[VMR] Enable building Mono Cross AOT verticals #44924
Build Analysis / Build Analysis
Nov 19, 2024 in 0s
.NET Result Analysis
To unconditionally bypass the build analysis check (turn it green), you can use the escape mechanism feature. The completion time may vary, potentially taking several minutes, depending on the build analysis workload at the moment.
Known Infrastructure Errors
❌20241119.2 / VMR Vertical Build / OSX_x64 / Clone dotnet/sdk and 6 more hits - Unable to checkout
Build Failures
sdk-unified-build-full / VMR Vertical Build / OSX_x64 / Synchronize dotnet/dotnet (Unix)
[ 🚧 Report infrastructure issue] [ 📄 Report repository issue]-
❌Failed to synchronize the VMR
sdk-unified-build-full / VMR Vertical Build / OSX_Mono_x64 / Synchronize dotnet/dotnet (Unix)
[ 🚧 Report infrastructure issue] [ 📄 Report repository issue]-
❌Failed to synchronize the VMR
sdk-unified-build-full / VMR Vertical Build / AzureLinux_x64_Cross_ShortStack_Alpine_Mono_CrossAOT_arm64 / Synchronize dotnet/dotnet (Unix)
[ 🚧 Report infrastructure issue] [ 📄 Report repository issue]-
❌Failed to synchronize the VMR
5 other jobs are failing and were not displayed due to space limitations.
Builds with failures: [sdk-unified-build-full]