Useful tasks with an easy setup, which keeps your gulpfile clean!
Compile and watch sass files
- LibSass
brew install libsass
const sassc = require('./gulp-tasks/sassc.js');
'watch': './styles/scss',
'files': [
'entry': './styles/scss/*.scss',
'output': './styles/css'
}, 'optional-postfix');
This will automatically creates the following tasks ready to be executed:
- dj-sassc(-*)
- dj-sassc-watch(-*)
- dj-sassc-compile(-*)
(-*): Optional postfix
const closure = require('dj-gulp-tasks/closure');
'prefix': '../../../../',
'output': './resources/javascript/depsfile.deps.js',
'files': [
This will automatically creates the following tasks ready to be executed:
- dj-closure-deps(-*)
- dj-closure-deps-watch(-*)
(-*): Optional postfix
'output': './resources/javascript/application.min.js',
'files': [
// Config will override the default config
'config': {
'closure_entry_point': 'application.bootstrap',
'externs': []
'generate_exports': '1',
'only_closure_dependencies': '1',
'compilation_level': 'ADVANCED',
'warning_level': 'VERBOSE',
'output_wrapper': '(function(){\n%output%\n})()'