returns a string of the symbols price.
returns an IEXPreviousDay model with some information about the previous day Example:
"symbol": "MSFT",
"date": "2019-03-08",
"open": 109.16,
"high": 110.71,
"low": 108.8,
"close": 110.51,
"volume": 22818430,
"unadjustedVolume": 22818430,
"change": 0.12,
"changePercent": 0.109,
"vwap": 109.7359
returns an IEXOfficalOpenAndClose model with some information about the offical open and close time and price Example:
"open": {
"price": 110.99,
"time": 1552311000959
"close": {
"price": 112.83,
"time": 1552334400579
"high": 112.95,
"low": 110.98
returns an IEXStockStats model with a lot of information about the stock
"companyName": "Microsoft Corporation",
"marketcap": 847856307917,
"beta": 1.222179,
"week52high": 116.18,
"week52low": 87.08,
"week52change": 19.003899,
"shortInterest": 0,
"shortDate": 0,
"dividendRate": 1.84,
"dividendYield": 1.6650077,
"exDividendDate": "2019-02-20 00:00:00.0",
"latestEPS": 2.11,
"latestEPSDate": "2018-06-30",
"sharesOutstanding": 7672213446,
"float": 7212510008,
"returnOnEquity": 39.35,
"consensusEPS": 1.07,
"numberOfEstimates": 14,
"EPSSurpriseDollar": null,
"EPSSurprisePercent": 5.6075,
"symbol": "MSFT",
"EBITDA": 0,
"revenue": 0,
"grossProfit": 0,
"cash": 0,
"debt": 0,
"ttmEPS": 3.88,
"revenuePerShare": 0,
"revenuePerEmployee": 0,
"peRatioHigh": 38.4,
"peRatioLow": 11.9,
"returnOnAssets": 13.03,
"returnOnCapital": null,
"profitMargin": 28.31,
"priceToSales": 7.14961,
"priceToBook": 9.2,
"day200MovingAvg": 105.56957,
"day50MovingAvg": 105.8774,
"institutionPercent": 114,
"insiderPercent": 6,
"shortRatio": null,
"year5ChangePercent": 2.2673419547876272,
"year2ChangePercent": 0.7729654455436016,
"year1ChangePercent": 0.1612633401846925,
"ytdChangePercent": 0.09752815327058634,
"month6ChangePercent": 0.001990198611847899,
"month3ChangePercent": 0.022027556178684175,
"month1ChangePercent": 0.054460584872102154,
"day5ChangePercent": -0.015588811687154818,
"day30ChangePercent": 0.03556977421936349
returns a list of IEXLargestTradesToday models with information about theamount at what price and which exchange was used.
"price": 111.995,
"size": 84500,
"time": 1552311702010,
"timeLabel": "09:41:42",
"venue": "None",
"venueName": "Off Exchange"
"price": 112,
"size": 27000,
"time": 1552311672522,
"timeLabel": "09:41:12",
"venue": "None",
"venueName": "Off Exchange"
"price": 112.765,
"size": 21000,
"time": 1552325287333,
"timeLabel": "13:28:07",
"venue": "None",
"venueName": "Off Exchange"
"price": 112.18,
"size": 20000,
"time": 1552314604920,
"timeLabel": "10:30:04",
"venue": "None",
"venueName": "Off Exchange"
"price": 112.17,
"size": 20000,
"time": 1552314644384,
"timeLabel": "10:30:44",
"venue": "None",
"venueName": "Off Exchange"
"price": 112.495,
"size": 20000,
"time": 1552323906533,
"timeLabel": "13:05:06",
"venue": "None",
"venueName": "Off Exchange"
"price": 112.64,
"size": 18387,
"time": 1552321109877,
"timeLabel": "12:18:29",
"venue": "None",
"venueName": "Off Exchange"
"price": 112.775,
"size": 15700,
"time": 1552334263982,
"timeLabel": "15:57:43",
"venue": "None",
"venueName": "Off Exchange"
"price": 112.83,
"size": 15451,
"time": 1552334400000,
"timeLabel": "16:00:00",
"venue": "None",
"venueName": "Off Exchange"
"price": 112.231,
"size": 15000,
"time": 1552313386029,
"timeLabel": "10:09:46",
"venue": "None",
"venueName": "Off Exchange"
returns an IEXLogo model with the url to an image.
"url": ""
returns te last 4 years if available.
"symbol": "MSFT",
"actualEPS": 1.1,
"consensusEPS": 1.09,
"estimatedEPS": 1.09,
"announceTime": "AMC",
"numberOfEstimates": 14,
"EPSSurpriseDollar": 0.01,
"EPSReportDate": "2019-01-30",
"fiscalPeriod": "Q2 2019",
"fiscalEndDate": "2018-12-31",
"yearAgo": 0.96,
"yearAgoChangePercent": 0.14583333333333348,
"estimatedChangePercent": 0.1354166666666668,
"symbolId": 4563
"actualEPS": 1.14,
"consensusEPS": 0.96,
"estimatedEPS": 0.96,
"announceTime": "AMC",
"numberOfEstimates": 15,
"EPSSurpriseDollar": 0.18,
"EPSReportDate": "2018-10-24",
"fiscalPeriod": "Q1 2019",
"fiscalEndDate": "2018-09-30",
"yearAgo": 0.84,
"yearAgoChangePercent": 0.3571428571428571,
"estimatedChangePercent": 0.14285714285714285,
"symbolId": 4563
"actualEPS": 1.13,
"consensusEPS": 1.07,
"estimatedEPS": 1.07,
"announceTime": "AMC",
"numberOfEstimates": 14,
"EPSSurpriseDollar": 0.06,
"EPSReportDate": "2018-07-19",
"fiscalPeriod": "Q4 2018",
"fiscalEndDate": "2018-06-30",
"yearAgo": 0.98,
"yearAgoChangePercent": 0.15306122448979584,
"estimatedChangePercent": 0.09183673469387764,
"symbolId": 4563
"actualEPS": 0.95,
"consensusEPS": 0.85,
"estimatedEPS": 0.85,
"announceTime": "AMC",
"numberOfEstimates": 14,
"EPSSurpriseDollar": 0.1,
"EPSReportDate": "2018-04-26",
"fiscalPeriod": "Q3 2018",
"fiscalEndDate": "2018-03-31",
"yearAgo": 0.73,
"yearAgoChangePercent": 0.3013698630136986,
"estimatedChangePercent": 0.1643835616438356,
"symbolId": 4563
returns a list of the last 30 days worth of trades.
"date": "2019-02-11",
"open": 171.05,
"high": 171.21,
"low": 169.25,
"close": 169.43,
"volume": 20993425,
"unadjustedVolume": 20993425,
"change": -0.98,
"changePercent": -0.575,
"vwap": 169.9464,
"label": "Feb 11",
"changeOverTime": 0
"date": "2019-02-12",
"open": 170.1,
"high": 171,
"low": 169.7,
"close": 170.89,
"volume": 22283523,
"unadjustedVolume": 22283523,
"change": 1.46,
"changePercent": 0.862,
"vwap": 170.3732,
"label": "Feb 12",
"changeOverTime": 0.008617128017470221
"date": "2019-02-13",
"open": 171.39,
"high": 172.48,
"low": 169.92,
"close": 170.18,
"volume": 22490233,
"unadjustedVolume": 22490233,
"change": -0.71,
"changePercent": -0.415,
"vwap": 171.0037,
"label": "Feb 13",
"changeOverTime": 0.004426606858289559
"date": "2019-02-14",
"open": 169.71,
"high": 171.2615,
"low": 169.38,
"close": 170.8,
"volume": 21835747,
"unadjustedVolume": 21835747,
"change": 0.62,
"changePercent": 0.364,
"vwap": 170.6527,
"label": "Feb 14",
"changeOverTime": 0.00808593519447562
"date": "2019-02-15",
"open": 171.25,
"high": 171.7,
"low": 169.75,
"close": 170.42,
"volume": 24626814,
"unadjustedVolume": 24626814,
"change": -0.38,
"changePercent": -0.222,
"vwap": 170.4848,
"label": "Feb 15",
"changeOverTime": 0.0058431210529421036
"date": "2019-02-19",
"open": 169.71,
"high": 171.44,
"low": 169.49,
"close": 170.93,
"volume": 18972826,
"unadjustedVolume": 18972826,
"change": 0.51,
"changePercent": 0.299,
"vwap": 170.52,
"label": "Feb 19",
"changeOverTime": 0.008853213716579118
"date": "2019-02-20",
"open": 171.19,
"high": 173.32,
"low": 170.99,
"close": 172.03,
"volume": 26114362,
"unadjustedVolume": 26114362,
"change": 1.1,
"changePercent": 0.644,
"vwap": 172.2129,
"label": "Feb 20",
"changeOverTime": 0.015345570442070437
"date": "2019-02-21",
"open": 171.8,
"high": 172.37,
"low": 170.3,
"close": 171.06,
"volume": 17249670,
"unadjustedVolume": 17249670,
"change": -0.97,
"changePercent": -0.564,
"vwap": 171.116,
"label": "Feb 21",
"changeOverTime": 0.009620492238682615
"date": "2019-02-22",
"open": 171.58,
"high": 173,
"low": 171.38,
"close": 172.97,
"volume": 18913154,
"unadjustedVolume": 18913154,
"change": 1.91,
"changePercent": 1.117,
"vwap": 172.3528,
"label": "Feb 22",
"changeOverTime": 0.02089358437112667
"date": "2019-02-25",
"open": 174.16,
"high": 175.87,
"low": 173.95,
"close": 174.23,
"volume": 21873358,
"unadjustedVolume": 21873358,
"change": 1.26,
"changePercent": 0.728,
"vwap": 174.8641,
"label": "Feb 25",
"changeOverTime": 0.028330283893053077
"date": "2019-02-26",
"open": 173.71,
"high": 175.3,
"low": 173.1732,
"close": 174.33,
"volume": 17070211,
"unadjustedVolume": 17070211,
"change": 0.1,
"changePercent": 0.057,
"vwap": 174.3702,
"label": "Feb 26",
"changeOverTime": 0.028920498140825153
"date": "2019-02-27",
"open": 173.21,
"high": 175,
"low": 172.73,
"close": 174.87,
"volume": 27835389,
"unadjustedVolume": 27835389,
"change": 0.54,
"changePercent": 0.31,
"vwap": 174.1866,
"label": "Feb 27",
"changeOverTime": 0.03210765507879359
"date": "2019-02-28",
"open": 174.32,
"high": 174.91,
"low": 172.92,
"close": 173.15,
"volume": 28215416,
"unadjustedVolume": 28215416,
"change": -1.72,
"changePercent": -0.984,
"vwap": 173.7766,
"label": "Feb 28",
"changeOverTime": 0.021955970017116206
"date": "2019-03-01",
"open": 174.28,
"high": 175.15,
"low": 172.89,
"close": 174.97,
"volume": 25886167,
"unadjustedVolume": 25886167,
"change": 1.82,
"changePercent": 1.051,
"vwap": 174.2926,
"label": "Mar 1",
"changeOverTime": 0.032697869326565494
"date": "2019-03-04",
"open": 175.69,
"high": 177.75,
"low": 173.97,
"close": 175.85,
"volume": 27436203,
"unadjustedVolume": 27436203,
"change": 0.88,
"changePercent": 0.503,
"vwap": 175.9435,
"label": "Mar 4",
"changeOverTime": 0.037891754706958554
"date": "2019-03-05",
"open": 175.94,
"high": 176,
"low": 174.54,
"close": 175.53,
"volume": 19737419,
"unadjustedVolume": 19737419,
"change": -0.32,
"changePercent": -0.182,
"vwap": 175.36,
"label": "Mar 5",
"changeOverTime": 0.036003069114088376
"date": "2019-03-06",
"open": 174.67,
"high": 175.49,
"low": 173.94,
"close": 174.52,
"volume": 20810384,
"unadjustedVolume": 20810384,
"change": -1.01,
"changePercent": -0.575,
"vwap": 174.743,
"label": "Mar 6",
"changeOverTime": 0.030041905211591828
"date": "2019-03-07",
"open": 173.87,
"high": 174.44,
"low": 172.02,
"close": 172.5,
"volume": 24796374,
"unadjustedVolume": 24796374,
"change": -2.02,
"changePercent": -1.157,
"vwap": 173.0614,
"label": "Mar 7",
"changeOverTime": 0.018119577406598555
"date": "2019-03-08",
"open": 170.32,
"high": 173.07,
"low": 169.5,
"close": 172.91,
"volume": 23999358,
"unadjustedVolume": 23999358,
"change": 0.41,
"changePercent": 0.238,
"vwap": 171.8064,
"label": "Mar 8",
"changeOverTime": 0.020539455822463495
returns information about the big exchanges that IEX tracks.
"mic": "TRF",
"tapeId": "",
"venueName": "TRF Volume",
"volume": 2597497450,
"tapeA": 1271826632,
"tapeB": 423382252,
"tapeC": 902288566,
"marketPercent": 0.36433,
"lastUpdated": 1552339066912
"mic": "XNGS",
"tapeId": "Q",
"venueName": "NASDAQ",
"volume": 1181705886,
"tapeA": 429741091,
"tapeB": 148861939,
"tapeC": 603102856,
"marketPercent": 0.16575,
"lastUpdated": 1552339062268
"mic": "XNYS",
"tapeId": "N",
"venueName": "NYSE",
"volume": 1005970612,
"tapeA": 919513868,
"tapeB": 44388369,
"tapeC": 42068375,
"marketPercent": 0.1411,
"lastUpdated": 1552337100062
"mic": "ARCX",
"tapeId": "P",
"venueName": "NYSE Arca",
"volume": 629992609,
"tapeA": 191482901,
"tapeB": 267501215,
"tapeC": 171008493,
"marketPercent": 0.08836,
"lastUpdated": 1552339066698
"mic": "BATS",
"tapeId": "Z",
"venueName": "BATS BZX",
"volume": 353710528,
"tapeA": 176811171,
"tapeB": 72523768,
"tapeC": 104375589,
"marketPercent": 0.04961,
"lastUpdated": 1552338862708
"mic": "BATY",
"tapeId": "Y",
"venueName": "BATS BYX",
"volume": 296899332,
"tapeA": 161628858,
"tapeB": 63898873,
"tapeC": 71371601,
"marketPercent": 0.04164,
"lastUpdated": 1552338989529
"mic": "EDGX",
"tapeId": "K",
"venueName": "EDGX",
"volume": 291040705,
"tapeA": 134347376,
"tapeB": 53538156,
"tapeC": 103155173,
"marketPercent": 0.04082,
"lastUpdated": 1552339057229
"mic": "IEXG",
"tapeId": "V",
"venueName": "IEX",
"volume": 197651514,
"tapeA": 121530492,
"tapeB": 17864907,
"tapeC": 58256115,
"marketPercent": 0.02772,
"lastUpdated": 1552337959067
"mic": "EDGA",
"tapeId": "J",
"venueName": "EDGA",
"volume": 169380827,
"tapeA": 92126309,
"tapeB": 35813453,
"tapeC": 41441065,
"marketPercent": 0.02376,
"lastUpdated": 1552339054932
"mic": "XBOS",
"tapeId": "B",
"venueName": "NASDAQ BX",
"volume": 165660746,
"tapeA": 95805539,
"tapeB": 21323592,
"tapeC": 48531615,
"marketPercent": 0.02324,
"lastUpdated": 1552339041975
"mic": "XCIS",
"tapeId": "C",
"venueName": "NYSE National",
"volume": 93950252,
"tapeA": 52702700,
"tapeB": 17502587,
"tapeC": 23744965,
"marketPercent": 0.01318,
"lastUpdated": 1552337988383
"mic": "XCHI",
"tapeId": "M",
"venueName": "CHX",
"volume": 69105651,
"tapeA": 47648684,
"tapeB": 9159859,
"tapeC": 12297108,
"marketPercent": 0.00969,
"lastUpdated": 1552335335177
"mic": "XPHL",
"tapeId": "X",
"venueName": "NASDAQ PSX",
"volume": 53855074,
"tapeA": 19693531,
"tapeB": 20313642,
"tapeC": 13847901,
"marketPercent": 0.00755,
"lastUpdated": 1552337938580
"mic": "XASE",
"tapeId": "A",
"venueName": "NYSE American",
"volume": 23080610,
"tapeA": 6261340,
"tapeB": 14263866,
"tapeC": 2555404,
"marketPercent": 0.00324,
"lastUpdated": 1552338455129
returns a select number of stock if no parameters returns all stocks tracked by IEX.
"symbol": "SNAP",
"sector": "mediaentertainment",
"securityType": "commonstock",
"bidPrice": 0,
"bidSize": 0,
"askPrice": 0,
"askSize": 0,
"lastUpdated": 1552334791437,
"lastSalePrice": 9.965,
"lastSaleSize": 70,
"lastSaleTime": 1552334394357,
"volume": 506202,
"marketPercent": 0.02361
"symbol": "FB",
"sector": "mediaentertainment",
"securityType": "commonstock",
"bidPrice": 0,
"bidSize": 0,
"askPrice": 0,
"askSize": 0,
"lastUpdated": 1552336772380,
"lastSalePrice": 171.91,
"lastSaleSize": 8,
"lastSaleTime": 1552334400968,
"volume": 354493,
"marketPercent": 0.01927
"symbol": "MSFT",
"sector": "softwareservices",
"securityType": "commonstock",
"bidPrice": 0,
"bidSize": 0,
"askPrice": 0,
"askSize": 0,
"lastUpdated": 1552336907311,
"lastSalePrice": 112.785,
"lastSaleSize": 6,
"lastSaleTime": 1552334396105,
"volume": 477117,
"marketPercent": 0.01979