An assortment of scripts used to interface with our internal instance of OMERO and accomplish custom tasks
Each script is independant
Each jupyter notebook is single use
This is just a set of examples, of things I needed for a project
Make a text file in "Documents" named "myKeyVariables.cfg" within which you place your authentication values
user = username1
url =
This file is how I can connect to my instance of OMERO without sharing my information.
Open Hyperion MCD file, create a properly stitched scanplan image, then upload ROIs to represent the selection areas.
Labelled Mask To OMERO attempt.ipynb
Read a labelled segmentation mask file, convert to polygon ROIs and upload to OMERO as layered segmentation annotation.
Upload meta datatable for single TMA project.ipynb
Read data table, filled with lots of information about the origin of each image, structure and submit to OMERO for explorable and searchable annotation
Upload meta datatable for single TMA project part 2.ipynb
Read data table, previous excel file, identifying single image quality, sort and submit to OMERO, as if it was originally noted there.
Retrieve Points of Annotation from Whole Project.ipynb
Loop every dataset, every image in a single project, and record out each image's point annotations, formatted for QuPath points importing. Also will genreate a summary log file, with quick counts on annotation labels.