Full implementation of Minesweeper using the Aurelia framework.
Before you start, make sure you have a recent version of NodeJS environment >=4.0 with NPM 3.
From the project folder, execute the following commands:
npm install
This will install all required dependencies, including a local version of Webpack that is going to build and bundle the app. There is no need to install Webpack globally.
To run the app execute the following command:
npm start
This command starts the webpack development server that serves the build bundles. You can now browse the app at http://localhost:9000. Changes in the code will automatically build and reload the app.
To build a development bundle (output to /dist) execute:
npm run build
To build an optimized, minified production bundle (output to /dist) execute:
npm run build:prod
To test either the development or production build execute:
npm run server:prod
The production bundle includes all files that are required for deployment.