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Exploration of using importmaps as an alternative to using JavaScript bundlers and build steps


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importmaps exploration

This repository is a little exploration of using importmaps as an alternative to using JavaScript bundlers and build steps. It is loosely following this introduction blog post to importmaps.


There are two simple HTML files here: index.html and about.html. Their contents are both hardcoded to avoid unnecessary distraction from the main topic of this exploration.

Note that both files have largely the same content because this exploration is done by importmapping Turbo which is a library for intercepting HTTP requests and only updating the HTML content without a full page reload, essentially enabling a Single Page application feel for HTML.

The interesting pieces are the script tags:

<script type="importmap">
    "imports": {
      "@hotwired/turbo": ""
<script type="module">
  import * as Turbo from "@hotwired/turbo";

It is important that they appear in the HTML in that order ensuring that the type="module" knows how to resolve the package.

We can verify that the importmap is working by starting a server, e.g. via npx http-server and typing Turbo into the browser console. If no errors show up, the importmap is properly resolving.

Pinning packages

If we want to explicitly pin which version we resolve, we can do so by pinning it like so:

<script type="importmap">
    "imports": {
      "@hotwired/turbo": ",min/optimized/@hotwired/turbo.js"

It seems that the only way to find out the URL for pinning on Skypack is via visiting where something like this should show up:

 * Skypack CDN - @hotwired/turbo@7.2.5
 * Learn more:
 *   📙 Package Documentation:
 *   📘 Skypack Documentation:
 * Pinned URL: (Optimized for Production)
 *   ▶️ Normal:
 *   ⏩ Minified:,min/optimized/@hotwired/turbo.js

// Browser-Optimized Imports (Don't directly import the URLs below in your application!)
export * from '/-/@hotwired/turbo@v7.2.5-jwYMmpCb8mVWq1WRn6YH/dist=es2019,mode=imports/optimized/@hotwired/turbo.js';
export {default} from '/-/@hotwired/turbo@v7.2.5-jwYMmpCb8mVWq1WRn6YH/dist=es2019,mode=imports/optimized/@hotwired/turbo.js';

Open questions

  • How to resolve packages from other CDN's such as UNPKG, JSPM, etc.?
  • How to import CSS files from packages that require CSS to function properly such as MapLibre GL?


Exploration of using importmaps as an alternative to using JavaScript bundlers and build steps






