Run this text in a console to install this package:
composer require allyans3/steam-market-api-v2
This package currently offers 10 API calls you can make to Steam, 2 APIs to for inspecting items and 5 technical methods.
All methods don't have delays. If you are using some method in a cycle, please use this in-built php function to prevent steam block for a few minutes:
Recommended 12 (5 req/min) and more seconds.
$api = new SteamApi();
$options = [
'start' => 0,
'count' => 100,
'sort_column' => 'price',
'sort_dir' => 'asc'
$response = $api->getMarketListings(730, $options);
This will return a list of 100 items, you'll need to change the start
option to cycle through the complete list of item.
You'll get 3 technical fields and array of items:
"start" => 0
"pagesize" => 100
"total_count" => 14941
"items" => [
0 => [
"class_id" => "1738152281"
"instance_id" => "188530170"
"name" => "StatTrak™ AWP | Redline (Minimal Wear)"
"image" => " ◀"
"image_large" => " ◀"
"currency" => "USD"
"price" => 146.28
"price_text" => "$146.28"
"sell_listings" => 29
"type" => "StatTrak™ Classified Sniper Rifle"
"exterior" => "Minimal Wear"
$options = [
'market_hash_name' => "AK-47 | The Empress (Field-Tested)",
$response = $api->getSaleHistory(730, $options);
This will return the lifetime sales history for an item by timestamp. Price in USD. Timestamp GMT+0.
"time" => 1505433600
"price" => 150.858
"volume" => 35
$options = [
'market_hash_name' => "AK-47 | The Empress (Field-Tested)",
'currency' => 1
$response = $api->getItemPricing(730, $options);
This will return the lowest and median price for an item.
"success" => true
"volume" => "121"
"lowest_price" => 36.66
"lowest_price_text" => "$36.66"
"median_price" => 34.56
"median_price_text" => "$34.56"
$options = [
'start' => 0,
'count' => 100,
'query' => 'AK-47 | The Empress',
'exact' => true
$response = $api->searchItems(730, $options);
You'll get 3 technical fields and array of items:
"start" => 0
"pagesize" => 100
"total_count" => 10
"items" => [
0 => [
"name" => "AK-47 | The Empress (Field-Tested)"
"image" => ""
"price" => 37.37
"price_text" => "$37.37"
"sell_listings" => 246
"type" => "Covert Rifle"
"condition" => "Field-Tested"
❗❗❗ In release v3.2
added an optional filters
key and more items in response arrays:
$options = [
'start' => 0,
'count' => 100,
'query' => '',
'exact' => true,
'filters' => [
'category_730_Type[]' => 'tag_Type_CustomPlayer' //For finding Agent type
$response = $api->searchItems(730, $options);
"start" => 0
"pagesize" => 100
"total_count" => 63
"items" => [
0 => [
"class_id" => "4578725471"
"instance_id" => "519977179"
"name" => "Cmdr. Frank 'Wet Sox' Baroud | SEAL Frogman"
"exterior" => ""
"name_color" => "D2D2D2"
"background_color" => ""
"image" => " ▶"
"type" => "Master Agent"
"tradable" => 1
"commodity" => 0
"price" => 12.21
"price_text" => "$12.21"
"sell_listings" => 92
$options = [
'start' => 0,
'count' => 100,
'currency' => 1,
'market_hash_name' => "AK-47 | The Empress (Field-Tested)"
'filter' => ''
$response = $api->getItemListings(730, $options);
You'll get 3 technical fields and array of items:
"start" => 0
"pagesize" => "100"
"total_count" => 165
"items" => [
0 => [
"listingId" => "3136147247424375927"
"name" => "AK-47 | The Empress (Field-Tested)"
"image" => ""
"imageLarge" => ""
"price_with_fee" => 37.37
"price_with_fee_str" => "$37.37"
"price_with_publisher_fee_only" => 35.75
"price_with_publisher_fee_only_str" => "$35.75"
"price_without_fee" => 32.5
"price_without_fee_str" => "$32.50"
"inspectLink" => "steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M3136147247424375927A19190892996D9387202219111148413"
This method show only CS:GO items.
$options = [
'country' => 'US',
'language' => 'english',
'currency' => 1,
$response = $api->getNewlyListed($options);
You'll get this response:
0 => [
"listing_id" => "3370369307670557422",
"name" => "AWP | Acheron (Field-Tested)",
"image" => "",
"image_large" => "",
"inspectable" => true,
"inspect_link" => "steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M3370369307670557422A23189662357D28759705069335587",
"stickers" => [],
"type" => "Mil-Spec Grade Sniper Rifle",
"status" => 2,
"price_with_fee" => 1.01,
"publisher_fee" => 0.08,
"steam_fee" => 0.04,
"price_without_fee" => 0.89
❗❗❗ In release v3.1
changed values to float for highest_buy_order
and lowest_sell_order
$options = [
'country' => 'US',
'language' => 'english',
'currency' => 1,
'item_nameid' => 175917356
$response = $api->getItemOrdersHistogram($options);
You'll get this response:
"highest_buy_order" => 27.11
"lowest_sell_order" => 28.87
"buy_order_summary" => 6626
"sell_order_summary" => 184
"buy_order_graph" => [
0 => [
"price" => 27.11
"volume" => 3
"description" => "3 buy orders at $27.11 or higher"
"sell_order_graph" => [
0 => [
"price" => 28.87
"volume" => 1
"description" => "1 sell orders at $28.87 or lower"
"buy_order_table" => [
0 => [
"price" => 27.11
"price_text" => "$27.11"
"count" => 3
"sell_order_table" => [
0 => [
"price" => 28.87
"price_text" => "$28.87"
"count" => 1
"graph_max_y" => 700
"graph_min_x" => 23.66
"graph_max_x" => 41.98
"price_prefix" => "$"
"price_suffix" => ""
This method needs in order to get the item_nameid
for the method above (Item Orders Histogram).
$options = [
'market_hash_name' => "AK-47 | The Empress (Field-Tested)"
$response = $api->getItemNameId(730, $options);
You'll get the item_nameid
This method return user inventory by SteamID64.
$options = [
'steamId' => '76561197986603983',
'contextId' => 2,
'count' => 50,
'language' => 'english',
'startAssetId' => ''
$response = $api->getUserInventory(730, $options);
You'll receive inventory items:
0 => [
"assetid" => "20213922670",
"classid" => "1815180002",
"instanceid" => "188530139",
"amount" => "1",
"slot" => 1,
"name" => "★ Karambit | Gamma Doppler (Factory New)",
"nameColor" => "8650AC",
"type" => "★ Covert Knife",
"image" => "",
"imageLarge" => "",
"image_cf" => "",
"imageLarge_cf" => "",
"withdrawable_at" => 7,
"marketable" => true,
"tradable" => true,
"commodity" => false,
"nameTag" => "StrikeR's PricK",
"inspectLink" => "steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20S76561202255233023A20213922670D7506381567363227325",
"condition" => "Factory New",
"float" => 0.060837019234896,
"paintseed" => 905,
"paintindex" => 570,
"stickers" => []
This method return FULL user inventory by SteamID64.
$options = [
'steamId' => '76561197986603983',
'contextId' => 2,
$response = $api->getUserInventoryV2(730, $options);
You'll receive inventory items:
0 => [
"assetid" => "20213922670",
"classid" => "1815180002",
"instanceid" => "188530139",
"amount" => "1",
"hide_in_china" => false,
"slot" => 1,
"name" => "★ Karambit | Gamma Doppler (Factory New)",
"nameColor" => "8650AC",
"type" => "★ Covert Knife",
"image" => "",
"imageLarge" => "",
"image_cf" => "",
"imageLarge_cf" => "",
"withdrawable_at" => "7",
"cacheExpiration" => "",
"marketable" => true,
"tradable" => true,
"commodity" => false,
"nameTag" => "StrikeR's PricK",
"inspectLink" => "steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20S76561202255233023A20213922670D7506381567363227325",
"condition" => "Factory New",
"float" => 0.060837019234896,
"paintseed" => 905,
"paintindex" => 570,
"stickers" => []
Source API:
$options = [
'inspect_link' => 'steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M3130517023148833575A18217556235D3377922844091506969',
'detailed' => false,
'minimal' => false
$response = $api->inspectItem($options);
You'll get this response:
"iteminfo" => [
"origin" => 8
"quality" => 4
"rarity" => 6
"a" => "18217556235"
"d" => "11973598228597186897"
"paintseed" => 725
"defindex" => 7
"paintindex" => 675
"stickers" => [
0 => [
"stickerId" => 4217
"slot" => 0
"codename" => "berlin2019_signature_golden_foil"
"material" => "berlin2019/sig_golden_foil"
"name" => "Golden (Foil) | Berlin 2019"
1 => [
"stickerId" => 260
"slot" => 2
"codename" => "drugwarveteran"
"material" => "community02/drugwarveteran"
"name" => "Drug War Veteran"
"floatid" => "18035389401"
"floatvalue" => 0.35344177484512
"s" => "76561198096112563"
"m" => "0"
"imageurl" => ""
"min" => 0
"max" => 1
"weapon_type" => "AK-47"
"item_name" => "The Empress"
"rarity_name" => "Covert"
"quality_name" => "Unique"
"origin_name" => "Found in Crate"
"wear_name" => "Field-Tested"
"full_item_name" => "AK-47 | The Empress (Field-Tested)"
$options = [
'inspect_link' => 'steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M3130517023148833575A18217556235D3377922844091506969',
'detailed' => false,
$response = $api->inspectItemV2($options);
You'll get this response:
"iteminfo" => [
"accountid" => null
"itemid" => "18217556235"
"defindex" => 7
"paintindex" => 675
"rarity" => 6
"quality" => 4
"paintseed" => 725
"killeaterscoretype" => null
"killeatervalue" => null
"customname" => null
"stickers" => [
0 => [
"slot" => 0
"stickerId" => 4217
"wear" => null
"scale" => null
"rotation" => null
"tintId" => null
"codename" => "berlin2019_signature_golden_foil"
"name" => "Golden (Foil) | Berlin 2019"
1 => [
"slot" => 2
"stickerId" => 260
"wear" => null
"scale" => null
"rotation" => null
"tintId" => null
"codename" => "drugwarveteran"
"name" => "Drug War Veteran"
"inventory" => 75
"origin" => 8
"questid" => null
"dropreason" => null
"musicindex" => null
"s" => "0"
"a" => "18217556235"
"d" => "3377922844091506969"
"m" => "3130517023148833575"
"floatvalue" => 0.35344177484512
"imageurl" => ""
"min" => 0
"max" => 1
"weapon_type" => "AK-47"
"item_name" => "The Empress"
"rarity_name" => "Covert"
"quality_name" => "Unique"
"origin_name" => "Found in Crate"
"wear_name" => "Field-Tested"
"full_item_name" => "AK-47 | The Empress (Field-Tested)"
"success" => true
$response = $api->getCurrencyList();
You'll receive currency list:
0 => "USD"
1 => "USD"
2 => "GBP"
3 => "EUR"
4 => "CHF"
5 => "RUB"
6 => "PLN"
$response = $api->getExteriorList();
You'll receive exterior list:
"(Factory New)" => "Factory New"
"(Minimal Wear)" => "Minimal Wear"
"(Field-Tested)" => "Field-Tested"
"(Well-Worn)" => "Well-Worn"
"(Battle-Scarred)" => "Battle-Scarred"
This method return User Agents List for this browsers: Chrome, Edge, Firefox, IE, Opera, Safari
$response = $api->getUserAgents('Chrome');
You'll receive user agents list:
0 => "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/74.0.3729.169 Safari/537.36",
1 => "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/72.0.3626.121 Safari/537.36",
2 => "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/74.0.3729.157 Safari/537.36",
3 => "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/60.0.3112.113 Safari/537.36",
4 => "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/60.0.3112.90 Safari/537.36",
5 => "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/72.0.3626.121 Safari/537.36",
6 => "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/74.0.3729.169 Safari/537.36",
7 => "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/69.0.3497.100 Safari/537.36",
8 => "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/79.0.3945.88 Safari/537.36",
9 => "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/78.0.3904.108 Safari/537.36",
10 => "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/79.0.3945.130 Safari/537.36",
If you are using for the first time you will get the first item. If you have reached the last item then the first item will be returned to you.
$proxyList = [
$response = $api->getNextIp($proxyList);
You'll receive next ip:
In release v2.2
added a third optional $proxy
parameter where you can pass cURL parameters as in the example:
$proxy = [
CURLOPT_USERAGENT => 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/80.0.3987.149 Safari/537.36',
$response = $api->getMarketListings(730, $options, $proxy);
In release v2.9
added an optional detailed
key for $options
$options = [
'start' => 0,
'count' => 100,
'market_hash_name' => "AK-47 | The Empress (Field-Tested)",
'detailed' => true
$response = $api->getItemListings(730, $options);
You'll receive detailed information about response:
"request_headers" => [
"http_code" => "GET /market/listings/730/AK-47%20%7C%20The%20Empress%20%28Field-Tested%29/render?query=&start=0&count=100¤cy=1&country=EN&language=english&filter= HTTP/1.",
"Host" => "",
"Accept" => "*/*"
"headers" => [
"http_code" => "HTTP/1.1 200 OK",
"Server" => "nginx",
"Content-Type" => "application/json; charset=utf-8",
"X-Frame-Options" => "SAMEORIGIN",
"Cache-Control" => "public,max-age=90",
"Expires" => "Mon, 30 Aug 2021 22:34:24 GMT",
"Last-Modified" => "Mon, 30 Aug 2021 22:31:30 GMT",
"Date" => "Mon, 30 Aug 2021 22:32:54 GMT",
"Transfer-Encoding" => "chunked",
"Connection" => "Transfer-Encoding"
"response" => [
"start" => 0,
"pagesize" => "100",
"total_count" => 273,
"items" => [
"error" => "",
"remote_ip" => "",
"code" => 200,
"url" => "¤cy=1&country=EN&language=english&filter=",
"total_time" => "767"