Simple standalone code used for testing ldap functionality.
Note: One exception to the below is LoadTestJMXServer, which uses Maven and is described in its own file.
Each directory is a standalone "application" that uses ant to build and a run script to execute.
Since these are "quick and dirty" test applications, most require a locally running LDAP server and modifications to the src to properly connect.
Some of the applications, such as TestGetAttributeWithOptions, utilize a lightweight "in memory" LDAP server, a feature of PingDirectory (a Ping Identity product).
- To build, type ant in the directory containing build.xml
- This will take the code contained in the src/ directory and compile it into a classes/ directory using the necessary lib/* files.
- To execute, type run in the directory containing build.xml
- If you need to remove the compiled classes/ directory, type ant clean
- Reference the ant documentation on the apache website for more help with using ant.