iOS-L10n is a localization framework for iOS applications that allow localize Storyboards and source code.
To avoid issues when exporting or importing .xiff
files, uncheck Use Base Internationalitation and use other language like en
for your base.
Your storyboard does not need to be split by each localization languages, you can leave by default like the image bellow to avoid manage multiple copies of same storyboard
To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install
from the Example directory first.
All storyboard objects expose the following fields in the inspector attributes
- Bundle Identifier: This field allows you to create an instance of the bundle with the given identifier, the resulting bundle is used for the localization, if you do not define an identifier
is used by default - Table Name: It allows to define which table to use in the localization, if a value is not defined,
is used by default - Default Lang: Allows you to define a base language, in case there is no key that you want to localize in the current language of the phone, we will use the default language, by default we use
(for Englishen.lproj
Attributes inspector allows to define the key associated with the title of the element
Attributes inspector allows to define the keys associated with the title
of the button for each possible state normal
, highlighted
, selected
, disabled
Attributes inspector allows to define the key associated with the title of the label
Attributes inspector allows to define the keys associated with the title
and prompt
of the element
Attributes inspector allows to define the keys associated with title
, placeholder
and prompt
Attributes inspector allows to define the keys associated with the titles of the segments, each key is defined separated by ,
Attributes inspector allows to define the keys associated with the text
and placeholder
Attributes inspector allows to define the keys associated with the title of the ViewController and the title of the element associated with the tab bar
Define your Strings
"welcome_message_key" = "Welcome to use iOS-L10n %@ %@";
"bye_message_key" = "See you soon";
Create some type (enums prefered) that conform to iOS-L10n
import iOS-L10n
enum MessagesStrings: String, iOS-L10n{
case welcomeMessage = "welcome_message_key"
case byeMessage = "bye_message_key"
//var tableName: String = "TableName" //If no defined on code iOS-L10n will infer the table name using the same name that this instance 'MessagesStrings'
//baseLanguage: String = "es" // If no defined iOS-L10n will use by default 'en'
//bundle: Bundle = MiFramework.bundle // If no defined iOS-L10n will use by default 'Bundle.main'
// Return the localization value based on self, If no defined iOS-L10n will return the localized value based on this instance's values
//public var localized: String {
// return rawValue.localized(bundle: self.bundle, tableName: self.tableName, baseLanguage: self.baseLanguage)
Use the instance conforming to iOS-L10n
let welcomeMessage = MessagesStrings.localize(.welcomeMessage, ["Mr.", "iOS Developer"])
print(welcomeMessage) //Will print "Welcome to use iOS-L10n Mr. iOS Developer"
let byeMessage = MessagesStrings.localize(.byeMessage)
print(byeMessage) //Will print "See you soon"
let byeMessageAlt = MessagesStrings.byeMessage.localized
print(byeMessageAlt) //Will print "See you soon"
- iOS 8+
- Swift 4.0
iOS-L10n is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:
pod 'iOS-L10n'
Dani Manuel Céspedes Lara,
iOS-L10n is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.