Indexbyi a http server which providing full-text search
It is a tiny but complete full-text search http server (include make index,search engine,http server)
##0.What to do
a:Quick and convenient to build a http server (which Only belong to you )
b:Help you to understand the required modules of a full-text search system (like Small as the sparrow is, it possesses all its internal organs -- small but complete
c:An exmple:
##1 Technical Architecture
##2 code Architecture
|_url.seed (url list which will be added into index)
| list which already being added into index)
| contronl shell bash)
| python third lib beautifulsoup to change html to text content)
| python third lib jieba to cut a text to many words)
| already exist index and the just generated to the index)
| the url breif to display info)
| the index file and search policy to provide full-text search funtion)
| example to just use the search_engine to test)
|_index.html(Front-end use AJAX to get json from and display info)
| python third lib tornado to provide http server (include search_engine)) to work
a:add and edit the url.feed
b:use linux bash to start to gen index files
c:move index files to the right path( have the path)
d:start the have to install tornado first)
welcome to any problems.
If it can help you,I will be very happy.