Kafka Stream processors, transforming laboratory data to MII FHIR
This service reads lab data from Kafka topics and transforms it to FHIR 🔥 resource bundles according to the MII laboratory module and profile specification.
There are currently two different processors to support reading data from a legacy input topic (aim) as well as a HL7v2 formatted topic (hl7).
These two processors can be enabled/disabled independently.
The input data from Synedra AIM consists of FHIR resources of type DiagnosticReport and Observation.
Supported HL7v2 input data are ORU R01 messages in pipe delimited format. The consumer supports HL7 version 2.2 with additional mappings for data in repeating values in OBX-5 segments (which is strictly not part of the specification until later versions).
- Mapping of
according to the MII profile - Referencing Patient and Encounter resources via logical references
A date filter can be configured to select which messages are processed and which are skipped. This can be used to prevent duplication of data present in both input topics, for example.
Filters consist of a comparator (<
) and a date value
). If the filter expression matches the laboratory report's
effective date it is mapped.
Filters are configured per input topic and are optional.
mapping.hl7.filter: ">=2022-01-01"
The following environment variables can be set:
Variable | Default | Description |
BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS | localhost:9092 | Kafka brokers |
SECURITY_PROTOCOL | PLAINTEXT | Kafka communication protocol |
SSL_TRUST_STORE_LOCATION_INTERNAL | /opt/lab-to-fhir/ssl/truststore.jks | Truststore location |
SSL_TRUST_STORE_PASSWORD | Truststore password (if using SECURITY_PROTOCOL=SSL ) |
SSL_KEY_STORE_LOCATION_INTERNAL | /opt/lab-to-fhir/ssl/keystore.jks | Keystore location |
SSL_KEY_STORE_PASSWORD | Keystore password (if using SECURITY_PROTOCOL=SSL ) |
SSL_TRUST_STORE_PASSWORD | Truststore password (if using SECURITY_PROTOCOL=SSL ) |
AIM_TOPIC | aim-lab | AIM input topic |
HL7_TOPIC | hl7-lab | HL7v2 input topic |
OUTPUT_TOPIC | lab-fhir | Topic to store result bundles |
MAPPING_AIM_FILTER | Filter expression for the AIM_TOPIC . See Filters. |
MAPPING_HL7_FILTER | Filter expression for the HL7_TOPIC . See Filters. |
CONSUMER_CONCURRENCY | 3 | Number of concurrent Kafka consumer clients |
REPLICATION_FACTOR | 3 | Output topic replication factor |
MIN_PARTITION_COUNT | 3 | Number of minimum partitions for the output topic (if created on demand) |
LOG_LEVEL | info | Log level (error, warn, info, debug) |
Additional application properties can be set by overriding values form the application.yml by using environment variables.
This project includes unit and integration tests.
FHIR validation tests need the profile files used in this processor (i.e. MII profiles). Those are managed as NPM dependencies (package.json) and must be installed locally prior to testing:
npm i
Errors which occur during serialization of records from the input topic cause the processor to stop and move to an error state.
Records which can't be mapped are skipped.
This project includes a docker compose file for deployment purposes.
Environment variables can be set according to the
provided sample.env
. Remember to replace the IMAGE_TAG
variable according to
the desired version tag. Available
tags can be found at
the Container Registry
or under Releases.
A test setup with test data is available for development purposes.
You can build a docker image for this processor by using the provided Dockerfile.
âš FHIR profiles must be installed for the build step to run successfully.