This repo produces a dockerized version of Nomad following Hashicorp's model for their Dockerized Consul image found here:
This image is meant to be run with host network privileges. It can use preconfigured Nomad hcl files by mounting those config to /etc/nomad
docker run -d \
--name nomad \
--net host \
-e NOMAD_LOCAL_CONFIG='{ "server": {
"enabled": true,
"bootstrap_expect": 3
"datacenter": "${DATACENTER}",
"region": "${REGION}",
"data_dir": "/nomad/data/",
"bind_addr": "",
"advertise": {
"http": "${IPV4}:4646",
"rpc": "${IPV4}:4647",
"serf": "${IPV4}:4648"
"enable_debug": true }' \
-v "/opt/nomad:/opt/nomad" \
-v "/var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock" \
-v "/tmp:/tmp" \
djenriquez/nomad:v0.6.0 agent
docker run -d \
--name nomad \
--net host \
-e NOMAD_LOCAL_CONFIG='{ "client": {
"enabled": true
"datacenter": "${DATACENTER}",
"region": "${REGION}",
"data_dir": "/nomad/data/",
"bind_addr": "",
"advertise": {
"http": "${IPV4}:4646",
"rpc": "${IPV4}:4647",
"serf": "${IPV4}:4648"
"enable_debug": true }' \
-v "/opt/nomad:/opt/nomad" \
-v "/var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock" \
-v "/tmp:/tmp" \
djenriquez/nomad:v0.6.0 agent
The above command is identical to running this example in Nomad's documentation for bootstrapping with Consul.
Due to the way Nomad exposed template files it generates, you need to take special precautions when configuring its data directory.
In case you are running Docker containers and using the template
the Nomad data_dir
has to be configured with the exact same path as the
host path, so the host Docker daemon mounts the correct paths, as exported by
the Nomad client, into the scheduled Docker containers.
You can run the Nomad container with the following options in this case:
export NOMAD_DATA_DIR=/host/path/to/nomad/data
docker run \
djenriquez/nomad:latest agent