Still to do
- symbol table with list of functions and the arguments they take in and their names
- type checking - some of it happens at runtime, but we can check if the number of arguements etc is fine
- Make grammar handle elsif - done?
- Functions and scope checking
- Figuring out what to do for "for" loops
- Make grammar handle statement like if (x>3) or if (x==3) - done
- Traversal for if statments - done
- Traversal for if else - done
- Traversal for while - done
- Update grammar to allow methods like map.add to be called in if statments - done
- Add/Change grammar for a = a + b + ... (does not work now!!) - done
- Make grammar handle multiple functions - done
- make grammar handle return statements - done
- Make traverse handle multiple functions - done
We will be working with python for this assignment so make sure you have pip and easy_install already on your computer.
- Create a virtual environment and pip install all requirements
- pip install virtualenv
- virtualenv env
- source env/bin/activate
- pip install pyyaml
- pip install ply
- pip install numpy
- Go into env/lib/python2.7/site-packages and git clone pymclevel into there
- Try out test files within test directory and make sure they work
- Now go through following steps to install mcedit (to view MineCraft maps)
- git clone --recursive
- pip install PyOpenGL
- pip install pygame
NOTE: The author of the library forgot to comment out print statements in a recent commit (d02d446). Be sure to comment out lines 803-806 to avoid a ton of prints each time you import pymclevel
Testing relies on Python's unittest module.
To run a test from commandline, GO INTO test/ (YOU MUST BE IN TEST TO RUN THE UNITTESTS---DUE TO RELATIVE FILE PATHS) and run each * with python.
To run all the tests
NOTE: Imperative that you are in the tests/ directory to run any tests!!
Python also has a CLI method of testing individual classes and methods within a class following the format
python -m unittest test_module.TestClass.test_method
TestClass and test_method being optional
For example, to test the test_0_bug method of TestYaccing in, you would run
python -m unittest yaccing_test.TestYaccing.test_0_bug
This way, we can save all our test cases as well as keep them modular.
- Lex/Yacc:
- System Integrator (
- Tester (unittest):
Please look inside lex_yacc folder for examples of ply programs to base off of.
- Project Manager: Mirza
- Language and Tools Guru: Tanay
- System Architect: Don
- System Integrator: Patrice
- Tester/Validator: Stephen