You can use it to get the account name of any bank account in Nigeria
Lifetime Access. Unlimited Account Lookups
Enter account number and get the name and bank
Enter account number and bank code to get the account name
composer require donejeh/nuban
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Donejeh\Nuban\NubapiServiceProvider" --tag="config"
return [
// The Host of the API.
'host' => env('NUB_API_HOST', ''),
* Your API Token from (
'api_token' => env('NUB_API_TOKEN', ''),
'options' => [
// Validate number on your server without making an APi request.
'validate_number_locally' => true,
//This timeout applies to client connections and determine when
//The whole response must be read before it exceeded
'request_timeout' => 5,
Sign up for a developer account by selecting the Sign Up button. After signing up, access your account dashboard.
You can follow these steps to obtain your API key and configure it in your application:
Go to the API Create Access Tokens page.
Generate your unique API key.
Once you have your API key, insert it into either your
file or the configuration file.
In your app controller
use Donejeh\Nuban\Nubapi;
$nubanApi = app(NubApi::class);
$response = $nubanApi->getAccountDetails('1056684123', '013');
"account_number": "0080******",
"account_name": "Jane Doe",
"first_name: : "Jane"
"last_name: : "Doe"
"Bank_name": "ACCESS BANK PLC",
"bank_code": "044",
"requests": "Free",
"status": "success"
- Bank list Codes
- Bank list JSON
For support and inquiry Whatsapp Me
A wrap and Special thank to
Its very legal & safe
Our API is highly secure and our system do not store any bank record