The Department of Clinical Research of the University Hospital Basel will present itself at the Uninacht 2015 (Night of the University) to the public with a "mock" clinical study.
The study intervention is comprised of performing a buzz-wire game. All participants will be randomly split into two groups (using a wheel of fortune).
One group will perform the buzz-wire regularly, whereas the other group will first turn themselves around by 1080 degree (3 full turns).
Performance on the buzz-wire game will be measured by the time needed to finish the game and by the amount of contacts made with the wire.
In addition the gender of the participant will be recorded (to analyze for gender influence on the result).
To compare the two groups, we will calculate a game score for each participant:
- Starting score 25 points
- Add the number of seconds remaining as each 1 point
- Multiply the number of wire-contacts by the factor 2 and subtracted from the score
- Subtract 20 points if game was not finished
We hypothesize that the performance of the turning group will be worse than the performance of the regular group.
coming soon..
To automatically measure the time required and number of contacts a Raspberry Pi (Modell 2) with a custom made program is used.
The program is written in Go - with the help of Gobot – and uses a webpage with a websocket connection as user interface.
The Raspberry Pi is setup with Raspbian and an up-to-date installation of iceweasel (Firefox).
The webpage primarily uses svg for all graphics and Velocity.js for animations.
Please see below for a description on how to setup the pi given that you are connected to it over ssh with a computer with Go installed (with Go Version >= 1.4).
sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install iceweasel
scp fonts/Open_Sans/* pi@
/.fonts scp fonts/Source_Code_Pro/* pi@
GOARM=6 GOARCH=arm GOOS=linux go build -o=pi-uninacht .
scp pi-uninacht pi@ scp config.toml pi@ scp pi@ scp ./website/* pi@
ssh pi@ sudo chmod +x /home/pi/uninacht/
ssh pi@ sudo nano /etc/xdg/lxsession/LXDE-pi/autostart
enter the following line BEFORE the line with @xscreensaver:
@lxterminal --command "/home/pi/uninacht/"
iceweasel --display=:0 http://localhost:8484 --fullscreen
see pin assignment on use the physical numbers (in black) to match gobot gpio pins