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UIKit tvOS xcode16.2 b3

Rolf Bjarne Kvinge edited this page Dec 2, 2024 · 2 revisions


diff -ruN /Applications/ /Applications/
--- /Applications/	2024-10-26 16:40:12
+++ /Applications/	2024-11-11 11:45:14
@@ -284,6 +284,71 @@
+typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, UIApplicationCategory) {
+    UIApplicationCategoryWebBrowser = 1
+API_AVAILABLE(ios(18.2)) API_UNAVAILABLE(visionos, macCatalyst) API_UNAVAILABLE(watchos, tvos)
+/// The default status of an application for some category.
+typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, UIApplicationCategoryDefaultStatus) {
+    /// The status was not available. This is an error condition and the returned error object has more information.
+    UIApplicationCategoryDefaultStatusUnavailable,
+    /// The application is the default for the category.
+    UIApplicationCategoryDefaultStatusIsDefault,
+    /// The application is not the default for the category.
+    UIApplicationCategoryDefaultStatusNotDefault
+} API_AVAILABLE(ios(18.2)) API_UNAVAILABLE(visionos, macCatalyst) API_UNAVAILABLE(watchos, tvos) NS_SWIFT_UNAVAILABLE("Use UIApplication.isDefault(_:)");
+UIKIT_EXTERN NSErrorDomain const UIApplicationCategoryDefaultErrorDomain
+API_AVAILABLE(ios(18.2)) API_UNAVAILABLE(visionos, macCatalyst) API_UNAVAILABLE(watchos, tvos) NS_SWIFT_NONISOLATED NS_SWIFT_UNAVAILABLE("Use UIApplication.CategoryDefaultError.domain");
+typedef NS_ERROR_ENUM(UIApplicationCategoryDefaultErrorDomain, UIApplicationCategoryDefaultErrorCode) {
+    /// The application is rate-limited.
+    UIApplicationCategoryDefaultErrorRateLimited = 1,
+API_AVAILABLE(ios(18.2)) API_UNAVAILABLE(visionos, macCatalyst) API_UNAVAILABLE(watchos, tvos)
+/// Supplied in userInfo when the application is rate-limited: the last date on which data was
+/// retrieved.
+UIKIT_EXTERN NSErrorUserInfoKey const UIApplicationCategoryDefaultStatusLastProvidedDateErrorKey
+/// Supplied in userInfo when the application is rate-limited: the date after which the app will no
+/// longer be rate-limited
+UIKIT_EXTERN NSErrorUserInfoKey const UIApplicationCategoryDefaultRetryAvailabilityDateErrorKey
+@interface UIApplication (DefaultApplication)
+/// Determine whether the application is the current default app for some category of application.
+/// When this method returns `UIApplicationCategoryDefaultStatusIsDefault`, the application
+/// is the default for the provided category.
+/// When this method returns `UIApplicationCategoryDefaultStatusNotDefault`, the application is
+/// not the default for the provide category.
+/// Otherwise, this method returns `UIApplicationCategoryDefaultStatusUnavailable`, which is an error
+/// condition (e.g., the application was rate-limited); the `NSError` object returned in the error
+/// out-parameter has more information.
+/// The system reserves the right to aggressively rate-limit its response. If the application is
+/// rate-limited, the method will fail, the error will be `UIApplicationCategoryDefaultErrorRateLimited`
+/// in the `UIApplicationCategoryDefaultErrorDomain` domain, and two keys will be in the error userInfo
+/// dictionary: `UIApplicationCategoryDefaultStatusLastProvidedDateErrorKey`, which is the date when
+/// an answer was last provided to the app, and `UIApplicationCategoryDefaultRetryAvailabilityDateErrorKey`,
+/// which is the date after which the application can expect to ask again (i.e., will not be
+/// rate-limited any more).
+- (UIApplicationCategoryDefaultStatus)defaultStatusForCategory:(UIApplicationCategory)category error:(NSError **)error
 typedef NSString * UIApplicationLaunchOptionsKey NS_TYPED_ENUM API_UNAVAILABLE(watchos);
diff -ruN /Applications/ /Applications/
--- /Applications/	2024-10-26 16:26:42
+++ /Applications/	2024-11-12 09:25:55
@@ -12,7 +12,6 @@
 #if __has_include(<CoreImage/CoreImage.h>)
 #import <CoreImage/CoreImage.h>
-#import <UIKit/UIKitDefines.h>
 NS_HEADER_AUDIT_BEGIN(nullability, sendability)
diff -ruN /Applications/ /Applications/
--- /Applications/	2024-10-26 16:26:36
+++ /Applications/	2024-11-12 09:25:50
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
 #pragma mark - UITextFormattingViewControllerDelegate
 @protocol UITextFormattingViewControllerDelegate <NSObject>
 /// Delegate method that will be invoked on any text formatting changes.
@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@
 #pragma mark - UITextFormattingViewController
 /// A view controller that manages the interface for common text formatting options.
 @interface UITextFormattingViewController : UIViewController
 /// Current text formatting configuration object.
diff -ruN /Applications/ /Applications/
--- /Applications/	2024-10-26 16:40:19
+++ /Applications/	2024-11-11 09:04:22
@@ -20,32 +20,32 @@
 #pragma mark - UITextFormattingViewControllerChangeType
 /// Enumeration of text formatting actions.
-typedef NSString * UITextFormattingViewControllerChangeType NS_TYPED_ENUM NS_REFINED_FOR_SWIFT API_AVAILABLE(ios(18.0)) API_UNAVAILABLE(visionos) API_UNAVAILABLE(watchos, tvos, macCatalyst);
-UIKIT_EXTERN UITextFormattingViewControllerChangeType const UITextFormattingViewControllerUndefinedChangeType             NS_REFINED_FOR_SWIFT API_AVAILABLE(ios(18.0)) API_UNAVAILABLE(visionos) API_UNAVAILABLE(watchos, tvos, macCatalyst);
-UIKIT_EXTERN UITextFormattingViewControllerChangeType const UITextFormattingViewControllerSetBoldChangeType               NS_REFINED_FOR_SWIFT API_AVAILABLE(ios(18.0)) API_UNAVAILABLE(visionos) API_UNAVAILABLE(watchos, tvos, macCatalyst);
-UIKIT_EXTERN UITextFormattingViewControllerChangeType const UITextFormattingViewControllerRemoveBoldChangeType            NS_REFINED_FOR_SWIFT API_AVAILABLE(ios(18.0)) API_UNAVAILABLE(visionos) API_UNAVAILABLE(watchos, tvos, macCatalyst);
-UIKIT_EXTERN UITextFormattingViewControllerChangeType const UITextFormattingViewControllerSetItalicChangeType             NS_REFINED_FOR_SWIFT API_AVAILABLE(ios(18.0)) API_UNAVAILABLE(visionos) API_UNAVAILABLE(watchos, tvos, macCatalyst);
-UIKIT_EXTERN UITextFormattingViewControllerChangeType const UITextFormattingViewControllerRemoveItalicChangeType          NS_REFINED_FOR_SWIFT API_AVAILABLE(ios(18.0)) API_UNAVAILABLE(visionos) API_UNAVAILABLE(watchos, tvos, macCatalyst);
-UIKIT_EXTERN UITextFormattingViewControllerChangeType const UITextFormattingViewControllerSetUnderlineChangeType          NS_REFINED_FOR_SWIFT API_AVAILABLE(ios(18.0)) API_UNAVAILABLE(visionos) API_UNAVAILABLE(watchos, tvos, macCatalyst);
-UIKIT_EXTERN UITextFormattingViewControllerChangeType const UITextFormattingViewControllerRemoveUnderlineChangeType       NS_REFINED_FOR_SWIFT API_AVAILABLE(ios(18.0)) API_UNAVAILABLE(visionos) API_UNAVAILABLE(watchos, tvos, macCatalyst);
-UIKIT_EXTERN UITextFormattingViewControllerChangeType const UITextFormattingViewControllerSetStrikethroughChangeType      NS_REFINED_FOR_SWIFT API_AVAILABLE(ios(18.0)) API_UNAVAILABLE(visionos) API_UNAVAILABLE(watchos, tvos, macCatalyst);
-UIKIT_EXTERN UITextFormattingViewControllerChangeType const UITextFormattingViewControllerRemoveStrikethroughChangeType   NS_REFINED_FOR_SWIFT API_AVAILABLE(ios(18.0)) API_UNAVAILABLE(visionos) API_UNAVAILABLE(watchos, tvos, macCatalyst);
-UIKIT_EXTERN UITextFormattingViewControllerChangeType const UITextFormattingViewControllerFontChangeType                  NS_REFINED_FOR_SWIFT API_AVAILABLE(ios(18.0)) API_UNAVAILABLE(visionos) API_UNAVAILABLE(watchos, tvos, macCatalyst);
-UIKIT_EXTERN UITextFormattingViewControllerChangeType const UITextFormattingViewControllerFontSizeChangeType              NS_REFINED_FOR_SWIFT API_AVAILABLE(ios(18.0)) API_UNAVAILABLE(visionos) API_UNAVAILABLE(watchos, tvos, macCatalyst);
-UIKIT_EXTERN UITextFormattingViewControllerChangeType const UITextFormattingViewControllerIncreaseFontSizeChangeType      NS_REFINED_FOR_SWIFT API_AVAILABLE(ios(18.0)) API_UNAVAILABLE(visionos) API_UNAVAILABLE(watchos, tvos, macCatalyst);
-UIKIT_EXTERN UITextFormattingViewControllerChangeType const UITextFormattingViewControllerDecreaseFontSizeChangeType      NS_REFINED_FOR_SWIFT API_AVAILABLE(ios(18.0)) API_UNAVAILABLE(visionos) API_UNAVAILABLE(watchos, tvos, macCatalyst);
-UIKIT_EXTERN UITextFormattingViewControllerChangeType const UITextFormattingViewControllerTextColorChangeType             NS_REFINED_FOR_SWIFT API_AVAILABLE(ios(18.0)) API_UNAVAILABLE(visionos) API_UNAVAILABLE(watchos, tvos, macCatalyst);
-UIKIT_EXTERN UITextFormattingViewControllerChangeType const UITextFormattingViewControllerLineHeightPointSizeChangeType   NS_REFINED_FOR_SWIFT API_AVAILABLE(ios(18.0)) API_UNAVAILABLE(visionos) API_UNAVAILABLE(watchos, tvos, macCatalyst);
-UIKIT_EXTERN UITextFormattingViewControllerChangeType const UITextFormattingViewControllerIncreaseIndentationChangeType   NS_REFINED_FOR_SWIFT API_AVAILABLE(ios(18.0)) API_UNAVAILABLE(visionos) API_UNAVAILABLE(watchos, tvos, macCatalyst);
-UIKIT_EXTERN UITextFormattingViewControllerChangeType const UITextFormattingViewControllerDecreaseIndentationChangeType   NS_REFINED_FOR_SWIFT API_AVAILABLE(ios(18.0)) API_UNAVAILABLE(visionos) API_UNAVAILABLE(watchos, tvos, macCatalyst);
-UIKIT_EXTERN UITextFormattingViewControllerChangeType const UITextFormattingViewControllerFormattingStyleChangeType       NS_REFINED_FOR_SWIFT API_AVAILABLE(ios(18.0)) API_UNAVAILABLE(visionos) API_UNAVAILABLE(watchos, tvos, macCatalyst);
-UIKIT_EXTERN UITextFormattingViewControllerChangeType const UITextFormattingViewControllerTextListChangeType              NS_REFINED_FOR_SWIFT API_AVAILABLE(ios(18.0)) API_UNAVAILABLE(visionos) API_UNAVAILABLE(watchos, tvos, macCatalyst);
-UIKIT_EXTERN UITextFormattingViewControllerChangeType const UITextFormattingViewControllerTextAlignmentChangeType         NS_REFINED_FOR_SWIFT API_AVAILABLE(ios(18.0)) API_UNAVAILABLE(visionos) API_UNAVAILABLE(watchos, tvos, macCatalyst);
-UIKIT_EXTERN UITextFormattingViewControllerChangeType const UITextFormattingViewControllerHighlightChangeType             NS_REFINED_FOR_SWIFT API_AVAILABLE(ios(18.0)) API_UNAVAILABLE(visionos) API_UNAVAILABLE(watchos, tvos, macCatalyst);
+typedef NSString * UITextFormattingViewControllerChangeType NS_TYPED_ENUM NS_REFINED_FOR_SWIFT API_AVAILABLE(ios(18.0)) API_UNAVAILABLE(visionos, macCatalyst) API_UNAVAILABLE(watchos, tvos);
+UIKIT_EXTERN UITextFormattingViewControllerChangeType const UITextFormattingViewControllerUndefinedChangeType             NS_REFINED_FOR_SWIFT API_AVAILABLE(ios(18.0)) API_UNAVAILABLE(visionos, macCatalyst) API_UNAVAILABLE(watchos, tvos);
+UIKIT_EXTERN UITextFormattingViewControllerChangeType const UITextFormattingViewControllerSetBoldChangeType               NS_REFINED_FOR_SWIFT API_AVAILABLE(ios(18.0)) API_UNAVAILABLE(visionos, macCatalyst) API_UNAVAILABLE(watchos, tvos);
+UIKIT_EXTERN UITextFormattingViewControllerChangeType const UITextFormattingViewControllerRemoveBoldChangeType            NS_REFINED_FOR_SWIFT API_AVAILABLE(ios(18.0)) API_UNAVAILABLE(visionos, macCatalyst) API_UNAVAILABLE(watchos, tvos);
+UIKIT_EXTERN UITextFormattingViewControllerChangeType const UITextFormattingViewControllerSetItalicChangeType             NS_REFINED_FOR_SWIFT API_AVAILABLE(ios(18.0)) API_UNAVAILABLE(visionos, macCatalyst) API_UNAVAILABLE(watchos, tvos);
+UIKIT_EXTERN UITextFormattingViewControllerChangeType const UITextFormattingViewControllerRemoveItalicChangeType          NS_REFINED_FOR_SWIFT API_AVAILABLE(ios(18.0)) API_UNAVAILABLE(visionos, macCatalyst) API_UNAVAILABLE(watchos, tvos);
+UIKIT_EXTERN UITextFormattingViewControllerChangeType const UITextFormattingViewControllerSetUnderlineChangeType          NS_REFINED_FOR_SWIFT API_AVAILABLE(ios(18.0)) API_UNAVAILABLE(visionos, macCatalyst) API_UNAVAILABLE(watchos, tvos);
+UIKIT_EXTERN UITextFormattingViewControllerChangeType const UITextFormattingViewControllerRemoveUnderlineChangeType       NS_REFINED_FOR_SWIFT API_AVAILABLE(ios(18.0)) API_UNAVAILABLE(visionos, macCatalyst) API_UNAVAILABLE(watchos, tvos);
+UIKIT_EXTERN UITextFormattingViewControllerChangeType const UITextFormattingViewControllerSetStrikethroughChangeType      NS_REFINED_FOR_SWIFT API_AVAILABLE(ios(18.0)) API_UNAVAILABLE(visionos, macCatalyst) API_UNAVAILABLE(watchos, tvos);
+UIKIT_EXTERN UITextFormattingViewControllerChangeType const UITextFormattingViewControllerRemoveStrikethroughChangeType   NS_REFINED_FOR_SWIFT API_AVAILABLE(ios(18.0)) API_UNAVAILABLE(visionos, macCatalyst) API_UNAVAILABLE(watchos, tvos);
+UIKIT_EXTERN UITextFormattingViewControllerChangeType const UITextFormattingViewControllerFontChangeType                  NS_REFINED_FOR_SWIFT API_AVAILABLE(ios(18.0)) API_UNAVAILABLE(visionos, macCatalyst) API_UNAVAILABLE(watchos, tvos);
+UIKIT_EXTERN UITextFormattingViewControllerChangeType const UITextFormattingViewControllerFontSizeChangeType              NS_REFINED_FOR_SWIFT API_AVAILABLE(ios(18.0)) API_UNAVAILABLE(visionos, macCatalyst) API_UNAVAILABLE(watchos, tvos);
+UIKIT_EXTERN UITextFormattingViewControllerChangeType const UITextFormattingViewControllerIncreaseFontSizeChangeType      NS_REFINED_FOR_SWIFT API_AVAILABLE(ios(18.0)) API_UNAVAILABLE(visionos, macCatalyst) API_UNAVAILABLE(watchos, tvos);
+UIKIT_EXTERN UITextFormattingViewControllerChangeType const UITextFormattingViewControllerDecreaseFontSizeChangeType      NS_REFINED_FOR_SWIFT API_AVAILABLE(ios(18.0)) API_UNAVAILABLE(visionos, macCatalyst) API_UNAVAILABLE(watchos, tvos);
+UIKIT_EXTERN UITextFormattingViewControllerChangeType const UITextFormattingViewControllerTextColorChangeType             NS_REFINED_FOR_SWIFT API_AVAILABLE(ios(18.0)) API_UNAVAILABLE(visionos, macCatalyst) API_UNAVAILABLE(watchos, tvos);
+UIKIT_EXTERN UITextFormattingViewControllerChangeType const UITextFormattingViewControllerLineHeightPointSizeChangeType   NS_REFINED_FOR_SWIFT API_AVAILABLE(ios(18.0)) API_UNAVAILABLE(visionos, macCatalyst) API_UNAVAILABLE(watchos, tvos);
+UIKIT_EXTERN UITextFormattingViewControllerChangeType const UITextFormattingViewControllerIncreaseIndentationChangeType   NS_REFINED_FOR_SWIFT API_AVAILABLE(ios(18.0)) API_UNAVAILABLE(visionos, macCatalyst) API_UNAVAILABLE(watchos, tvos);
+UIKIT_EXTERN UITextFormattingViewControllerChangeType const UITextFormattingViewControllerDecreaseIndentationChangeType   NS_REFINED_FOR_SWIFT API_AVAILABLE(ios(18.0)) API_UNAVAILABLE(visionos, macCatalyst) API_UNAVAILABLE(watchos, tvos);
+UIKIT_EXTERN UITextFormattingViewControllerChangeType const UITextFormattingViewControllerFormattingStyleChangeType       NS_REFINED_FOR_SWIFT API_AVAILABLE(ios(18.0)) API_UNAVAILABLE(visionos, macCatalyst) API_UNAVAILABLE(watchos, tvos);
+UIKIT_EXTERN UITextFormattingViewControllerChangeType const UITextFormattingViewControllerTextListChangeType              NS_REFINED_FOR_SWIFT API_AVAILABLE(ios(18.0)) API_UNAVAILABLE(visionos, macCatalyst) API_UNAVAILABLE(watchos, tvos);
+UIKIT_EXTERN UITextFormattingViewControllerChangeType const UITextFormattingViewControllerTextAlignmentChangeType         NS_REFINED_FOR_SWIFT API_AVAILABLE(ios(18.0)) API_UNAVAILABLE(visionos, macCatalyst) API_UNAVAILABLE(watchos, tvos);
+UIKIT_EXTERN UITextFormattingViewControllerChangeType const UITextFormattingViewControllerHighlightChangeType             NS_REFINED_FOR_SWIFT API_AVAILABLE(ios(18.0)) API_UNAVAILABLE(visionos, macCatalyst) API_UNAVAILABLE(watchos, tvos);
 #pragma mark - UITextFormattingViewControllerChangeValue
 /// Describes text formatting change that is a result of user action.
 /// Contains type of change, any associated value that may be applicable to that change.
 @interface UITextFormattingViewControllerChangeValue : NSObject <NSCopying, NSSecureCoding>
diff -ruN /Applications/ /Applications/
--- /Applications/	2024-10-26 17:32:40
+++ /Applications/	2024-11-12 09:05:19
@@ -14,21 +14,21 @@
 #pragma mark - UITextFormattingViewControllerComponentKey
 /// Predefined text formatting view controller components.
-typedef NSString * UITextFormattingViewControllerComponentKey NS_TYPED_ENUM NS_SWIFT_NAME(UITextFormattingViewController.ComponentKey) API_AVAILABLE(ios(18.0)) API_UNAVAILABLE(visionos) API_UNAVAILABLE(watchos, tvos, macCatalyst);
+typedef NSString * UITextFormattingViewControllerComponentKey NS_TYPED_ENUM NS_SWIFT_NAME(UITextFormattingViewController.ComponentKey) API_AVAILABLE(ios(18.0)) API_UNAVAILABLE(visionos, macCatalyst) API_UNAVAILABLE(watchos, tvos);
-UIKIT_EXTERN UITextFormattingViewControllerComponentKey const UITextFormattingViewControllerFormattingStylesComponentKey                NS_SWIFT_NAME(formattingStyles)                 API_AVAILABLE(ios(18.0)) API_UNAVAILABLE(visionos) API_UNAVAILABLE(watchos, tvos, macCatalyst);
-UIKIT_EXTERN UITextFormattingViewControllerComponentKey const UITextFormattingViewControllerFontAttributesComponentKey                  NS_SWIFT_NAME(fontAttributes)                   API_AVAILABLE(ios(18.0)) API_UNAVAILABLE(visionos) API_UNAVAILABLE(watchos, tvos, macCatalyst);
-UIKIT_EXTERN UITextFormattingViewControllerComponentKey const UITextFormattingViewControllerFontPickerComponentKey                      NS_SWIFT_NAME(fontPicker)                       API_AVAILABLE(ios(18.0)) API_UNAVAILABLE(visionos) API_UNAVAILABLE(watchos, tvos, macCatalyst);
-UIKIT_EXTERN UITextFormattingViewControllerComponentKey const UITextFormattingViewControllerFontSizeComponentKey                        NS_SWIFT_NAME(fontSize)                         API_AVAILABLE(ios(18.0)) API_UNAVAILABLE(visionos) API_UNAVAILABLE(watchos, tvos, macCatalyst);
-UIKIT_EXTERN UITextFormattingViewControllerComponentKey const UITextFormattingViewControllerFontPointSizeComponentKey                   NS_SWIFT_NAME(fontPointSize)                    API_AVAILABLE(ios(18.0)) API_UNAVAILABLE(visionos) API_UNAVAILABLE(watchos, tvos, macCatalyst);
-UIKIT_EXTERN UITextFormattingViewControllerComponentKey const UITextFormattingViewControllerTextAlignmentComponentKey                   NS_SWIFT_NAME(textAlignment)                    API_AVAILABLE(ios(18.0)) API_UNAVAILABLE(visionos) API_UNAVAILABLE(watchos, tvos, macCatalyst);
-UIKIT_EXTERN UITextFormattingViewControllerComponentKey const UITextFormattingViewControllerTextAlignmentAndJustificationComponentKey   NS_SWIFT_NAME(textAlignmentAndJustification)    API_AVAILABLE(ios(18.0)) API_UNAVAILABLE(visionos) API_UNAVAILABLE(watchos, tvos, macCatalyst);
-UIKIT_EXTERN UITextFormattingViewControllerComponentKey const UITextFormattingViewControllerTextIndentationComponentKey                 NS_SWIFT_NAME(textIndentation)                  API_AVAILABLE(ios(18.0)) API_UNAVAILABLE(visionos) API_UNAVAILABLE(watchos, tvos, macCatalyst);
-UIKIT_EXTERN UITextFormattingViewControllerComponentKey const UITextFormattingViewControllerLineHeightComponentKey                      NS_SWIFT_NAME(lineHeight)                       API_AVAILABLE(ios(18.0)) API_UNAVAILABLE(visionos) API_UNAVAILABLE(watchos, tvos, macCatalyst);
-UIKIT_EXTERN UITextFormattingViewControllerComponentKey const UITextFormattingViewControllerListStylesComponentKey                      NS_SWIFT_NAME(listStyles)                       API_AVAILABLE(ios(18.0)) API_UNAVAILABLE(visionos) API_UNAVAILABLE(watchos, tvos, macCatalyst);
-UIKIT_EXTERN UITextFormattingViewControllerComponentKey const UITextFormattingViewControllerTextColorComponentKey                       NS_SWIFT_NAME(textColor)                        API_AVAILABLE(ios(18.0)) API_UNAVAILABLE(visionos) API_UNAVAILABLE(watchos, tvos, macCatalyst);
-UIKIT_EXTERN UITextFormattingViewControllerComponentKey const UITextFormattingViewControllerHighlightComponentKey                       NS_SWIFT_NAME(highlight)                        API_AVAILABLE(ios(18.0)) API_UNAVAILABLE(visionos) API_UNAVAILABLE(watchos, tvos, macCatalyst);
-UIKIT_EXTERN UITextFormattingViewControllerComponentKey const UITextFormattingViewControllerHighlightPickerComponentKey                 NS_SWIFT_NAME(highlightPicker)                  API_AVAILABLE(ios(18.0)) API_UNAVAILABLE(visionos) API_UNAVAILABLE(watchos, tvos, macCatalyst);
+UIKIT_EXTERN UITextFormattingViewControllerComponentKey const UITextFormattingViewControllerFormattingStylesComponentKey                NS_SWIFT_NAME(formattingStyles)                 API_AVAILABLE(ios(18.0)) API_UNAVAILABLE(visionos, macCatalyst) API_UNAVAILABLE(watchos, tvos);
+UIKIT_EXTERN UITextFormattingViewControllerComponentKey const UITextFormattingViewControllerFontAttributesComponentKey                  NS_SWIFT_NAME(fontAttributes)                   API_AVAILABLE(ios(18.0)) API_UNAVAILABLE(visionos, macCatalyst) API_UNAVAILABLE(watchos, tvos);
+UIKIT_EXTERN UITextFormattingViewControllerComponentKey const UITextFormattingViewControllerFontPickerComponentKey                      NS_SWIFT_NAME(fontPicker)                       API_AVAILABLE(ios(18.0)) API_UNAVAILABLE(visionos, macCatalyst) API_UNAVAILABLE(watchos, tvos);
+UIKIT_EXTERN UITextFormattingViewControllerComponentKey const UITextFormattingViewControllerFontSizeComponentKey                        NS_SWIFT_NAME(fontSize)                         API_AVAILABLE(ios(18.0)) API_UNAVAILABLE(visionos, macCatalyst) API_UNAVAILABLE(watchos, tvos);
+UIKIT_EXTERN UITextFormattingViewControllerComponentKey const UITextFormattingViewControllerFontPointSizeComponentKey                   NS_SWIFT_NAME(fontPointSize)                    API_AVAILABLE(ios(18.0)) API_UNAVAILABLE(visionos, macCatalyst) API_UNAVAILABLE(watchos, tvos);
+UIKIT_EXTERN UITextFormattingViewControllerComponentKey const UITextFormattingViewControllerTextAlignmentComponentKey                   NS_SWIFT_NAME(textAlignment)                    API_AVAILABLE(ios(18.0)) API_UNAVAILABLE(visionos, macCatalyst) API_UNAVAILABLE(watchos, tvos);
+UIKIT_EXTERN UITextFormattingViewControllerComponentKey const UITextFormattingViewControllerTextAlignmentAndJustificationComponentKey   NS_SWIFT_NAME(textAlignmentAndJustification)    API_AVAILABLE(ios(18.0)) API_UNAVAILABLE(visionos, macCatalyst) API_UNAVAILABLE(watchos, tvos);
+UIKIT_EXTERN UITextFormattingViewControllerComponentKey const UITextFormattingViewControllerTextIndentationComponentKey                 NS_SWIFT_NAME(textIndentation)                  API_AVAILABLE(ios(18.0)) API_UNAVAILABLE(visionos, macCatalyst) API_UNAVAILABLE(watchos, tvos);
+UIKIT_EXTERN UITextFormattingViewControllerComponentKey const UITextFormattingViewControllerLineHeightComponentKey                      NS_SWIFT_NAME(lineHeight)                       API_AVAILABLE(ios(18.0)) API_UNAVAILABLE(visionos, macCatalyst) API_UNAVAILABLE(watchos, tvos);
+UIKIT_EXTERN UITextFormattingViewControllerComponentKey const UITextFormattingViewControllerListStylesComponentKey                      NS_SWIFT_NAME(listStyles)                       API_AVAILABLE(ios(18.0)) API_UNAVAILABLE(visionos, macCatalyst) API_UNAVAILABLE(watchos, tvos);
+UIKIT_EXTERN UITextFormattingViewControllerComponentKey const UITextFormattingViewControllerTextColorComponentKey                       NS_SWIFT_NAME(textColor)                        API_AVAILABLE(ios(18.0)) API_UNAVAILABLE(visionos, macCatalyst) API_UNAVAILABLE(watchos, tvos);
+UIKIT_EXTERN UITextFormattingViewControllerComponentKey const UITextFormattingViewControllerHighlightComponentKey                       NS_SWIFT_NAME(highlight)                        API_AVAILABLE(ios(18.0)) API_UNAVAILABLE(visionos, macCatalyst) API_UNAVAILABLE(watchos, tvos);
+UIKIT_EXTERN UITextFormattingViewControllerComponentKey const UITextFormattingViewControllerHighlightPickerComponentKey                 NS_SWIFT_NAME(highlightPicker)                  API_AVAILABLE(ios(18.0)) API_UNAVAILABLE(visionos, macCatalyst) API_UNAVAILABLE(watchos, tvos);
 #pragma mark - _UITextFormattingViewControllerComponentSize
@@ -40,11 +40,11 @@
     UITextFormattingViewControllerComponentSizeRegular = 3,
     UITextFormattingViewControllerComponentSizeLarge = 4,
     UITextFormattingViewControllerComponentSizeExtraLarge = 5,
-} NS_SWIFT_NAME(UITextFormattingViewController.ComponentSize) API_AVAILABLE(ios(18.0)) API_UNAVAILABLE(visionos) API_UNAVAILABLE(watchos, tvos, macCatalyst);
+} NS_SWIFT_NAME(UITextFormattingViewController.ComponentSize) API_AVAILABLE(ios(18.0)) API_UNAVAILABLE(visionos, macCatalyst) API_UNAVAILABLE(watchos, tvos);
 #pragma mark - UITextFormattingViewControllerComponent
-UIKIT_EXTERN API_AVAILABLE(ios(18.0)) API_UNAVAILABLE(visionos) API_UNAVAILABLE(watchos, tvos, macCatalyst) NS_SWIFT_NAME(UITextFormattingViewController.Component)
+UIKIT_EXTERN API_AVAILABLE(ios(18.0)) API_UNAVAILABLE(visionos, macCatalyst) API_UNAVAILABLE(watchos, tvos) NS_SWIFT_NAME(UITextFormattingViewController.Component)
 /// Defines text formatting view component.
 @interface UITextFormattingViewControllerComponent : NSObject <NSCopying, NSSecureCoding>
@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@
 #pragma mark - UITextFormattingViewControllerComponentGroup
-UIKIT_EXTERN API_AVAILABLE(ios(18.0)) API_UNAVAILABLE(visionos) API_UNAVAILABLE(watchos, tvos, macCatalyst) NS_SWIFT_NAME(UITextFormattingViewController.ComponentGroup)
+UIKIT_EXTERN API_AVAILABLE(ios(18.0)) API_UNAVAILABLE(visionos, macCatalyst) API_UNAVAILABLE(watchos, tvos) NS_SWIFT_NAME(UITextFormattingViewController.ComponentGroup)
 /// Defines grouping of text formatting components in view.
 @interface UITextFormattingViewControllerComponentGroup : NSObject <NSCopying, NSSecureCoding>
diff -ruN /Applications/ /Applications/
--- /Applications/	2024-10-26 17:36:08
+++ /Applications/	2024-11-11 11:45:20
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
 #pragma mark - UITextFormattingViewControllerConfiguration
-UIKIT_EXTERN API_AVAILABLE(ios(18.0)) API_UNAVAILABLE(visionos) API_UNAVAILABLE(watchos, tvos, macCatalyst) NS_SWIFT_NAME(UITextFormattingViewController.Configuration)
+UIKIT_EXTERN API_AVAILABLE(ios(18.0)) API_UNAVAILABLE(visionos, macCatalyst) API_UNAVAILABLE(watchos, tvos) NS_SWIFT_NAME(UITextFormattingViewController.Configuration)
 /// Text formatting view controller configuration object.
 @interface UITextFormattingViewControllerConfiguration : NSObject <NSCopying, NSSecureCoding>
diff -ruN /Applications/ /Applications/
--- /Applications/	2024-10-26 17:32:47
+++ /Applications/	2024-11-12 09:05:25
@@ -17,39 +17,39 @@
 #pragma mark - UITextFormattingViewControllerTextAlignment
 /// Text formatting horizontal alignment state.
-typedef NSString * UITextFormattingViewControllerTextAlignment NS_TYPED_ENUM NS_SWIFT_NAME(UITextFormattingViewController.TextAlignment) API_AVAILABLE(ios(18.0)) API_UNAVAILABLE(visionos) API_UNAVAILABLE(watchos, tvos, macCatalyst);
+typedef NSString * UITextFormattingViewControllerTextAlignment NS_TYPED_ENUM NS_SWIFT_NAME(UITextFormattingViewController.TextAlignment) API_AVAILABLE(ios(18.0)) API_UNAVAILABLE(visionos, macCatalyst) API_UNAVAILABLE(watchos, tvos);
-UIKIT_EXTERN UITextFormattingViewControllerTextAlignment const UITextFormattingViewControllerTextAlignmentLeft      NS_SWIFT_NAME(left)         API_AVAILABLE(ios(18.0)) API_UNAVAILABLE(visionos) API_UNAVAILABLE(watchos, tvos, macCatalyst);
-UIKIT_EXTERN UITextFormattingViewControllerTextAlignment const UITextFormattingViewControllerTextAlignmentCenter    NS_SWIFT_NAME(center)       API_AVAILABLE(ios(18.0)) API_UNAVAILABLE(visionos) API_UNAVAILABLE(watchos, tvos, macCatalyst);
-UIKIT_EXTERN UITextFormattingViewControllerTextAlignment const UITextFormattingViewControllerTextAlignmentRight     NS_SWIFT_NAME(right)        API_AVAILABLE(ios(18.0)) API_UNAVAILABLE(visionos) API_UNAVAILABLE(watchos, tvos, macCatalyst);
-UIKIT_EXTERN UITextFormattingViewControllerTextAlignment const UITextFormattingViewControllerTextAlignmentJustified NS_SWIFT_NAME(justified)    API_AVAILABLE(ios(18.0)) API_UNAVAILABLE(visionos) API_UNAVAILABLE(watchos, tvos, macCatalyst);
-UIKIT_EXTERN UITextFormattingViewControllerTextAlignment const UITextFormattingViewControllerTextAlignmentNatural   NS_SWIFT_NAME(natural)      API_AVAILABLE(ios(18.0)) API_UNAVAILABLE(visionos) API_UNAVAILABLE(watchos, tvos, macCatalyst);
+UIKIT_EXTERN UITextFormattingViewControllerTextAlignment const UITextFormattingViewControllerTextAlignmentLeft      NS_SWIFT_NAME(left)         API_AVAILABLE(ios(18.0)) API_UNAVAILABLE(visionos, macCatalyst) API_UNAVAILABLE(watchos, tvos);
+UIKIT_EXTERN UITextFormattingViewControllerTextAlignment const UITextFormattingViewControllerTextAlignmentCenter    NS_SWIFT_NAME(center)       API_AVAILABLE(ios(18.0)) API_UNAVAILABLE(visionos, macCatalyst) API_UNAVAILABLE(watchos, tvos);
+UIKIT_EXTERN UITextFormattingViewControllerTextAlignment const UITextFormattingViewControllerTextAlignmentRight     NS_SWIFT_NAME(right)        API_AVAILABLE(ios(18.0)) API_UNAVAILABLE(visionos, macCatalyst) API_UNAVAILABLE(watchos, tvos);
+UIKIT_EXTERN UITextFormattingViewControllerTextAlignment const UITextFormattingViewControllerTextAlignmentJustified NS_SWIFT_NAME(justified)    API_AVAILABLE(ios(18.0)) API_UNAVAILABLE(visionos, macCatalyst) API_UNAVAILABLE(watchos, tvos);
+UIKIT_EXTERN UITextFormattingViewControllerTextAlignment const UITextFormattingViewControllerTextAlignmentNatural   NS_SWIFT_NAME(natural)      API_AVAILABLE(ios(18.0)) API_UNAVAILABLE(visionos, macCatalyst) API_UNAVAILABLE(watchos, tvos);
 #pragma mark - UITextFormattingViewControllerTextList
 /// Text formatting text list state.
-typedef NSString * UITextFormattingViewControllerTextList NS_TYPED_ENUM NS_SWIFT_NAME(UITextFormattingViewController.TextList) API_AVAILABLE(ios(18.0)) API_UNAVAILABLE(visionos) API_UNAVAILABLE(watchos, tvos, macCatalyst);
+typedef NSString * UITextFormattingViewControllerTextList NS_TYPED_ENUM NS_SWIFT_NAME(UITextFormattingViewController.TextList) API_AVAILABLE(ios(18.0)) API_UNAVAILABLE(visionos, macCatalyst) API_UNAVAILABLE(watchos, tvos);
-UIKIT_EXTERN UITextFormattingViewControllerTextList const UITextFormattingViewControllerTextListDisc                NS_SWIFT_NAME(disc)         API_AVAILABLE(ios(18.0)) API_UNAVAILABLE(visionos) API_UNAVAILABLE(watchos, tvos, macCatalyst);
-UIKIT_EXTERN UITextFormattingViewControllerTextList const UITextFormattingViewControllerTextListHyphen              NS_SWIFT_NAME(hyphen)       API_AVAILABLE(ios(18.0)) API_UNAVAILABLE(visionos) API_UNAVAILABLE(watchos, tvos, macCatalyst);
-UIKIT_EXTERN UITextFormattingViewControllerTextList const UITextFormattingViewControllerTextListDecimal             NS_SWIFT_NAME(decimal)      API_AVAILABLE(ios(18.0)) API_UNAVAILABLE(visionos) API_UNAVAILABLE(watchos, tvos, macCatalyst);
-UIKIT_EXTERN UITextFormattingViewControllerTextList const UITextFormattingViewControllerTextListOther               NS_SWIFT_NAME(other)        API_AVAILABLE(ios(18.0)) API_UNAVAILABLE(visionos) API_UNAVAILABLE(watchos, tvos, macCatalyst);
+UIKIT_EXTERN UITextFormattingViewControllerTextList const UITextFormattingViewControllerTextListDisc                NS_SWIFT_NAME(disc)         API_AVAILABLE(ios(18.0)) API_UNAVAILABLE(visionos, macCatalyst) API_UNAVAILABLE(watchos, tvos);
+UIKIT_EXTERN UITextFormattingViewControllerTextList const UITextFormattingViewControllerTextListHyphen              NS_SWIFT_NAME(hyphen)       API_AVAILABLE(ios(18.0)) API_UNAVAILABLE(visionos, macCatalyst) API_UNAVAILABLE(watchos, tvos);
+UIKIT_EXTERN UITextFormattingViewControllerTextList const UITextFormattingViewControllerTextListDecimal             NS_SWIFT_NAME(decimal)      API_AVAILABLE(ios(18.0)) API_UNAVAILABLE(visionos, macCatalyst) API_UNAVAILABLE(watchos, tvos);
+UIKIT_EXTERN UITextFormattingViewControllerTextList const UITextFormattingViewControllerTextListOther               NS_SWIFT_NAME(other)        API_AVAILABLE(ios(18.0)) API_UNAVAILABLE(visionos, macCatalyst) API_UNAVAILABLE(watchos, tvos);
 #pragma mark - UITextFormattingViewControllerHighlight
 /// Text formatting highlight state.
-typedef NSString * UITextFormattingViewControllerHighlight NS_TYPED_ENUM NS_SWIFT_NAME(UITextFormattingViewController.Highlight) API_AVAILABLE(ios(18.0)) API_UNAVAILABLE(visionos) API_UNAVAILABLE(watchos, tvos, macCatalyst);
+typedef NSString * UITextFormattingViewControllerHighlight NS_TYPED_ENUM NS_SWIFT_NAME(UITextFormattingViewController.Highlight) API_AVAILABLE(ios(18.0)) API_UNAVAILABLE(visionos, macCatalyst) API_UNAVAILABLE(watchos, tvos);
-UIKIT_EXTERN UITextFormattingViewControllerHighlight const UITextFormattingViewControllerHighlightDefault           NS_SWIFT_NAME(default)      API_AVAILABLE(ios(18.0)) API_UNAVAILABLE(visionos) API_UNAVAILABLE(watchos, tvos, macCatalyst);
-UIKIT_EXTERN UITextFormattingViewControllerHighlight const UITextFormattingViewControllerHighlightPurple            NS_SWIFT_NAME(purple)       API_AVAILABLE(ios(18.0)) API_UNAVAILABLE(visionos) API_UNAVAILABLE(watchos, tvos, macCatalyst);
-UIKIT_EXTERN UITextFormattingViewControllerHighlight const UITextFormattingViewControllerHighlightPink              NS_SWIFT_NAME(pink)         API_AVAILABLE(ios(18.0)) API_UNAVAILABLE(visionos) API_UNAVAILABLE(watchos, tvos, macCatalyst);
-UIKIT_EXTERN UITextFormattingViewControllerHighlight const UITextFormattingViewControllerHighlightOrange            NS_SWIFT_NAME(orange)       API_AVAILABLE(ios(18.0)) API_UNAVAILABLE(visionos) API_UNAVAILABLE(watchos, tvos, macCatalyst);
-UIKIT_EXTERN UITextFormattingViewControllerHighlight const UITextFormattingViewControllerHighlightMint              NS_SWIFT_NAME(mint)         API_AVAILABLE(ios(18.0)) API_UNAVAILABLE(visionos) API_UNAVAILABLE(watchos, tvos, macCatalyst);
-UIKIT_EXTERN UITextFormattingViewControllerHighlight const UITextFormattingViewControllerHighlightBlue              NS_SWIFT_NAME(blue)         API_AVAILABLE(ios(18.0)) API_UNAVAILABLE(visionos) API_UNAVAILABLE(watchos, tvos, macCatalyst);
+UIKIT_EXTERN UITextFormattingViewControllerHighlight const UITextFormattingViewControllerHighlightDefault           NS_SWIFT_NAME(default)      API_AVAILABLE(ios(18.0)) API_UNAVAILABLE(visionos, macCatalyst) API_UNAVAILABLE(watchos, tvos);
+UIKIT_EXTERN UITextFormattingViewControllerHighlight const UITextFormattingViewControllerHighlightPurple            NS_SWIFT_NAME(purple)       API_AVAILABLE(ios(18.0)) API_UNAVAILABLE(visionos, macCatalyst) API_UNAVAILABLE(watchos, tvos);
+UIKIT_EXTERN UITextFormattingViewControllerHighlight const UITextFormattingViewControllerHighlightPink              NS_SWIFT_NAME(pink)         API_AVAILABLE(ios(18.0)) API_UNAVAILABLE(visionos, macCatalyst) API_UNAVAILABLE(watchos, tvos);
+UIKIT_EXTERN UITextFormattingViewControllerHighlight const UITextFormattingViewControllerHighlightOrange            NS_SWIFT_NAME(orange)       API_AVAILABLE(ios(18.0)) API_UNAVAILABLE(visionos, macCatalyst) API_UNAVAILABLE(watchos, tvos);
+UIKIT_EXTERN UITextFormattingViewControllerHighlight const UITextFormattingViewControllerHighlightMint              NS_SWIFT_NAME(mint)         API_AVAILABLE(ios(18.0)) API_UNAVAILABLE(visionos, macCatalyst) API_UNAVAILABLE(watchos, tvos);
+UIKIT_EXTERN UITextFormattingViewControllerHighlight const UITextFormattingViewControllerHighlightBlue              NS_SWIFT_NAME(blue)         API_AVAILABLE(ios(18.0)) API_UNAVAILABLE(visionos, macCatalyst) API_UNAVAILABLE(watchos, tvos);
 #pragma mark - UITextFormattingViewControllerFormattingDescriptor
 /// Object that represents current text formatting state.
 /// This can apply to formatting state of some selected range of text or currently applicable input formatting.
 @interface UITextFormattingViewControllerFormattingDescriptor : NSObject <NSCopying, NSSecureCoding>
diff -ruN /Applications/ /Applications/
--- /Applications/	2024-10-26 17:36:02
+++ /Applications/	2024-11-11 11:45:14
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
 #pragma mark - UITextFormattingViewControllerFormattingStyle
 /// Type that defines formatting style presented in text formatting view.
 @interface UITextFormattingViewControllerFormattingStyle : NSObject <NSCopying, NSSecureCoding>
diff -ruN /Applications/ /Applications/
--- /Applications/	2024-10-31 07:15:11
+++ /Applications/	2024-11-11 11:23:31
@@ -147,28 +147,28 @@
  * @param viewController  The text formatting controller that is being presented.
-- (void)textView:(UITextView *)textView willBeginFormattingWithViewController:(UITextFormattingViewController *)viewController API_AVAILABLE(ios(18.0))  API_UNAVAILABLE(visionos) API_UNAVAILABLE(watchos, tvos, macCatalyst);
+- (void)textView:(UITextView *)textView willBeginFormattingWithViewController:(UITextFormattingViewController *)viewController API_AVAILABLE(ios(18.0)) API_UNAVAILABLE(visionos, macCatalyst) API_UNAVAILABLE(watchos, tvos);
  * @abstract Informs the delegate that text formatting controller has been presented.
  * @param viewController  The text formatting controller that is being presented.
-- (void)textView:(UITextView *)textView didBeginFormattingWithViewController:(UITextFormattingViewController *)viewController API_AVAILABLE(ios(18.0))  API_UNAVAILABLE(visionos) API_UNAVAILABLE(watchos, tvos, macCatalyst);
+- (void)textView:(UITextView *)textView didBeginFormattingWithViewController:(UITextFormattingViewController *)viewController API_AVAILABLE(ios(18.0)) API_UNAVAILABLE(visionos, macCatalyst) API_UNAVAILABLE(watchos, tvos);
  * @abstract Informs the delegate that text formatting controller is about to be dismissed.
  * @param viewController  The text formatting controller that is being presented.
-- (void)textView:(UITextView *)textView willEndFormattingWithViewController:(UITextFormattingViewController *)viewController API_AVAILABLE(ios(18.0))  API_UNAVAILABLE(visionos) API_UNAVAILABLE(watchos, tvos, macCatalyst);
+- (void)textView:(UITextView *)textView willEndFormattingWithViewController:(UITextFormattingViewController *)viewController API_AVAILABLE(ios(18.0)) API_UNAVAILABLE(visionos, macCatalyst) API_UNAVAILABLE(watchos, tvos);
  * @abstract Informs the delegate that text formatting controller has been dismissed.
  * @param viewController  The text formatting controller that is being presented.
-- (void)textView:(UITextView *)textView didEndFormattingWithViewController:(UITextFormattingViewController *)viewController API_AVAILABLE(ios(18.0))  API_UNAVAILABLE(visionos) API_UNAVAILABLE(watchos, tvos, macCatalyst);
+- (void)textView:(UITextView *)textView didEndFormattingWithViewController:(UITextFormattingViewController *)viewController API_AVAILABLE(ios(18.0)) API_UNAVAILABLE(visionos, macCatalyst) API_UNAVAILABLE(watchos, tvos);
@@ -279,7 +279,7 @@
 /// when its presentation is requested.
 /// It has a non-nil default value.
-@property(nonatomic, nullable, readwrite, copy) UITextFormattingViewControllerConfiguration *textFormattingConfiguration API_AVAILABLE(ios(18.0))  API_UNAVAILABLE(visionos) API_UNAVAILABLE(watchos, tvos, macCatalyst);
+@property(nonatomic, nullable, readwrite, copy) UITextFormattingViewControllerConfiguration *textFormattingConfiguration API_AVAILABLE(ios(18.0)) API_UNAVAILABLE(visionos, macCatalyst) API_UNAVAILABLE(watchos, tvos);
diff -ruN /Applications/ /Applications/
--- /Applications/	2024-10-26 17:32:45
+++ /Applications/	2024-11-11 11:45:18
@@ -14,17 +14,93 @@
 @protocol UIWritingToolsCoordinatorDelegate;
+/// Constants that specify the reason you updated your view’s content
+/// outside of the Writing Tools workflow.
+/// If you modify your view’s text storage while Writing Tools is active,
+/// report those changes to your ``UIWritingToolsCoordinator`` object
+/// so it can track them correctly. Call the
+/// ``UIWritingToolsCoordinator/updateRange(_:with:reason:forContextWithIdentifier:)``
+/// method to report changes that occur inside one of your context objects. Call the
+/// ``UIWritingToolsCoordinator/updateForReflowedTextInContextWithIdentifier(_:)``
+/// method for changes that affect the layout of your text, such as text insertions
+/// before a context object or changes to your view’s frame rectangle.
 typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, UIWritingToolsCoordinatorTextUpdateReason) {
+    /// An operation that involved a person editing the text in your view.
+    ///
+    /// Specify this option when the changes come from the text input system.
+    /// An operation that changed the view’s text as part of an undo or
+    /// redo command.
+    ///
+    /// Specify this option when an undo or redo command initiated the
+    /// change to your view.
     // Others? Paste?
 } API_AVAILABLE(ios(18.2)) API_UNAVAILABLE(visionos, tvos, watchos) NS_SWIFT_NAME(UIWritingToolsCoordinator.TextUpdateReason);
+/// The states that indicate the current activity, if any, Writing Tools
+/// is performing in your view.
+/// Making changes to your view requires several different levels of
+/// interaction. Initially, Writing Tools displays its UI and collects
+/// information about what the person wants to do. When the person selects
+/// an operation, Writing Tools sends the relevant details to a large language
+/// model (LLM) and processes the results. It then works with the custom view to
+/// integrate any changes into the view’s text storage. During each
+/// of these activities, the coordinator reflects what’s happening in
+/// its ``UIWritingToolsCoordinator/state`` property. You can use
+/// the current state as a guide to making decisions in other parts of your view.
 typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, UIWritingToolsCoordinatorState) {
     // Open question: Do we also want a `Disabled` state?
+    /// A state that indicates Writing Tools isn’t currently performing
+    /// any work on your view’s content.
+    ///
+    /// The coordinator starts in the `inactive` state, and transitions
+    /// immediately to the ``noninteractive`` or ``interactiveResting``
+    /// state when someone chooses an option from the Writing Tools UI.
+    /// After the coordinator finishes incorporating any changes for the
+    /// current operation, it returns to the `inactive` state and waits
+    /// for the person to choose a different option or dismiss the Writing Tools UI.
     UIWritingToolsCoordinatorStateInactive, // Writing Tools is not active
-    UIWritingToolsCoordinatorStateNoninteractive, // Writing Tools is presenting UI, and the WTC may call the -writingToolsCoordinator:replaceRange:inContext:withText:reason: delegate method (with UIWritingToolsCoordinatorContextRequestReasonNoninteractive) if the textual view is editable
+    /// A state that indicates Writing Tools is handling interactions in
+    /// the system UI, instead of in your view.
+    ///
+    /// Writing Tools transitions to this state when the coordinator uses
+    /// the ``UIWritingToolsBehavior/limited`` experience or when someone chooses an
+    /// option that displays its results in the Writing Tools UI. When
+    /// the person accepts the changes from the tool or dismisses the
+    /// Writing Tools UI, the coordinator returns to the ``inactive``
+    /// state. If the person discards the change and selects a tool with
+    /// an interactive experience instead, the coordinator transitions
+    /// to the ``interactiveResting`` state.
+    UIWritingToolsCoordinatorStateNoninteractive, // Writing Tools is presenting UI, and the WTC may call the -writingToolsCoordinator:replaceRange:inContext:withText:reason: delegate method (with UIWritingToolsCoordinatorTextReplacementReasonNoninteractive) if the textual view is editable
+    /// A state that indicates Writing Tools is in the resting state
+    /// for an inline editing experience.
+    ///
+    /// When someone initially selects a tool with an interactive experience,
+    /// the coordinator transitions briefly to this state and starts the
+    /// operation. The coordinator transitions swiftly to the ``interactiveStreaming``
+    /// state when it submits the request and delivers the results to your
+    /// view. When it finishes delivering the results, it transitions back
+    /// to the `interactiveResting` state and awaits further commands. If
+    /// the person accepts the changes or dismisses the Writing Tools UI,
+    /// the coordinator transitions from this state to the ``inactive`` state.
     UIWritingToolsCoordinatorStateInteractiveResting, // Writing Tools is providing the full inline-editing experience, and has delivered a complete set of results.
+    /// A state that indicates Writing Tools is processing a request and
+    /// incorporating changes interactively into your view.
+    ///
+    /// The coordinator transitions swiftly from the ``interactiveResting``
+    /// state to this state at the start of an operation. In this state,
+    /// the coordinator submits the request for processing and delivers
+    /// the results back to your view. When the coordinator finishes delivering
+    /// the results, it transitions back to the ``interactiveResting`` state.
     UIWritingToolsCoordinatorStateInteractiveStreaming, // Writing Tools is providing the full inline-editing experience, and is updating text, either because results are provided from AppleIntelligence, or because user interaction has requested changes, such as showing a different revision
 } API_AVAILABLE(ios(18.2)) API_UNAVAILABLE(visionos, tvos, watchos) NS_SWIFT_NAME(UIWritingToolsCoordinator.State);
@@ -32,53 +108,228 @@
 // MARK: - Coordinator
+/// An object that manages interactions between Writing Tools and
+/// your custom text view.
+/// Add a `UIWritingToolsCoordinator` object to a custom view when you
+/// want to add Writing Tools support to that view. The coordinator manages
+/// interactions between your view and the Writing Tools UI and back-end
+/// capabilities. When creating a coordinator, you supply a delegate object
+/// to respond to requests from the system and provide needed information.
+/// Your delegate delivers your view’s text to Writing Tools, incorporates
+/// suggested changes back into your text storage, and supports the animations
+/// that Writing Tools creates to show the state of an operation.
+/// Create the `UIWritingToolsCoordinator` object when setting up your UI, and
+/// initialize it with a custom object that adopts the ``UIWritingToolsCoordinator/Delegate``
+/// protocol. Add the coordinator to your view using the ``UIView/addInteraction(_:)``
+/// method. When a coordinator is present on a view, the system adds UI elements
+/// to initiate Writing Tools operations.
+/// When defining the delegate, choose an object from your app that has access
+/// to your view and its text storage. You can adopt the ``UIWritingToolsCoordinator/Delegate``
+/// protocol in the view itself, or in another type that your view uses to
+/// manage content. During the interactions with Writing Tools, the delegate
+/// gets and sets the contents of the view’s text storage and supports Writing Tools behaviors.
+/// > Note: You don’t need to create an `UIWritingToolsCoordinator`  object
+/// if you display text using a ``UITextView``,
+/// <doc://>,
+/// <doc://>,
+/// <doc://>, or
+/// <doc://> view.
+/// Those views already include the required support to handle Writing Tools
+/// interactions.
 @interface UIWritingToolsCoordinator : NSObject <UIInteraction>
+/// A Boolean value that indicates whether Writing Tools features are
+/// currently available.
+/// The value of this property is `true` when Writing Tools features are
+/// available, and `false` when they aren’t. Writing Tools support might
+/// be unavailable because of device constraints or because the system isn’t
+/// ready to process Writing Tools requests.
 @property (class, nonatomic, assign, readonly) BOOL isWritingToolsAvailable;
-// The delegate must be non-nil before the writingToolsCoodinator is added to a view
+// The delegate must be non-nil before the writingToolsCoodinator is added to a view.
-// Convenience initializer
+/// Creates a writing tools coordinator and assigns the specified
+/// delegate object to it.
+/// - Parameters:
+///    - delegate: An object capable of handling Writing Tools interactions
+///    for your view. The delegate must be able to modify your view’s text
+///    storage and refresh the view’s layout and appearance.
+/// Create the coordinator object during your view’s initialization, and assign
+/// the object to your view. Use the ``UIView/addInteraction(_:)``
+/// method to add the object to your view.
 - (instancetype)initWithDelegate:(nullable id <UIWritingToolsCoordinatorDelegate>)delegate;
+/// The object that handles Writing Tools interactions for your view.
+/// Specify this object at initialization time when creating your `UIWritingToolsCoordinator`
+/// object. The object must adopt the ``UIWritingToolsCoordinator/Delegate``
+/// protocol, and be capable of modifying your view’s text storage and
+/// refreshing the view’s layout and appearance.
 @property(nonatomic,weak,nullable,readonly) id<UIWritingToolsCoordinatorDelegate> delegate;
 // Note: The effectContainerView and decorationContainerView may only be changed when UIWritingToolsCoordinator.State is .inactive, otherwise the setters will throw an exception
-// The system draws the shimmering rainbow text effects in the effectContainerView.
-// Defaults to UIWritingToolsCoordinator.view.
-// This view must be placed in front of all text.
-@property(nonatomic,weak) UIView *effectContainerView;
+/// The view that Writing Tools uses to display visual effects during
+/// the text-rewriting process.
+/// Writing Tools uses the view in this property to host the visual effects
+/// it creates when making interactive changes to your view’s content.
+/// These visual effects let people know the state of the text and provide
+/// feedback about what’s happening to it. Set this property to a subview
+/// that sits visually above, and covers, all of the text in your custom
+/// text view. If you don’t assign a value to this property, the coordinator
+/// uses the object in its ``UIInteraction/view`` property to host any visual effects.
+/// If you display your view’s text using multiple text containers, implement the
+/// ``UIWritingToolsCoordinator/Delegate/writingToolsCoordinator(_:singleContainerSubrangesOf:in:)``
+/// method to request multiple previews.
+@property(nonatomic,weak,nullable) UIView *effectContainerView;
 // The system draws underline and highlight decorations for proofreading suggestions in the decorationContainerView.
-// Defaults to UIWritingToolsCoordinator.view. 
-// Ideally, this view should be placed behind all text but in front of any background coloring
-// If it's not possible to place this view behind the text, it's satisfactory to place it in front.
-@property(nonatomic,weak) UIView *decorationContainerView;
-// Indicates whether or not Writing Tools is active, and if so, what kind of activity
+/// The view that Writing Tools uses to display background decorations
+/// such as proofreading marks.
+/// Writing Tools uses the view in this property to host proofreading marks
+/// and other visual elements that show any suggested changes. Set this
+/// property to a subview situated visibly below the text in your custom
+/// text view. It's also satisfactory to place this view visually in front
+/// of the text. Make sure the size of the view is big enough to
+/// cover all of the affected text. If you don’t assign a value to
+/// this property, the coordinator uses the object in its ``UIInteraction/view``
+/// property to host any visual elements.
+/// If you display your view’s text using multiple text containers, implement the
+/// ``UIWritingToolsCoordinator/Delegate/writingToolsCoordinator(_:singleContainerSubrangesOf:in:)``
+/// and ``UIWritingToolsCoordinator/Delegate/writingToolsCoordinator(_:decorationContainerViewFor:in:)``
+/// methods to provide separate decoration views for each container.
+@property(nonatomic,weak,nullable) UIView *decorationContainerView;
+/// The current level of Writing Tools activity in your view.
+/// Use this property to determine when Writing Tools is actively making
+/// changes to your view. During the course of Writing Tools interactions,
+/// the system reports state changes to the delegate’s
+/// ``UIWritingToolsCoordinator/Delegate/writingToolsCoordinator(_:willChangeTo:completion:)``
+/// method and updates this property accordingly.
 @property(nonatomic,readonly) UIWritingToolsCoordinatorState state; // Values: Inactive, Noninteractive, InteractiveResting, InteractiveStreaming
 // Clients may cancel Writing Tools if external events occur such that further input 
 // from Writing Tools is not supportable, and then UIWritingToolsCoordinator will change 
 // to the Inactive state.
 // Also see UIResponder.startWritingTools.
+/// Stops the current Writing Tools operation and dismisses the system UI.
+/// Call this method to abort the current Writing Tools operation. This
+/// method dismisses the system’s Writing Tools UI and stops any in-flight
+/// interactions with your view. This method does not undo any changes that
+/// Writing Tools already made to your view’s content.
 - (void)stopWritingTools;
+/// The level of Writing Tools support you want the system to provide
+/// for your view.
+/// Use this property to request an inline or panel-based experience,
+/// or to disable Writing Tools for your view altogether. The default
+/// value of this property is ``UIWritingToolsBehavior/default``.
 @property(nonatomic) UIWritingToolsBehavior preferredBehavior; // Defaults to "Default"
+/// The actual level of Writing Tools support the system provides for your view.
+/// The system chooses this value based on the device capabilities, and takes
+/// the value in the ``preferredBehavior`` property into consideration when
+/// making the choice. The value in this property is never the default option,
+/// and is instead one of the specific options such as ``UIWritingToolsBehavior/none``,
+/// ``UIWritingToolsBehavior/limited``, or ``UIWritingToolsBehavior/complete``.
 @property(nonatomic,readonly) UIWritingToolsBehavior behavior; // Returns Inactive, Limited, or Complete after considering system information along with the value of preferredBehavior
+/// The type of content you allow Writing Tools to generate for your custom
+/// text view.
+/// Writing Tools can create plain text or rich text, and it can format text
+/// using lists or tables as needed. If your view doesn’t support specific
+/// types of content, specify the types you do support in this property.
+/// The default value of this property is ``UIWritingToolsResult/default``,
+/// which lets the system determine the type of content to generate.
 @property(nonatomic) UIWritingToolsResultOptions preferredResultOptions; // Defaults to "Default"
+/// The type of content the system generates for your custom text view.
+/// This property contains the set of options that Writing Tools outputs
+/// for your view. Writing Tools takes the value in the
+/// ``UIWritingToolsCoordinator/preferredResultOptions`` property into
+/// consideration when determining this value.
 @property(nonatomic,readonly) UIWritingToolsResultOptions resultOptions; // Returns a nonzero value after considering system information along with the value of preferredResultOptions
-// Inform coordinator about other text changes
-// The textual view is expected to inform the writing tools coordinator about changes that occur while Writing Tools is active
-// range.location is an offset from the beginning of the resolvedRange
+/// Informs the coordinator about changes your app made to the text
+/// in the specified context object.
+/// - Parameters:
+///    - range: The range of text to replace. This range is relative to
+///    the starting location of the specified context object’s text in
+///    your view’s text storage. If you initialized the context object
+///    with the entire contents of your view’s text storage, specify the
+///    range of text you’re replacing in your text storage. However, if
+///    you initialized the context object with only a portion of your
+///    view’s text, specify a range that is relative to the starting
+///    location of the context object’s text.
+///    - replacementText: The text that replaces the previous content in
+///    `range`. Specify an empty string to delete the text in the specified range.
+///    - reason: The reason you updated the text.
+///    - contextID: The unique identifier of the context object that
+///    contains the text you modified.
+/// If you make any changes to the text Writing Tools is evaluating, call
+/// this method to report those changes to your view’s coordinator object.
+/// You might make changes in response to an undo command or when someone
+/// types into the same part of your view’s text. Calling this method
+/// keeps the coordinator object informed of any changes, and ensures
+/// it delivers accurate information to its delegate. In response, the
+/// coordinator refreshes previews and other information related to your
+/// view. If the scope of the update is significantly large, the coordinator
+/// can optionally cancel the Writing Tools session altogether.
+/// Use this method to report changes that precisely intersect your context
+/// object’s text. The first time you call this method for a context object,
+/// report changes only to the original attributed string in that object.
+/// If you call this method more than once, report changes to the newly
+/// modified version of that string. Don’t use this method to report changes
+/// to text that comes before or after the context object. If you make
+/// changes before your context object, report those changes separately using the
+/// ``UIWritingToolsCoordinator/updateForReflowedTextInContextWithIdentifier(_:)`` method.
+/// > Warning: Failure to call this method for a change can cause Writing Tools
+/// to deliver inaccurate information to your delegate and lead to data loss.
 - (void)updateRange:(NSRange)range withText:(NSAttributedString *)replacementText reason:(UIWritingToolsCoordinatorTextUpdateReason)reason forContextWithIdentifier:(NSUUID *)contextID NS_SWIFT_NAME(updateRange(_:with:reason:forContextWithIdentifier:));
-// Inform coordinator when text reflows affecting the context without changing the text within the context
-// For example, user typing in the same textual storage preceding the context's text or geometric changes of the view
-// This will be needed to maintain the correct position of proofreading decorations, among other things
+/// Informs the coordinator that a change occurred to the view or its text
+/// that requires a layout update.
+/// - Parameters:
+///    - contextID: The unique identifier of the context object affected
+///    by the change. Pass the identifier for the context object that comes
+///    after the changes.
+/// Use this method to inform Writing Tools when the geometry of your view
+/// changes, or when the text that precedes one of your context objects changes.
+/// Changes to the view’s geometry or text can affect the flow of any remaining
+/// text, and require a layout update. Writing Tools uses this method to
+/// refresh any layout-dependent information it’s currently tracking. For
+/// example, it uses it to refresh the location of proofreading marks it’s
+/// displaying in your view.
+/// If a text change affects the text inside a context object, call the
+/// ``updateRange(_:with:reason:forContextWithIdentifier:)`` method to report
+/// that change instead.
 - (void)updateForReflowedTextInContextWithIdentifier:(NSUUID *)contextID NS_SWIFT_NAME(updateForReflowedTextInContextWithIdentifier(_:));
@@ -89,21 +340,105 @@
 @class UIWritingToolsCoordinatorContext, UIWritingToolsCoordinatorAnimationParameters, UIBezierPath, UIView;
+/// Options that indicate whether Writing Tools is animating changes to
+/// your view’s text.
+/// During an operation, Writing Tools delivers replacement text to the
+/// delegate of the active ``UIWritingToolsCoordinator`` object. Depending
+/// on the configured experience for your view, it delivers these changes
+/// as either interactive or noninteractive replacements. For interactive
+/// replacements, Writing Tools animates the change automatically and provides
+/// you with the information you need to perform any related animations.
 typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, UIWritingToolsCoordinatorTextReplacementReason) {
+    /// An option to animate the replacement of text in your view.
+    ///
+    /// When Writing Tools requests an interactive change in your delegate’s
+    /// ``UIWritingToolsCoordinator/writingToolsCoordinator(_:replaceRange:inContext:proposedText:reason:animationParameters:completion:)``
+    /// method, it passes a valid set of animation parameters to that method.
+    /// Update your view’s text storage and use the provided ``UIWritingToolsCoordinator/AnimationParameters``
+    /// type to create any view-specific animations you need to support the
+    /// animated replacement of the text.
     UIWritingToolsCoordinatorTextReplacementReasonInteractive, // animating a chunk from a proofreading or rewrite inline delivery
+    /// An option to replace the text in your view without animating the change.
+    ///
+    /// When Writing Tools requests a noninteractive change in your delegate’s
+    /// ``UIWritingToolsCoordinator/writingToolsCoordinator(_:replaceRange:inContext:proposedText:reason:animationParameters:completion:)``
+    /// method, update your view’s text storage without animating the change.
     UIWritingToolsCoordinatorTextReplacementReasonNoninteractive, // an unanimated replacement prompted from writing tools, perhaps copied from the overlay-panel experience, perhaps a reverted rewrite or individual proofreading suggestion, and so forth
 } API_AVAILABLE(ios(18.2)) API_UNAVAILABLE(visionos, tvos, watchos) NS_SWIFT_NAME(UIWritingToolsCoordinator.TextReplacementReason);
-typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, UIWritingToolsCoordinatorContextRequestReason) {
-    UIWritingToolsCoordinatorContextRequestReasonInteractive, // inline editing on a user selection; Writing Tools visual effects appear within the text view
-    UIWritingToolsCoordinatorContextRequestReasonInteractiveFull, // full document is needed independent of user selection, for Writing Tools to, for example, create additional text; Writing Tools visual effects appear within the text view
-    UIWritingToolsCoordinatorContextRequestReasonNoninteractive, // overlay panel support for a user selection; Writing Tools visual effects appear within the overlay panel
-    UIWritingToolsCoordinatorContextRequestReasonNoninteractiveFull, // overlay panel support for Writing Tools operations that require full document for evaluation, for example, creating additional text; Writing Tools visual effects appear within the overlay panel
-} API_AVAILABLE(ios(18.2)) API_UNAVAILABLE(visionos, tvos, watchos) NS_SWIFT_NAME(UIWritingToolsCoordinator.ContextRequestReason);
+/// Options that indicate how much of your content Writing Tools requested.
+/// At the start of any Writing Tools interaction, you provide the text for
+/// the system to evaluate from your ``NS/UIWritingToolsCoordinator/Delegate``
+/// object. The request for your content comes with a scope constant that
+/// indicates how much of your view’s text to provide.
+typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, UIWritingToolsCoordinatorContextScope) {
+    /// An option to provide only the view’s currently selected text.
+    ///
+    /// With this option, include the selected text in your context object,
+    /// along with some additional text before and after the selection. When
+    /// performing changes inline with your view’s content, Writing Tools
+    /// applies animations only to the selected text.
+    UIWritingToolsCoordinatorContextScopeUserSelection, // For best results return a context where attributedString is at least a full paragraph and range is the selected range within that attributedText.
+    /// An option to provide all of your view’s text.
+    ///
+    /// With this option, include all of the text your view manages.
+    /// If your view has multiple text storage objects, create a separate
+    /// context object for each one.
+    UIWritingToolsCoordinatorContextScopeFullDocument, // For best results return a context where attributedString is the full text from the text storage.
+    /// An option to provide only the text in the currently visible portion
+    /// of your view.
+    ///
+    /// With this option, include only the currently visible text, along
+    /// with some additional text before and after the visible text.
+    UIWritingToolsCoordinatorContextScopeVisibleArea, // For best results return a context where attributedString includes all visible text.
+} API_AVAILABLE(ios(18.2)) API_UNAVAILABLE(visionos, tvos, watchos) NS_SWIFT_NAME(UIWritingToolsCoordinator.ContextScope);
+/// The types of animations that Writing Tools performs during an interactive
+/// update of your view.
+/// Use the `UIWritingToolsCoordinator/TextAnimation` constants to determine
+/// the type of animation that is occurring. During an interactive change to
+/// your view, Writing Tools creates animations to provide feedback about what’s
+/// happening. During the setup for each animation, Writing Tools reports the
+/// type of animation to the coordinator’s delegate, so that you can perform
+/// additional actions related to that animation. For example, during an insertion
+/// animation, you might animate changes to other views in your interface.
 typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, UIWritingToolsCoordinatorTextAnimation) {
+    /// The animation that Writing Tools performs when waiting to receive
+    /// results from the large language model.
+    ///
+    /// This type of animation applies a visual effect to the text that
+    /// Writing Tools is evaluating. When preparing for this animation, hide
+    /// the text that Writing Tools is about to evaluate. In the same space
+    /// where that text appears, Writing Tools displays a preview image that
+    /// you provide and animates changes to that image.
     UIWritingToolsCoordinatorTextAnimationAnticipate, // The animation effect for the text awaiting the results of the Writing Tools evaluation
+    /// The animation that Writing Tools performs when removing text from your view.
+    ///
+    /// This type of animation shows the removal of text from your view. When
+    /// preparing for this animation, hide the text in the provided range if
+    /// you haven’t already. If you support animating the reflow of your view’s
+    /// text, you can also prepare any other animations you need. Writing Tools
+    /// uses a preview object you provide to animate the removal of the text.
     UIWritingToolsCoordinatorTextAnimationRemove, // The animation effect for washing out text that will be replaced by a Writing Tools delivery
+    /// The animation that Writing Tools performs when inserting text into your view.
+    ///
+    /// This type of animation shows the insertion of text to your view. When preparing
+    /// for this animation, hide the text in the provided range if you haven’t
+    /// already. If you support animating the reflow of your view’s text, you can
+    /// also prepare any other animations you need. Writing Tools uses a preview
+    /// object you provide to animate the insertion of the text.
     UIWritingToolsCoordinatorTextAnimationInsert, // The amimation effect for washing in replacement text from a Writing Tools delivery
 } API_AVAILABLE(ios(18.2)) API_UNAVAILABLE(visionos, tvos, watchos) NS_SWIFT_NAME(UIWritingToolsCoordinator.TextAnimation);
@@ -111,32 +446,259 @@
 API_AVAILABLE(ios(18.2)) API_UNAVAILABLE(visionos, tvos, watchos)
 NSString *UIWritingToolsCoordinatorTextAnimationDebugDescription(UIWritingToolsCoordinatorTextAnimation animationType);
+/// An interface that you use to manage interactions between Writing Tools
+/// and your custom text view.
+/// Adopt the `UIWritingToolsCoordinator.Delegate` protocol in the type you
+/// use to manage your custom text view. When you add a ``UIWritingToolsCoordinator``
+/// object to your view, the coordinator uses this protocol to communicate
+/// with that view. The protocol lets Writing Tools fetch your view’s text,
+/// report suggested changes back to your view, and deliver visual feedback
+/// when Writing Tools features are active. Make sure the type that adopts
+/// this protocol has access to your view’s text storage and can perform
+/// relevant tasks on behalf of the view.
+/// Writing Tools expects you to call the provided handler blocks at the end
+/// of your delegate methods. It’s crucial that you execute these blocks in a
+/// timely manner to allow Writing Tools to perform subsequent tasks. For example,
+/// Writing Tools waits for you to execute the handlers for animation-related methods
+/// before moving on to the next stage of the animations.
 API_AVAILABLE(ios(18.2)) API_UNAVAILABLE(visionos, tvos, watchos)
 @protocol UIWritingToolsCoordinatorDelegate <NSObject>
-// Called for every use of Writing Tools, followed by `-writingToolsCoordinator:willChangeToState:`.
-- (void)writingToolsCoordinator:(UIWritingToolsCoordinator *)writingToolsCoordinator requestsContextsForReason:(UIWritingToolsCoordinatorContextRequestReason)reason completion:(void(^)(NSArray<UIWritingToolsCoordinatorContext *> *))completion NS_SWIFT_ASYNC_NAME(writingToolsCoordinator(_:contextsFor:));
-// range.location is an offset from the beginning of the resolvedRange
-// Return nil in the block if the proposed text is accepted, otherwise pass the actual replacement text used.
-// The animation parameters will be non-nil with UIWritingToolsCoordinatorTextReplacementReasonInteractive. In this case,
-// the client may set the UIWritingToolsCoordinatorAnimationParameters's progressHandler and completionHandler
-// blocks to animate reflowing the text following the replacement (if possible) 
-// or at least time the change to avoid overlapping text
+/// Asks your delegate to provide the text to evaluate during the Writing Tools
+/// operation.
+/// - Parameters:
+///    - writingToolsCoordinator: The coordinator object requesting information
+///    from your custom view.
+///    - scope: The amount of text the coordinator requested. Use this property
+///    to determine if Writing Tools is evaluating all of your text or only a subset.
+///    - completion: A completion block to execute with the required information.
+///    You must execute this block once at end of your method's implementation.
+///    The block has no return value and takes an array of
+///    ``UIWritingToolsCoordinator/Context`` objects that contain the requested information.
+/// At the start of every operation, the ``UIWritingToolsCoordinator`` object calls
+/// this method to request the text to evaluate. Use this method to create one or
+/// more ``UIWritingToolsCoordinator/Context`` objects with your view’s text.
+/// Create only one ``UIWritingToolsCoordinator/Context`` object if your view has
+/// only one text storage object. If your view contains multiple text storage objects,
+/// create separate ``UIWritingToolsCoordinator/Context`` objects for each
+/// text storage object. Writing Tools returns updates for each context object
+/// separately, making it easier for you to incorporate changes into the correct
+/// text storage object. Don’t create multiple context objects if your view has
+/// only one text storage object.
+/// The `scope` parameter tells you what content Writing Tools expects you to provide
+/// in your context object. For example, Writing Tools expects you to provide the
+/// selected text when the parameter contains the ``UIWritingToolsCoordinator/ContextScope/userSelection``
+/// option. When Writing Tools requests a subset of your overall text, include
+/// some of the surrounding text in your context object too. Writing Tools can
+/// use the extra text you provide to improve the results of its evaluation. For
+/// example, it might use an entire paragraph, instead of only the selected sentence,
+/// to evaluate ways to rewrite that sentence. It’s best to include the text up
+/// to the nearest paragraph boundary before and after the selection. If you
+/// include extra text in your context object, set the ``NS/UIWritingToolsCoordinator/Context/range``
+/// property to the range of the selected text.
+/// > Note: When a context object stores only a subset of your view’s text, record
+/// additional information to map the location of that text to the correct location
+/// in your view’s text storage. Keep that information up-to-date throughout the
+///  Writing Tools session.
+/// Pass the context objects you create to the provided completion handler before
+/// your method returns. Writing Tools waits for you to call the completion
+/// handler before proceeding with the operation.
+- (void)writingToolsCoordinator:(UIWritingToolsCoordinator *)writingToolsCoordinator requestsContextsForScope:(UIWritingToolsCoordinatorContextScope)scope completion:(void(^)(NSArray<UIWritingToolsCoordinatorContext *> *))completion NS_SWIFT_ASYNC_NAME(writingToolsCoordinator(_:contextsFor:));
+/// Tells the delegate that there are text changes to incorporate into the view.
+/// - Parameters:
+///    - writingToolsCoordinator: The coordinator object providing the changes
+///    to your custom view.
+///    - range: A range of text to update. This range is relative to the text
+///    in your context object, and it’s your responsibility to match that location
+///    to the correct location in your text storage. If you initialized the
+///    context object with the entire contents of your view’s text storage,
+///    you can use `range` as-is to access that text storage. However, if you
+///    initialized the context object with only a portion of your view’s text,
+///    add the starting location of your context object’s text to this value
+///    to get the correct range for that text storage.
+///    - context: The context object that contains the original text to modify.
+///    Use this object to locate the correct text storage object for your view.
+///    - replacementText: The text to insert in place of the current text at `range`.
+///    You can insert this text as-is, insert a modified version of this string,
+///    or reject the replacement text altogether.
+///    - reason: The type of replacement Writing Tools performs. This parameter
+///    indicates whether Writing Tools is replacing the text with or without animations.
+///    - animationParameters: The animation parameters for any interactive changes,
+///    or `nil` if the changes aren’t interactive. Use this object to create any
+///    additional animations for the system to run alongside the changes Writing Tools
+///    makes. For example, use it to update other views that contain related information.
+///    - completion: A completion handler to execute with the results of the operation.
+///    The handler has no return value and takes an optional attributed string as
+///    a parameter. If you incorporate the replacement text, either as-is or with
+///    modifications, pass the actual string you incorporated to the completion
+///    block. If you reject the suggested change and leave the original text
+///    unchanged, specify `nil` for this parameter.
+/// Use this method to update your view’s text storage with the proposed changes.
+/// Writing Tools can call this method multiple times during the course of a
+/// session to notify you of changes to different ranges of text. Incorporate
+/// the changes into your view’s text storage and notify your layout manager
+/// so it can refresh the view.
+/// > Important: When integrating changes, remember to update `range.location` as needed
+/// to get the correct location in your view’s text storage.
+/// Remove the text in the appropriate range of your text storage, and replace
+/// it with the contents of `replacementText`. When you finish, call the completion
+/// handler and pass in the replacement text you inserted. If you change the
+/// string in `replacementText` before incorporating it into your text storage,
+/// return your modified string instead. Returning the string lets Writing Tools
+/// track any alterations you made to it. You can also pass `nil` to the
+/// completion handler if you don’t incorporate the replacement text.
+/// For interactive changes, Writing Tools works with your delegate to animate
+/// the removal of the old text and the insertion of any replacement text. If
+/// you need to modify other parts of your interface to reflect the changes,
+/// use the provided ``UIWritingToolsCoordinator/AnimationParameters`` object
+/// to create additional animations to run at the same time as the system-provided animations.
 - (void)writingToolsCoordinator:(UIWritingToolsCoordinator *)writingToolsCoordinator replaceRange:(NSRange)range inContext:(UIWritingToolsCoordinatorContext *)context proposedText:(NSAttributedString *)replacementText reason:(UIWritingToolsCoordinatorTextReplacementReason)reason  animationParameters:(UIWritingToolsCoordinatorAnimationParameters *__nullable)animationParameters completion:(void(^)(NSAttributedString *__nullable))completion;
+/// Asks the delegate to update your view’s current text selection.
+/// - Parameters:
+///    - writingToolsCoordinator: The coordinator object making the change
+///    to your view.
+///    - ranges: One or more ranges of text to select. Each range is relative
+///    to the text in your context object, and it’s your responsibility to
+///    match each location to the correct location in your text storage. If
+///    you initialized the context object with the entire contents of your
+///    view’s text storage, you can use the ranges as-is to access that text
+///    storage. However, if you initialized the context object with only a
+///    portion of your view’s text, add the starting location of your context
+///    object’s text to each value to get the correct range for that text storage.
+///    - context: The context object you use to identify the associated text storage.
+///    - completion: The completion handler to execute when your delegate finishes updating
+///    the selection. The handler has no parameters or return value. You must
+///    call this handler at some point during the implementation of your method.
+/// As Writing Tools suggests changes to your view’s text, it calls this method
+/// to update the text selection accordingly. Use this method to update the
+/// current selection in your view’s text storage. When you finish making the
+/// changes, call the provided completion block to let Writing Tools know you’re finished.
 - (void)writingToolsCoordinator:(UIWritingToolsCoordinator *)writingToolsCoordinator selectRanges:(NSArray<NSValue * /* NSRange */> *)ranges inContext:(UIWritingToolsCoordinatorContext *)context completion:(void(^)(void))completion NS_SWIFT_NAME(writingToolsCoordinator(_:select:in:completion:));
-// tap support (for proofreading inline flow)
-// return range of a single character where range.location is an offset from the beginning of the resolvedRange
-// or range with location NSNotFound if point is outside current text.
-// point is in the coordinate space of writingToolsCoordinator.view (the UIInteraction property)
+/// Asks the delegate to provide the location of the character at the
+/// specified point in your view’s coordinate system.
+/// - Parameters:
+///     - writingToolsCoordinator: The coordinator object requesting
+///     information from your custom view.
+///     - point: A point in your view’s coordinate space. Find the
+///     location of the text under this point, if any.
+///     - completion: A handler to execute with the required information.
+///     This handler has no return value and takes an <doc://>
+///     and <doc://>
+///     as parameters. Set the range to the character’s location in one of your
+///     ``UIWritingToolsCoordinator/Context`` objects, which you specify using
+///     the <doc://> parameter.
+///     You must call this handler at some point during your method’s implementation.
+/// When someone interacts with your view during a proofreading operation, Writing Tools
+/// calls this method to get the location of the interaction. If the interaction
+/// occurs in the text of one of your ``UIWritingToolsCoordinator/Context`` objects,
+/// configure an <doc://>
+/// with the character’s location in that context object and a length of `1`. If
+/// the interaction occurs outside of the text of your context objects, configure
+/// the range with a location of `NSNotFound`.
+/// When specifying the location of a character in your context object, provide a
+/// location relative to the start of your context object’s text. The first character
+/// in a context object’s text is always at location `0`, and it’s your responsibility
+/// to track the location of the context object’s text in your text storage object.
+/// When the context object’s text begins in the middle of your text storage,
+/// subtract the starting location of the context object’s text from the location
+/// you specify in your range value. For example, if the context object’s text
+/// starts at character `100` in your text storage, and an interaction occurs
+/// with the character at location `102`, specify a range with a location of
+/// `2` and a length of `1`.
 - (void)writingToolsCoordinator:(UIWritingToolsCoordinator *)writingToolsCoordinator requestsRangeInContextWithIdentifierForPoint:(CGPoint)point completion:(void(^)(NSRange range, NSUUID *contextID))completion NS_SWIFT_ASYNC_NAME(writingToolsCoordinator(_:rangeInContextWithIdentifierFor:));
-// For proofreading flow
-// range.location is an offset from the beginning of the resolvedRange
-// return bezier paths in the coordinate space of decorationsContainerView
+/// Asks the delegate to provide the bounding paths for the specified
+/// text in your view.
+/// - Parameters:
+///     - writingToolsCoordinator: The coordinator object requesting information
+///     from your custom view.
+///     - range: The range of text to evaluate. This range is relative to the
+///     text in your context object, and it’s your responsibility to match that
+///     location to the correct location in your text storage. If you initialized
+///     the context object with the entire contents of your view’s text storage,
+///     you can use `range` as-is to access that text storage. However, if you
+///     initialized the context object with only a portion of your view’s text,
+///     add the starting location of your context object’s text to this value to
+///     get the correct range for that text storage.
+///     - context: The context object with the target text. Use this object to
+///     find the text in your view’s text storage.
+///     - completion: A handler to execute with the required information. The
+///     handler has no return value and takes an array of Bezier paths as a
+///     parameter. You must call this handler at some point during your method’s implementation.
+/// After applying proofreading marks to your view’s text, Writing Tools lets
+/// the person accept or reject individual suggestions. To facilitate interactions,
+/// the coordinator asks your delegate to provide one or more Bezier paths that
+/// surround those proofreading suggestions. For each distinct range of text
+/// with a suggestion, it calls this method to get the Bezier paths that surround
+/// the corresponding text.
+/// After you determine the location of the specified range of text in your view’s
+/// text storage, call the <doc://>
+/// method of your view’s <doc://>
+/// to compute the selection rectangles for that text. That method finds the text
+/// segments that contain the text and returns the frame rectangle for each one.
+/// Create a Bezier path for each rectangle, and convert the coordinates of each path
+/// to the coordinate space of the view in your coordinator's ``UIWritingToolsCoordinator/decorationContainerView``
+/// property. Pass the resulting paths to the completion handler.
 - (void)writingToolsCoordinator:(UIWritingToolsCoordinator *)writingToolsCoordinator requestsBoundingBezierPathsForRange:(NSRange)range inContext:(UIWritingToolsCoordinatorContext *)context completion:(void(^)(NSArray<UIBezierPath *> *))completion NS_SWIFT_ASYNC_NAME(writingToolsCoordinator(_:boundingBezierPathsFor:context:));
+/// Asks the delegate to provide an underline shape for the specified text
+/// during a proofreading session.
+/// - Parameters:
+///     - writingToolsCoordinator: The coordinator object requesting information
+///     from your custom view.
+///     - range: The range of text to evaluate. This range is relative to the
+///     text in your context object, and it’s your responsibility to match that
+///     location to the correct location in your text storage. If you initialized
+///     the context object with the entire contents of your view’s text storage,
+///     you can use `range` as-is to access that text storage. However, if you
+///     initialized the context object with only a portion of your view’s text,
+///     add the starting location of your context object’s text to this value
+///     to get the correct range for that text storage.
+///     - context: The context object with the target text. Use this object to
+///     find the text in your view’s text storage.
+///     - completion: A handler to execute with the required information. The
+///     handler has no return value and takes an array of Bezier paths as a
+///     parameter. You must call this handler at some point during your method’s implementation.
+/// When applying proofreading marks to your view’s content, the coordinator
+/// calls this method to retrieve a shape to draw under the specified text.
+/// You provide the shape using one or more Bezier paths, and the coordinator
+/// draws and animates that shape during the proofreading session.
+/// After you determine the location of the specified range of text in your
+/// view’s text storage, find the rectangle around that text. If you're using
+/// TextKit, you can call the <doc://>
+/// method of your view’s <doc://>
+/// to get the rectangles for a range of text. Convert the coordinates of each rectangle
+/// to the coordinate space of the view in your coordinator's ``UIWritingToolsCoordinator/decorationContainerView``
+/// property. Use those rectangles to create the Bezier paths for your text.
+/// For example, you might create a path with a straight or wavy line at the
+/// bottom of the rectangle.
 - (void)writingToolsCoordinator:(UIWritingToolsCoordinator *)writingToolsCoordinator requestsUnderlinePathsForRange:(NSRange)range inContext:(UIWritingToolsCoordinatorContext *)context completion:(void(^)(NSArray<UIBezierPath *> *))completion NS_SWIFT_ASYNC_NAME(writingToolsCoordinator(_:underlinePathsFor:context:));
@@ -144,32 +706,273 @@
 // range.location is an offset from the beginning of the resolvedRange throughout. Expected to match textual view's text storage, presuming client has been updating as expected through the text delegate replaceRange
-// The client is expected to hide the range of text, and if supporting animating reflow of following text for UIWritingToolsCoordinatorTextAnimationInsert and UIWritingToolsCoordinatorTextAnimationRemove, do any setup necessary. 
+// The client is expected to hide the range of text, and if supporting animating reflow of following text for UIWritingToolsCoordinatorTextAnimationInsert and UIWritingToolsCoordinatorTextAnimationRemove, do any setup necessary.
+/// Prepare for animations for the content that Writing Tools is evaluating.
+/// - Parameters:
+///    - writingToolsCoordinator: The coordinator object notifying you that
+///    animations are about to begin.
+///    - textAnimation: The type of animation Writing Tools is preparing.
+///    - range: The range of text affected by the animation. This range is
+///    relative to the text in your context object, and it’s your responsibility
+///    to match that location to the correct location in your text storage.
+///    If you initialized the context object with the entire contents of your
+///    view’s text storage, you can use `range` as-is to access that text
+///    storage. However, if you initialized the context object with only a portion
+///    of your view’s text, add the starting location of your context object’s
+///    text to this value to get the correct range for that text storage.
+///    - context: The context object that contains the original text. Use this
+///    object to fetch the current text, and to match that text to your underlying
+///    text storage.
+///    - completion: A completion handler to execute when you are done. The handler
+///    has no return value and takes no parameters. You must call this handler
+///    at some point during your implementation.
+/// During an interactive evaluation of your view’s text, Writing Tools creates
+/// different animations to provide feedback on what’s happening. For example, it
+/// creates an ``UIWritingToolsCoordinator/TextAnimation/anticipate`` animation to
+/// let people know the system is evaluating the text. The `textAnimation` parameter
+/// tells you what type of animation to prepare for.
+/// Use this method to prepare for the system-provided animations of your view’s
+/// content. For interactive animations, hide the text in the specified range temporarily
+/// while the system animations run. For non-interactive animations, dim the text
+/// for the duration of the animation to indicate it’s not editable. For animations
+/// to remove or insert text, you can also use this method to set up animations
+/// to reflow your view’s content to match the changes. At the end of a given animation,
+/// use your delegate’s ``writingToolsCoordinator(_:finish:for:in:completion:)``
+/// method to undo any changes you make to your content.
+/// For a single animation type, the system calls the
+/// ``writingToolsCoordinator(_:previewFor:range:context:completion:)`` method,
+/// followed sequentially by this method and the ``writingToolsCoordinator(_:finish:for:in:completion:)``
+/// method. Each method executes asynchronously, but the system calls the next
+/// method in the sequence only after you call the completion handler of the previous
+/// method. However, multiple animations can run simultaneously, so check the
+/// `textAnimation` and `range` parameters to differentiate sequences.
 - (void)writingToolsCoordinator:(UIWritingToolsCoordinator *)writingToolsCoordinator prepareForTextAnimation:(UIWritingToolsCoordinatorTextAnimation)textAnimation forRange:(NSRange)range inContext:(UIWritingToolsCoordinatorContext *)context completion:(void(^)(void))completion;
+/// Asks the delegate for a preview image and layout information for the
+/// specified text.
+/// - Parameters:
+///    - writingToolsCoordinator: The coordinator object notifying you that
+///    animations are about to begin.
+///    - textAnimation: The type of animation Writing Tools is preparing.
+///    - range: The range of text that requires a preview image. This range
+///    is relative to the text in your context object, and it’s your responsibility
+///    to match that location to the correct location in your text storage.
+///    If you initialized the context object with the entire contents of
+///    your view’s text storage, you can use `range` as-is to access that
+///    text storage. However, if you initialized the context object with only
+///    a portion of your view’s text, add the starting location of your
+///    context object’s text to this value to get the correct range for that
+///    text storage.
+///    - context: The context object that contains the original text. Use this
+///    object to fetch the current text, and to match that text to your
+///    underlying text storage.
+///    - completion: A completion handler to execute when you are done. The
+///    handler has no return value and takes a ``UITargetedPreview`` object
+///    as a parameter. You must call this handler at some point during your implementation.
+/// During an interactive evaluation of your view’s text, Writing Tools creates
+/// different animations to provide feedback on what’s happening. As part of
+/// the preparation for those animations, Writing Tools asks you to provide
+/// a preview of the affected content in your view. Writing Tools uses this
+/// preview to build and execute the animations in the view stored in the
+/// ``UIWritingToolsCoordinator/effectContainerView`` property of the coordinator object.
+/// To build a preview of your content in iOS, render the specified range of
+/// text into an image with a transparent background. Install the image in a
+/// ``UIImageView`` and use that to build your preview object. Set the frame
+/// rectangle of your image view to the rectangle in your view’s coordinate
+/// space that contains the text you captured. When creating the ``UITargetedPreview``
+/// object, include both a ``UIPreviewParameters`` and a ``UIPreviewTarget``
+/// object. Create the ``UIPreviewTarget`` object with your text view as the
+/// container, and set the center point to the center of your text view.
+/// Create the ``UIPreviewParameters`` object using the selection rectangles
+/// for the text, which you get from your view’s layout manager. Writing Tools
+/// uses this information to place your image directly above the text in your view.
+/// For a single animation type, the system calls this method, followed sequentially
+/// by the ``writingToolsCoordinator(_:prepareFor:range:context:completion:)`` and
+/// ``writingToolsCoordinator(_:finish:for:in:completion:)``
+/// methods. Each method executes asynchronously, but the system calls the next
+/// method in the sequence only after you call the completion handler of the
+/// previous method. However, multiple animations can run simultaneously, so
+/// check the `textAnimation` parameter to differentiate sequences.
 - (void)writingToolsCoordinator:(UIWritingToolsCoordinator *)writingToolsCoordinator requestsPreviewForTextAnimation:(UIWritingToolsCoordinatorTextAnimation)textAnimation ofRange:(NSRange)range inContext:(UIWritingToolsCoordinatorContext *)context completion:(void(^)(UIView * _Nullable))completion NS_SWIFT_ASYNC_NAME(writingToolsCoordinator(_:previewFor:range:context:));
 #else // } {
-// For a given value of UIWritingToolsCoordinatorTextAnimation, this method is called before prepareForTextAnimation
+/// Asks the delegate for a preview image and layout information for the
+/// specified text.
+/// - Parameters:
+///    - writingToolsCoordinator: The coordinator object notifying you that
+///    animations are about to begin.
+///    - textAnimation: The type of animation Writing Tools is preparing.
+///    - range: The range of text that requires a preview image. This range
+///    is relative to the text in your context object, and it’s your responsibility
+///    to match that location to the correct location in your text storage.
+///    If you initialized the context object with the entire contents of
+///    your view’s text storage, you can use `range` as-is to access that
+///    text storage. However, if you initialized the context object with only
+///    a portion of your view’s text, add the starting location of your
+///    context object’s text to this value to get the correct range for that
+///    text storage.
+///    - context: The context object that contains the original text. Use this
+///    object to fetch the current text, and to match that text to your
+///    underlying text storage.
+///    - completion: A completion handler to execute when you are done. The
+///    handler has no return value and takes a ``UITargetedPreview`` object
+///    as a parameter. You must call this handler at some point during your implementation.
+/// During an interactive evaluation of your view’s text, Writing Tools creates
+/// different animations to provide feedback on what’s happening. As part of
+/// the preparation for those animations, Writing Tools asks you to provide
+/// a preview of the affected content in your view. Writing Tools uses this
+/// preview to build and execute the animations in the view stored in the
+/// ``UIWritingToolsCoordinator/effectContainerView`` property of the coordinator object.
+/// To build a preview of your content in iOS, render the specified range of
+/// text into an image with a transparent background. Install the image in a
+/// ``UIImageView`` and use that to build your preview object. Set the frame
+/// rectangle of your image view to the rectangle in your view’s coordinate
+/// space that contains the text you captured. When creating the ``UITargetedPreview``
+/// object, include both a ``UIPreviewParameters`` and a ``UIPreviewTarget``
+/// object. Create the ``UIPreviewTarget`` object with your text view as the
+/// container, and set the center point to the center of your text view.
+/// Create the ``UIPreviewParameters`` object using the selection rectangles
+/// for the text, which you get from your view’s layout manager. Writing Tools
+/// uses this information to place your image directly above the text in your view.
+/// For a single animation type, the system calls this method, followed sequentially
+/// by the ``writingToolsCoordinator(_:prepareFor:range:context:completion:)`` and
+/// ``writingToolsCoordinator(_:finish:for:in:completion:)``
+/// methods. Each method executes asynchronously, but the system calls the next
+/// method in the sequence only after you call the completion handler of the
+/// previous method. However, multiple animations can run simultaneously, so
+/// check the `textAnimation` parameter to differentiate sequences.
 - (void)writingToolsCoordinator:(UIWritingToolsCoordinator *)writingToolsCoordinator requestsPreviewForTextAnimation:(UIWritingToolsCoordinatorTextAnimation)textAnimation ofRange:(NSRange)range inContext:(UIWritingToolsCoordinatorContext *)context completion:(void(^)(UITargetedPreview * _Nullable))completion NS_SWIFT_ASYNC_NAME(writingToolsCoordinator(_:previewFor:range:context:));
 #endif // }
-// The client is expected to ensure that all text is visible, and clean up any setup performed in prepareForTextAnimation
+/// Asks the delegate to clean up any state related to the specified
+/// Writing Tools animation.
+/// - Parameters:
+///    - writingToolsCoordinator: The coordinator object notifying you
+///    that animations are about to begin.
+///    - textAnimation: The type of animation Writing Tools finished.
+///    - range: The range of text that finished animating. This range is
+///    relative to the text in your context object, and it’s your responsibility
+///    to match that location to the correct location in your text storage. If
+///    you initialized the context object with the entire contents of your
+///    view’s text storage, you can use `range` as-is to access that text storage.
+///    However, if you initialized the context object with only a portion of
+///    your view’s text, add the starting location of your context object’s
+///    text to this value to get the correct range for that text storage.
+///    - context: The context object that contains the original text.
+///    - completion: A completion handler to execute when you are done.
+///    The handler has no return value and takes no parameters. You must
+///    call this handler at some point during your implementation.
+/// Use this method to clean up any data structures you created to support
+/// the specified type of Writing Tools animation. You can also use this
+/// method to restore the visibility of any text you hid previously. When
+/// you finish your cleanup work, call the completion handler to notify Writing Tools.
+/// Writing Tools calls this method only after previous calls to the
+/// ``writingToolsCoordinator(_:previewFor:range:context:completion:)``
+/// and ``writingToolsCoordinator(_:prepareFor:range:context:completion:)``
+/// methods for the same animation type. However, Writing Tools can interleave
+/// calls to this method with calls to prepare an animation of a different
+/// type. In your implementation of this method, make sure the actions you
+/// take don’t interfere with other in-flight animations.
 - (void)writingToolsCoordinator:(UIWritingToolsCoordinator *)writingToolsCoordinator finishTextAnimation:(UIWritingToolsCoordinatorTextAnimation)textAnimation forRange:(NSRange)range inContext:(UIWritingToolsCoordinatorContext *)context completion:(void(^)(void))completion;
 // Multiple container support
-// Return an array of connected subranges whose union is range
-// and where each subrange is within a single text container
-// -writingToolsCoordinator:requestsPreviewForTextAnimation:ofRange:inContext:completion: 
-// will be called for each subrange.
 // The UITargetedPreview's previewTarget's container will be used for a coordinate conversion into the effectContainerView
+/// Asks the delegate to divide the specified range of text into the separate
+/// containers that render that text.
+/// - Parameters:
+///     - writingToolsCoordinator: The coordinator object requesting information
+///     from your custom view.
+///     - range: The range of text to consider in the specified `context` object.
+///     The location value of this range is relative to the beginning of the text
+///     in your context object, and it’s your responsibility to match that location
+///     to the correct location in your text storage. If you initialized the
+///     context object with the entire contents of your view’s text storage,
+///     you can use `range` as-is to access that text storage. However, if you
+///     initialized the context object with only a portion of your view’s text,
+///     add the starting location of your context object’s text to this value
+///     to get the correct range for that text storage.
+///     - context: The context object that contains the text to consider. Use this
+///     object to locate the appropriate text storage object for your view.
+///     - completion: A completion handler to execute when you are done. The handler
+///     has no return value and takes an array of <doc://>
+///     types, each of which contains an <doc://>.
+///     The union of the ranges you pass to this handler must equal all of the
+///     text in `range`. The order of the ranges in the array must be sequential,
+///     with each new range's starting location coming after the previous one.
+///     There must also not be any gaps or overlap between ranges.
+///     You must call this handler at some point during your implementation.
+/// If your view uses multiple ``NSTextContainer`` objects to draw text in different
+/// regions, use this method to tell Writing Tools about the containers that display
+/// the specified text. In your implementation, subdivide `range` to create one new
+/// range for each portion of text that resides in a different container object.
+/// For example, if the text in `range` is split between two containers, provide
+/// two new <doc://> types
+/// that reflect the portion of the total text in each container. If `range` resides completely
+/// within one container, call the completion handler with `range` as the only value
+/// in the array.
+/// When configuring animations for your view, Writing Tools asks your delegate to
+/// provide separate previews for each of your view’s container object. Specifically,
+/// it calls your delegate’s ``writingToolsCoordinator(_:previewFor:range:context:completion:)``
+/// method separately for each range of text you return in the completion handler.
+/// Your implementation of that method must create a preview suitable for animating
+/// the content from the underlying text container.
 - (void)writingToolsCoordinator:(UIWritingToolsCoordinator *)writingToolsCoordinator requestsSingleContainerSubrangesOfRange:(NSRange)range inContext:(UIWritingToolsCoordinatorContext *)context completion:(void(^)(NSArray<NSValue */*NSRange*/> *))completion NS_SWIFT_ASYNC_NAME(writingToolsCoordinator(_:singleContainerSubrangesOf:in:));
-// Return the decoration container view associated with the range.
-// This will be called for each subrange returned from -writingToolsCoordinator:requestsSingleContainerSubrangesOfRange:inContext: when that method is implemented
+/// Asks the delegate to provide a decoration view for the specified range of text.
+/// - Parameters:
+///     - writingToolsCoordinator: The coordinator object requesting information
+///     from your custom view.
+///     - range: The range of text to consider in the specified `context` object.
+///     The location value of this range is relative to the beginning of the text
+///     in your context object, and it’s your responsibility to match that location
+///     to the correct location in your text storage. If you initialized the
+///     context object with the entire contents of your view’s text storage, you
+///     can use `range` as-is to access that text storage. However, if you initialized
+///     the context object with only a portion of your view’s text, add the starting
+///     location of your context object’s text to this value to get the correct
+///     range for that text storage.
+///     - context: The context object that contains the text to consider. Use this
+///     object to locate the appropriate text storage object for your view.
+///     - completion: A completion handler to execute when you are done. The handler
+///     has no return value and takes a ``UIView`` object as a parameter. You must call
+///     this handler at some point during your implementation.
+/// If your view uses multiple ``NSTextContainer`` objects to draw text in different
+/// regions, use this method to provide Writing Tools with the view to use for the
+/// specified range of text. After calling your delegate’s ``writingToolsCoordinator(_:singleContainerSubrangesOf:in:)``
+/// method, Writing Tools calls this method for each subrange of text you provided.
+/// Find or provide a view situated visibly below the specified text in your text
+/// view. It's also satisfactory to provide a view that’s visually in front of the
+/// text. Writing Tools uses the provided view to host any proofreading marks for
+/// the specified range of text.
+/// If your view has only one text container, use the coordinator’s ``UIWritingToolsCoordinator/decorationContainerView``
+/// property to specify the view to use for proofreading marks.
 - (void)writingToolsCoordinator:(UIWritingToolsCoordinator *)writingToolsCoordinator requestsDecorationContainerViewForRange:(NSRange)range inContext:(UIWritingToolsCoordinatorContext *)context completion:(void(^)(UIView *))completion NS_SWIFT_ASYNC_NAME(writingToolsCoordinator(_:decorationContainerViewFor:in:));
 // Lifecycle
@@ -183,6 +986,28 @@
 //  InteractiveStreaming -> InteractiveResting
 //  InteractiveStreaming -> Inactive
+/// Notifies your delegate of relevant state changes when Writing Tools
+/// is running in your view.
+/// - Parameters:
+///     - writingToolsCoordinator: The coordinator object providing
+///     information to your custom view.
+///     - state: The new state for the Writing Tools session. For information
+///     about the possible states, see ``UIWritingToolsCoordinator/State``.
+///     - text: The current text for your context object.
+///     - reason: The reason for the state change.
+///     - context: The context object that contains the original text for
+///     Writing Tools to evaluate.
+///     - completion: A handler to execute when your delegate finishes processing
+///     the change of state. The handler has no parameters or return value. You
+///     must call this handler at some point during the implementation of your method.
+/// Use state transitions to perform actions related to your view or text storage.
+/// When Writing Tools is active, it updates its state to indicate what task
+/// it’s currently performing. Writing Tools starts in the ``UIWritingToolsCoordinator/State/inactive``
+/// state and moves to other states as it presents UI and starts interacting with
+/// your view’s content. For example, it moves to the ``UIWritingToolsCoordinator/State/interactiveStreaming``
+/// state when it’s making changes to your view’s text storage.
 - (void)writingToolsCoordinator:(UIWritingToolsCoordinator *)writingToolsCoordinator willChangeToState:(UIWritingToolsCoordinatorState)newState completion:(void(^)(void))completion;
 NS_HEADER_AUDIT_END(nullability, sendability)
diff -ruN /Applications/ /Applications/
--- /Applications/	2024-10-26 17:36:02
+++ /Applications/	2024-11-11 11:45:14
@@ -11,14 +11,53 @@
 NS_HEADER_AUDIT_BEGIN(nullability, sendability)
+/// An object you use to configure additional tasks or animations to
+/// run alongside the Writing Tools animations.
+/// When Writing Tools replaces text in one of your context objects,
+/// it provides an `NS/UIWritingToolsAnimationParameters` object for
+/// you to use to configure any additional animations. During a Writing
+/// Tools session, you hide the text under evaluation and provide a
+/// targeted preview of your content. Writing Tools animations changes
+/// to that preview, but you might need to provide additional animations
+/// for other parts of your view’s content. For example, you might
+/// need to animate any layout changes caused by the insertion or
+/// removal of text in other parts of your view. Use this object to
+/// configure those animations.
+/// You don’t create an `NS/UIWritingToolsCoordinator.AnimationParameters`
+/// object directly. Instead, the system creates one and passes it to the
+///method of your ``UIWritingToolsCoordinatorDelegate`` object. Use that
+///object to specify the blocks to run during and after the system animations.
 UIKIT_EXTERN API_AVAILABLE(ios(18.2)) API_UNAVAILABLE(visionos, tvos, watchos) NS_SWIFT_SENDABLE NS_SWIFT_NAME(UIWritingToolsCoordinator.AnimationParameters)
 @interface UIWritingToolsCoordinatorAnimationParameters : NSObject
 - (instancetype)init NS_UNAVAILABLE;
+/// The number of seconds it takes the system animations to run.
 @property(nonatomic,readonly) CGFloat duration;
+/// The number of seconds the system waits before starting its animations.
 @property(nonatomic,readonly) CGFloat delay;
-@property(nonatomic,nullable,strong) void(^progressHandler)(float progress);
-@property(nonatomic,nullable,strong) void(^completionHandler)(void);
+/// A custom block that runs at the same time as the system animations.
+/// If you have animations you want to run at the same time as the system
+/// animations, assign a block to this property and use it to run your
+/// animations. The block you provide must have no return value and take
+/// a floating-point value as a parameter. The parameter indicates the
+/// current progress of the animations as a percentage value between
+/// `0.0` to `1.0`. The system executes your block multiple times during
+/// the course of the animations, providing an updated completion value each time.
+@property(nonatomic,nullable,copy) void(^progressHandler)(float progress);
+/// A custom block to run when the system animations finish.
+/// Set this property to a block that you want the system to run when any
+/// animations finish. The block you provide must have no return value
+/// and no parameters. The system executes this block once when the current
+/// animation finish.
+@property(nonatomic,nullable,copy) void(^completionHandler)(void);
 NS_HEADER_AUDIT_END(nullability, sendability)
diff -ruN /Applications/ /Applications/
--- /Applications/	2024-10-26 17:36:09
+++ /Applications/	2024-11-11 09:04:22
@@ -11,16 +11,129 @@
 NS_HEADER_AUDIT_BEGIN(nullability, sendability)
+/// A data object that you use to share your custom view’s text with Writing Tools.
+/// At the start of every Writing Tools operation, you create one or more
+/// `UIWritingToolsCoordinator.Context` objects with a copy of the text you want Writing Tools
+/// to evaluate. Each Writing Tools operation starts with a call to the
+/// ``UIWritingToolsCoordinator/Delegate/writingToolsCoordinator(_:requestsContextsFor:completion:)``
+/// method of your ``UIWritingToolsCoordinator/Delegate`` object. Use the parameters
+/// of that method to determine how much of your view’s text to provide. For
+/// some operations, Writing Tools asks for all of your view’s text, but in
+/// others it asks for only a portion of the text. When Writing Tools finishes
+/// its evaluation, it reports changes back to your delegate relative to the
+/// context objects you provided.
+/// When Writing Tools asks for your view’s text, create one or more
+/// `UIWritingToolsCoordinator.Context` objects with the requested content. If your view
+/// contains only one text storage object, create only one context object for
+/// the request. However, if you use multiple text storage objects to manage
+/// different parts of your view’s content, you might need to create multiple
+/// context objects. The actual number depends on how much of your text Writing
+/// Tools asks for. For example, when Writing Tools asks for all of your view’s
+/// content, you return one context object for each text storage object in your
+/// view. However, if Writing Tools asks for the current selection, and one
+/// text storage object contains all of the selected text, you create only
+/// one context object for the content.
+/// Writing Tools uses your context objects as the starting point for its
+/// evaluations, and as a reference point for any changes. Because Writing
+/// Tools doesn’t know anything about your view or its content, it makes
+/// suggestions only relative to your context objects. It’s your responsibility
+/// to take those suggestions and incorporate them back into your view’s
+/// text storage. In some cases, you might need to store additional information
+/// to update your storage correctly. For example, you might need to store,
+/// and update as needed, the offset from the start of your document to the
+/// start of the text in your context object.
+/// When Writing Tools asks for the currently selected text in your view,
+/// include some of the surrounding text in your context object as well.
+/// Supply a string that includes the selection and any text up to the nearest
+/// paragraph boundary. When creating your context object, specify a range
+/// value that represents the portion of that string that corresponds to the
+/// text selection. Providing some additional text in your context object can
+/// help Writing Tools improve its evaluation of your content. Writing Tools
+/// uses the ``resolvedRange`` property of your context object to indicate
+/// what text it considered.
+/// If your context object includes text that you don’t want Writing Tools to
+/// evaluate, add the `excludeFromWritingTools` attribute to the corresponding
+/// characters of your <doc://>
+/// object. You might add this attribute if the text string includes a code
+/// listing or readonly content that you don’t want Writing Tools to change.
 UIKIT_EXTERN API_AVAILABLE(ios(18.2)) API_UNAVAILABLE(visionos, tvos, watchos) NS_SWIFT_SENDABLE NS_SWIFT_NAME(UIWritingToolsCoordinator.Context)
 @interface UIWritingToolsCoordinatorContext : NSObject
+/// Creates a context object with the specified attributed string and range
+/// information.
+/// - Parameters:
+///    - attributedString: A string that contains some or all of the content
+///    from your view’s text storage. This initializer makes a copy of the
+///    string you provide, so you can discard the original when you’re done.
+///    - range: The portion of `attributedString` you want Writing Tools to
+///    evaluate. If you want Writing Tools to evaluate the entire string you
+///    provided, specify a range with a location of `0` and a length equal to
+///    your string’s length. If you want Writing Tools to evaluate only part
+///    of the string, provide the appropriate range in this parameter. Writing
+///    Tools suggests changes only to the range of text you specify, but it
+///    can consider text outside that range during the evaluation process.
+/// When Writing Tools asks for your view’s current selection, it’s best to
+/// create a string that includes text before and after that selection. During
+/// the evaluation process, Writing Tools can use the additional text you
+/// provided to improve the results it delivers. If you do provide additional
+/// text, set the `range` parameter to the portion of `attributedString` with
+/// the current selection. Don’t use the `range` parameter to specify the
+/// location of the text in your view’s text storage.
 - (instancetype)initWithAttributedString:(NSAttributedString *)attributedString range:(NSRange)range NS_DESIGNATED_INITIALIZER;
 - (instancetype)init NS_UNAVAILABLE;
-@property (copy, readonly) NSAttributedString *attributedString;
-@property (readonly) NSRange range; // The range it was initialized with
+/// The portion of your view’s text to evaluate.
+/// The `NSWritingToolsCoordinator/Context` object initializes the value of this
+/// property at creation time and doesn’t change it during the course of an operation.
+/// Instead, it suggests changes to the text in the indicated range and reports
+/// those changes to your ``NS/UIWritingToolsCoordinatorDelegate`` object. Use the methods
+/// of your delegate object to integrate those changes back into your view’s text storage.
+/// It’s your responsibility to track the location of this text in your
+/// view’s text storage object. When Writing Tools reports changes,
+/// it provides range values relative to this string. If you initialize
+/// this property with a subset of your view’s content, you must adjust
+/// any ranges that Writing Tools provides to get the correct location
+/// in your text storage.
+@property (nonatomic, copy, readonly) NSAttributedString *attributedString;
-@property (strong, readonly) NSUUID *identifier;
-@property (readonly) NSRange resolvedRange; // The range that Writing Tools ends up using (sometimes larger than range)
+/// The unique identifier of the context object.
+/// The ``UIWritingToolsCoordinator.Context`` object initializes the value of this property
+/// at creation time. Use this value to identify the context object within your app.
+@property (nonatomic, readonly) NSRange range; // The range it was initialized with
+/// The unique identifier of the context object.
+/// The ``UIWritingToolsCoordinator.Context`` object initializes the value of
+/// this property at creation time. Use this value to identify the
+/// context object within your app.
+@property (nonatomic, strong, readonly) NSUUID *identifier;
+/// The actual range of text that Writing Tools might change, which can
+/// be different than the range of text you supplied.
+/// After analyzing the text in your context object, Writing Tools sets
+/// this property to the portion of ``attributedString`` it might modify.
+/// Initially, this property has a location of
+/// <doc://> and a length
+/// of `0`, but Writing Tools updates those values before making any changes
+/// to the text.
+/// While the Writing Tools operation is active, make sure Writing Tools has
+/// exclusive access to the text in this range. Your ``UIWritingToolsCoordinatorDelegate``
+/// object can make changes to the text as part of incorporating Writing Tools
+/// results, but don’t allow changes to come from other sources. For example,
+/// don’t let someone edit the text in this range directly until Writing Tools finishes.
+@property (nonatomic, readonly) NSRange resolvedRange; // The range that Writing Tools ends up using (sometimes larger than range)
 NS_HEADER_AUDIT_END(nullability, sendability)
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