Provides a very minimal wrapper around the CWRC-Writer, so that it can be used in an islandora context.
This module requires the following modules/libraries:
- Islandora
- Islandora Rest
- Libraries
- CWRC-Writer
- jQuery Update Version 1.8
jQuery Update is not a hard requirement but is necessary if you want to use the templates in the documents dialog box. octokit.js which is used to fetch the templates uses the global jQuery rather than using require.js to fetch the CWRC-Writer specific template.
CWRC-Writer is expected to be installed here:
- sites/all/libraries/CWRC-Writer (libraries directory may need to be created)
So far we've only tested up to commit 7f96f78e77
CWRC-Writer depends on a number of Java Servlets to be functional.
Follow the instructions on the page, but also rename the generated war to validator.war. In most cases your tomcat should exist here /usr/local/fedora/tomcat.
We make the assumption that we (reverse) proxy VIAF, to fix the same-origin issue.
For Apache, with Drupal running on the same box as Apache, a couple lines like:
ProxyPass /viaf
ProxyPassReverse /viaf
To be able to validate documents, we require that the validator.war is deployed to your tomcat directory, and that you set up a (reverse) proxy so that the CWRC-Writer can communicate with it.
ProxyPass /cwrc/services/validator/ http://localhost:8080/validator/
ProxyPassReverse /cwrc/services/validator/ http://localhost:8080/validator/
To be able to access Geonames service you must set up a proxy with authentication:
<Location /geonames>
RequestHeader set Authorization "Basic XXXXX"
You'll need permission / authentication credentials from the CWRC organization. You can generation the credentials (replaces the XXXXX portion above) like so:
echo -n "username:password" | base64
In addition you must also enable mod_headers for the authentication credentials to be passed on to the CWRC Geonames service. With apache2 on Ubuntu this can be done like so:
sudo a2enmod headers
sudo service apache2 restart
- Look into integrating the Geonames Service
Having problems or solved a problem? Contact discoverygarden.
Current maintainers:
If you would like to contribute to this module, please check out our helpful Documentation for Developers info, Developers section on and contact discoverygarden.