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Udacity - React Nanodegree

Flashcards Project (Android)

This project was developed in fulfillment of React Nanodegree - React Native module


The main dependencies and tools used for this project are the following:

  • Nodejs 8.x
  • Yarn 1.3.x
  • create-react-native-app 1.0.0
  • React 16.x
  • React Redux 5.x
  • React Native 0.50.x
  • React Navigation 1.0.0b
  • Expo 23.x
  • Redux 3.7.x
  • Android Phone as mobile device
  • Android Studio / SDK for emulator

To ensure the perfect execution of this project, please follow the instructions in the next sections.

Installing Expo

  • Visit Expo page at Google's Play and install it on your Android device

Installing Yarn

Yarn is prefered as package manager for this project.

Proceed to Yarn Installation and choose the suitable installing according to your OS.

After the process is done, check if everyting is ok by verifying the version:

host$ yarn --version

If the ouput shows version 1.3.x, it is time to start preparing the project!

If you need more information, please check the Usage guide.

Preparing The Project

  • Clone this repository to a folder of your preference
  • Change the working directory to the project
  • Install all dependencies by asking yarn to install them:
$ yarn install
yarn install v1.3.2
[1/4] Resolving packages...
[2/4] Fetching packages...
success Saved lockfile.
Done in 24.73s.

Running Flashcards

Now that you device is ready and all dependencies installed, we just need to start the React Native App.

  • Send a start command to yarn:
$ yarn start
yarn run v1.3.2
$ react-native-scripts start
13:03:14: Starting packager...
  • It may take a while, but as soon as the process is finished, a QRCode will be displayed along with a URL
  • Access your Expo device app and select Scan QR Code and point your camera to the QR Code
  • The project's javascript bundle will now be built and this may take a few seconds according to you machine specs
  • When the process is done, the app will be displayed on you device's screen


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