Simple Leaflet example for Protomaps with custom bbox.
Either get a world file or use a bounding box.
- Download the latest non-alpha world file from As of 09/2024 it's 127Gb in size.
Area of interest:
- Search your bbox from and copy the values from bbox (not from the url as lat lon is switched!) e.g.
- download the latest pmtiles binary from and run the command, e.g. this for Munich:
./pmtiles extract munich.pmtiles --bbox=11.532383,48.106973,11.619759,48.162650
Download index.html
and change the pmtiles filename if needed.
Make sure that the index.html & your_area.pmtiles file is saved in the same directory. E.g.
- in VS Code simply run the webserver plugin for port 5500 and go to http://localhost:5500/
- using npx:
npx serve
- using python:
python -m http.server
You will now see a nicely rendered background map for your area of interest or the world.