This application is Client-Server java chat-messenger. The client-side & server-side have a GUI and client communicates with the server to send/receive messages to/from anyone clients respectively.
- Description
- Technologies
- Patterns
- Project Structure
- Features
- Usage
- Database
- Diagram business logic
- Author Info
Welcome to Desktop-Chat-Messenger, a project designed to conversation between users with a user-friendly interface. This project is built using Jdk 11, Hibernate 6, HikariCP, MySQL Driver, and Java Swing for the graphical user interface. All technologies you can see in the part of this under the heading Technologies.
Thread Management
Hibernate 6
MySQL Driver
(P.S. this is cryptography library. About using described below.)JUnit 5
(P.S. this is open-source Java library developed by Google. About using described below.)gson
(P.S. this is library was developed by Google for working with JSON. About using described below.)
- The pattern is a behavioral design pattern used when an object, known as the subject, maintains a list of its dependents, called observers, and notifies them of state changes, typically by calling one of their methods.
- The application consists of nine modules, and each module is divided into ui, domain, dao layers.
- An app modules:
: This module is responsible for authentication-related functionality, including user registration and login;Client-Messenger
: The "Client-Messenger" module is primarily focused on the client-side implementation of a messenger application. It handles user interactions, message sending and receiving, and user interface components for the client application;Core
: The "Core" module serves as the heart of the application, containing essential core functionalities that are shared among various parts of the project. It often includes utility classes, common business logic, and other essential components. Сan be used bothClient-Messenger
: This module manages the database connectivity for the application. It handles database interactions, connection pooling, and database-related configurations;Models
: The "Models" module is responsible for defining the data models and entities used throughout the application. It includes classes that represent database tables, DTOs (Data Transfer Objects), and other data structures like enum, etc.;ParserJSON
: This module deals with JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) parsing and serialization/deserialization. It's responsible for converting Java objects to JSON and vice versa, facilitating data exchange in JSON format;Properties
: The module contains a class that is responsible for reading property files;Server-Messenger
: This module focuses on the server-side implementation of the messenger application. It handles incoming client connections, message handling, and server-specific functionality;Starter
: The "Starter" module serves as the entry point for the application. This module contains classes for starting work with server and clients.
- The user interface is built using the
library, providing an intuitive and interactive access.
- The project utilizes
to store and manage information.
- User password information is encrypted using
for enhanced security.
- The system is designed to be extensible, allowing for the addition of new features and improvements in the future.
- The system is partially tested using
JUnit 5
to ensure its functionality and reliability. Modules that was tested:Auth
, and classConverter
- Log4j2 is employed to provide logging (levels:
- The project uses several external dependencies to enhance its functionality, including:
: It simplifies database interaction by mapping Java objects to database tables, allowing you to work with databases using Java objectsHikariCP
: When used together, HikariCP and Hibernate provide efficient database connection management and data persistence capabilities. HikariCP provides a highly efficient and lightweight connection pooling mechanism. Instead of creating a new database connection for every database interaction and closing it afterward, HikariCP maintains a pool of pre-established connections that can be reused.Log4j2
: Log4j2 is a widely used logging framework for Java applications.bcprov-jdk15on
: Bouncy Castle Provider (bcprov-jdk15on) is a cryptography library for Java. I use it for auth/register user (encryption password).guava
: Guava is an open-source Java library developed by Google. It provides a collection of utility classes and functions that simplify common programming tasks. In app, I use MultiMap, it's so comfortable to use and u don't need to write this code yourself.gson
: It allows you to serialize Java objects into JSON format and deserialize JSON data into Java objects.MySQL Driver
: It provides the necessary functionality to establish database connections, execute SQL queries, and retrieve results from MySQL databases. Its implementation methods JDBC API.
- ✅️ Auth in app:
- ✅️ Authorization;
- ✅️ Registration;
- ✅️ Client:
- ✅ ️ Close Client;
- ✅️ Create chat (Group);
- ✅️ Invite into chat (By name chat);
- ✅️ Send/receive messages in real time;
- ✅️ Type chats into app:
- ✅️ Show history chats (Click on chat);
- ✅️ Server:
- ✅ Close Server;
- ✅️ Show logs;
- I would you recommended to clone my project from the GitHub.
If you wanna do this, please use this command:
git clone
To run this project, you will need to install:
- JDK 11 or higher;
If you have downloaded a project and want to run it with your own database then you have to change .properties file which will be stored in a module
in this waysrc/main/java/resouces/
and put your valid data please.
# Configuration (Data source)
# Origin database
# Test database
# hibernate.connection.url=jdbc:<rdbms>://<domain>:<port>/<testNameDB>
# Minimum number of ideal connections in the pool
# Maximum number of actual connection in the pool
# Maximum waiting time for a connection from the pool (20.s)
# Configuration (Hibernate)
- Here are the steps for you to follow:
- Add this project to your IDE as
project. - If necessary, configure
Java SDK 11
inProject Structure settings
. - You can change setting to your logging into
. - First, you will need to register as a new user.
- Add this project to your IDE as
- You need to create database and add properties to
, and this all that u must to do in order to start to using this project.
Visually it looks like this: