and barcodes, sample metadata, and taxonomy information for the mitogenomes and barcodes)
Created on 20180126