A java program for logging / snooping keyboard events
Link to youtube playlist: Keyboard Snooper tutorial playlist
Below are the link to source code and youtube tutorial separated by Episodes
- 01 - Demo and sample: source code, youtube tutorial
- 02 - Log to file: source code, youtube tutorial
- 03 - System tray: source code, youtube tutorial
- 04 - More menu items: source code, youtube tutorial
- 05 - JavaFX window: source code, youtube tutorial
- 06 - Using packages: source code, youtube tutorial
- 07 - JavaFX switch scenes: source code, youtube tutorial
- 08 - JavaFX hyperlinks: source code, youtube tutorial
- 09 - Serialize to JSON: source code, youtube tutorial
- 10 - JavaFX GUI Bindings: source code, youtube tutorial
- 11 - Encapsulation: source code, youtube tutorial
- 12 - SnoopLog Reader: source code, youtube tutorial
- 13 - JavaFX Pagination: source code, youtube tutorial
- 14 - JavaFX View Key Logs: source code, youtube tutorial
- 15 - JavaFX Cell Factory: source code, youtube tutorial
- 16 - JavaFX Context Menu: source code, youtube tutorial
- 17 - JavaFX Custom Popup: source code, youtube tutorial
- 18 - Email Log File: source code, youtube tutorial
- Important note: you maybe want to delete the file in sent email after you sent it. This is to avoid Phishing.
- Check this new source code that I included in sendEmail (I added some codes). I added deleteMessages() method: https://github.com/doppelgunner/Keyboard-Snooper/blob/v1.0.1/com/snooper/Util.java
- Check this gist also for steps in gmail and source of method: https://gist.github.com/doppelgunner/c7ab8b982d958245c95f033b0329e17c
- 19 - JavaFX Background Task: source code, youtube tutorial
- 20 - JavaFX Analytics 1 - Area Chart: source code, youtube tutorial
- 21 - JavaFX Analytics 2 - Pie Chart: source code, youtube tutorial
- 22 - JavaFX Tooltips: source code, youtube tutorial
- 23 - JavaFX Custom Title Bar: source code, youtube tutorial
- 24 - JavaFX Adding CSS: source code, youtube tutorial
- 25 - JavaFX Changing Theme: source code, youtube tutorial
- 26 - JavaFX Deploy - Jar File: source code, youtube tutorial
- 27 - JavaFX Deploy - EXE File: source code, youtube tutorial
javac -cp ".;lib/*" com/snooper/*.java com/snooper/tray/*.java com/snooper/app/*.java com/snooper/app/controller/*.java
- RUN:
java -cp ".;lib/*" com.snooper.tray.Snooper
- RUN without console:
javaw -cp ".;lib/jnativehook-2.1.0.jar;" com.snooper.tray.Snooper
java -cp ".;lib/*" com.snooper.tray.Snooper test
- COMPILE AND MOVE TO CLASSES folder (classes only no source):
javac -cp ".;lib/*" com/snooper/*.java com/snooper/tray/*.java com/snooper/app/*.java com/snooper/app/controller/*.java -d classes
jar cvfm Snooper.jar MANIFEST.txt fxml -C classes/ .