PHP IMDB Grabber is a class that fetches details from It uses XPath / DOM Traversing for scrapping content from imdb.
At first include PHP class file (
require_once 'path/to/';
$imdb = new Imdb();
$imdb->get(''); // Pass the entire path or a search query
$imdb->get('The Matrix'); // or the name of Movie
By default, the the method does not return the cast in the movie. If you wish to get a list of the cast, use the following method:
$imdb->showCast(true)->get('Name OR URL of Movie');
View Online Documentation:
Check out Online Demo:
Version 1.5 (Feb 10, 2010)
Added the showCast Method. When this method is invoked with a 'true' parameter, the cast in the movie is also grabbed.
Version 2 (July 15, 2010)
Added a simple regex check for validity of URL on isValidURL method.
Version 2.1 (Oct 10, 2010)
Rewrote the XPath expression as IMDB Changed their Layout completely.
Version 2.2 (Dec 9, 2010)
Fixed a Bug on Cast for new Layout and added Budget Info.
Version 2.2 (May 29, 2011)
Added Genres - Provided by Greg Fitzgerald (Github:
Copyright (c) 2010 Abdullah Rubiyath The script has been released under MIT License.
Please note that this script is created as a demo of screen scrapping. IMDB Policy prohibits screen scrapping.