train on Azure Databricks, inference on IoT Edge. A full infra & app documentation allowing to train ML models in Azure Databricks, based on Data from Aspen via Data Factory, producitve inference on edge.
a. Installation process variables:
$devops=Digital Factory Hamburg
$pipelines=Digital Factory Hamburg - $model
b. Software dependencies
TODO databricks dependencies
c. latest releases TODO databricks push automation TODO devops pipeline build on target automation TODO OPC module
TODO: create configure databricks TODO: create configure data factory
After follow along the “getting started” section, the following infrastructure is configured as follows:
- Data Factory instance is configered as descripted
- Databricks instance is configered as descripted
- Databricks notebooks are configered as descripted
- DevOps instance and repository are configered as descripted
- Azure Container registry are configured as descripted
- Azure IoT Hub and Edge devices are configured as descripted
set up ACR
az acr create --name $containerregistry --resource-group ManufacturingDataEU --sku Basic --admin-enabled true --tags [Creator[=$creator] environment[= DEV] Project[= CloudEdge]] --location europe-norh
set up IoT Húb
az iot hub create --name HHManufacturingIoTHub --resource-group ManufacturingDataEU --location west-europe --sku s1
create Edge Device
az iot hub device-identity create --device-id DEHAMSIOTEDGE --am shared_private_key --edge-enabled = true
spin up VM as edge
az vm create --name --resource-group datamanufacturingeu --authentication-type all --image Ubuntu2204
on the edge VM! (ubuntu)
- install IoTedge
wget -O packages-microsoft-prod.deb sudo dpkg -i packages-microsoft-prod.deb rm packages-microsoft-prod.deb
- Install container engine
sudo apt-get update; \ sudo apt-get install moby-engine
- Install IoTedge runtime
sudo apt-get update; \ sudo apt-get install aziot-edge
- Provising device /w Cloud identity
sudo iotedge config mp --connection-string 'PASTE_DEVICE_CONNECTION_STRING_HERE’
Data factory $TODO
gets data from data datbase ASPEN. preprocessing via $TODO
Model training and hyperparamether tuning via databricks $databricks
notebook $notebook
in Repo devops
, with support of MLflow.
Run Model registration, loging and storage of artifacts with MLflow.
Artifacts of Best run, inference method of Registered Model is stored on lovel /$model
TODO: put, delete, post on level /$model
push updates to Azure Devops Repository $devops
Updates on level /$model
trigger build pipeline $pipelines
build pipeline $pipelines
builds dockerimage from Dockerfile and model artifacts from /$model
and pushes container to repository
in ACR ContainerRegManufacturingHH
with tags: latest
and $buildid
train on Azure Databricks, inference on IoT Edge
- create aml workspace - link /w ACR and Blob either via Portal, or CLI:
az ml workspace create -n <workspace-name> -g <resource-group-name> --container-registry <acr-name>
connect databricks /w aml did this via portal
dummy training Experiment I did: see
in aml / databricks this pipeline 1. preprocesses data, 2. creates & runs experiemnt / trains model, and 3. saves/ registers model -
for edge-inference, we create a file as entrypoint in our container on our edge devices. can be done either via workbook:
or terminal and vim:
- create container manifest done via vim
vi Dockerfile
FROM python:3.9-slim-buster
LABEL maintainer=""
# Set working directory
# Copy MLflow artifact and inference script
COPY artifact/model.pkl /app
COPY artifact/requirements.txt /app
COPY /app
# Install dependencies
RUN pip install -r requirements.txt
# Expose port for inference
# Start server
ENTRYPOINT ["python", ""]
get artifacts stored in dbfs to workspace local storage manual, temrinal via
we need the following files: -
dockerfile (already in workspace local storage),
- (already in workspace local storage),
model.pkl (can be derived via temrinal from dbfs, but is also already a variable in workspace as
variable [if variable is used, just make sure to convert it once as pkl hard coded to local workspace storage], -
requirements.txt (can be derived via temrinal from dbfs, but is also already a variable in workspace [if variable is used, just make sure to convert it once as txt hard coded to local workspace storage]
conda_env (can be derived via temrinal from dbfs, but is also already a variable in workspace as
variable [if variable is used, just make sure to convert it once as yaml hard coded to local workspace storage], -
do docker stuff to ACR either via (a) terminal or via (b) in notebook and azure ML core enviornment DockerSection class
docker build -t <image_name> .
az acr login --name <registry_name> --subscription <subscription_id>
docker tag <image_name> <registry_name><image_name>:<tag>
docker push <registry_name><image_name>:<tag>
- create deploy manifest / local terminal azure portal etc.
we create deployment manifest once.
vi <dpl-manifest.json>
either get it form Portal via IoT Hub, or - actually is the best. otherwise, too much manual adjustments.
"modulesContent": {
"$edgeAgent": {
"properties.desired": {
"schemaVersion": "1.1",
"runtime": {
"type": "docker",
"settings": {
"registryCredentials": {
"docker": {
"address": "<registry-name>",
"password": "<some-azure-generated-pw>",
"username": "<registry-name>"
"systemModules": {
"edgeAgent": {
"settings": {
"image": ""
"type": "docker"
"edgeHub": {
"restartPolicy": "always",
"settings": {
"image": "",
"createOptions": "{\"HostConfig\":{\"PortBindings\":{\"443/tcp\":[{\"HostPort\":\"443\"}],\"5671/tcp\":[{\"HostPort\":\"5671\"}],\"8883/tcp\":[{\"HostPort\":\"8883\"}]}}}"
"status": "running",
"type": "docker"
"modules": {
"edge-inference": {
"version": "1.0",
"type": "docker",
"status": "running",
"restartPolicy": "always",
"settings": {
"image": "<regsitry-name><container-name>:latest",
"createOptions": ""
"$edgeHub": {
"properties.desired": {
"schemaVersion": "1.1",
"storeAndForwardConfiguration": {
"timeToLiveSecs": 7200
"routes": {}
- deploy container to edge / from local terminal again via azure CLI, or Portal important: edge device must be installed edge runtime (see A,B,C...)
az iot edge set-modules --device-id <device-name> --hub-name <hub-name> --content <dpl-manifest.json>