Islandora Solr provides a highly configurable interface to perform Solr queries and display Solr data in different ways.
This module requires the following modules/libraries:
- Islandora
- Tuque
- Apache Solr - 4.2 or higher.
Install as usual.
This module has extensive configuration optons.
The module has many blocks that provide enriching functionality:
- Simple search
- Advanced search
- Facets
- Current query
- Search navigation
- Explore
- Display switch
- Results sorting
Islandora Solr Search also implements the Islandora Basic Collection solution pack's query backend to drive the collection display using Solr instead of SPARQL/Fedora. This functionality can be applied on the collection solution pack's configuration page (admin/islandora/solution_pack_config/basic_collection), and that same page provides settings for sorting the Solr collection view globally and per-collection. The query backend relies on the relationship fields in the "Required Solr Fields" section of the Solr settings; the fields in that section should be confirmed before using Solr to drive the display.
Further documentation for this module is available at our wiki.
Q: Why can't I connect to Solr via https?
A: The Apache Solr PHP Client that we use does not support https connections to Solr. ISLANDORA-646 seeks to remedy this.
Having problems or solved one? Create an issue, check out the Islandora Google groups.
or contact discoverygarden.
Current maintainers:
If you would like to contribute to this module, please check out the helpful Documentation, Developers section on and create an issue, pull request and or contact discoverygarden.