This is a set of Javascript classes that transforms a Markdown presentation into a nice HTML presentation.
You can think of it as ShowOff without any fluffy feature.
This repository contains my presentation on Javascript Testing at the second meetup on August 23rd, 2012.
It is kind of meta, since the app discussed in the presentation is the one that generated the presentation.
> # you must have installed node and npm
> npm install -g coffee-script
> npm install -g mocha
> npm install chai
> npm install jquery
> # run the tests (it autocompiles coffeescript)
> mocha --compilers coffee:coffee-script -R spec
On your machine:
clone the repository
compile the coffeescript files to js
coffee -w -c --output public/js src vendor
Make the root folder accessible via a local web domain (I use Pow). Open it in a browser and use the arrows to navigate.
GistDeck turns markdown gists into wonderful presentations (pretty much what this project does, but more convenient. Github does the markdown to html conversion, GistDeck adds the JS to make that look nice and be interactive).