This Docker image provides a fully integrated ROS Melodic, Gazebo, PixHawk simulator setup.
- Download this repository
- Go into the folder with the Dockerfile.
- To build the image, run: docker build -t gazebo_test . (This takes a really long time! And uses ~7.5GB of space)
- You can start the image through: ./ (If you start this script from a catkin workspace folder, this workspace will be available in /projects within the container)
- Follow steps 1-3 above
- Download (private, contact us if you need access)
- Go into the drones project folder
- Start /
/ - At the bash prompt within the container, start: ./ (this will pop-up gazebo and RViz)
- From a second terminal prompt, run: docker exec -it gazebo_test bash
- At the (new) bash prompt within the container, start:
- From a third terminal prompt, run: docker exec -it gazebo_test bash
- At this new bash prompt within the container, start:
- In the Gazebo screen you'll see the drone starting to fly around the collapsed building