Welcome to the repository! Before sending your pull requests, make sure that you read the whole guidelines. If you have any doubt on the contributing guide, please feel free to state it clearly in an issue.
- Place the solution to a problem within the folder of the implementation language.
- If your implementation language solution folder is not in the repository then create new folder with name of language and add your code files in it.
- It is good practice to create a new branch for PR.
- PR will get accepted on a first-come, first-serve basis.
- Please don't copy editorial solutions, if found doing so - the PR might be marked invalid,
- Please publish only genuine solutions written by you.
- All the solutions should give expected solution and pass all tests in Leetcode/GFG.
- Please don't spam any file with useless comments and unwanted changes.
- Comment the link to the problem on top of the code (Leetcode/GFG).
- If you want to add a different approach to the problem which already exists in the repository with same implementation language. Then you can add it to the same problem file. Add your code in the comment with the approach name. Take reference of this problem.
- Please send PR for the problem using the title: Problem No. | Problem name | Language
- Maintain the format of file name (problemnumber_problemname).
Day | Title | Difficulty |
Day 1 | Build Array from Permutation | Easy |
Day 2 | Can Make Arithmetic Progression From Sequence | Easy |
Day 3 | Queries on Number of Points Inside a Circle | Medium |
Day 4 | N-Queens | Hard |
Day 5 | Search Insert Position | Easy |
Day 6 | Find First and Last Position of Element in Sorted Array | Medium |
Day 7 | Median of Two Sorted Arrays | Hard |
Day 8 | Big Sorting | Easy |
Day 9 | The Full Counting Sort | Medium |
Day 10 | Minimum Operations to Make a Uni-Value Grid | Medium |
Day 11 | Power Of Numbers | Easy |
Day 12 | Killing Spree | Medium |
Day 13 | Binary Matrix with at most K 1s | Medium |