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PosterVote backend

This is the repo for the PosterVote backend source code. It is an Express server written in TypeScript and deployed through Docker. It connects to a MySQL database and uses migrations to manage tables. It also has a CLI to perform migrations and perform other useful tasks.

What is PosterVote?

Table of contents



To develop on this repo, you will need to have Docker and Node installed on your dev machine.

You will also need a SendGrid API key to send authentication emails.

# Install dependencies through npm
npm install

# Setup your environment, filling in the blanks
cp .env.example .env
nano .env

Regular use

# Spin up a mysql database for development
#  -> Launches a mysql docker container
#  -> Access from the host with mysql://user:secret@
#  -> It uses a named volume so if you stop the container, the data persists
#  -> NOTE: The first time you run this you have to add a 'postervote' table
docker-compose up -d

# Run a development server on your machine
# -> This will watch for changes to .ts files and reload the server
# -> It will fail if any config is missing in your .env
npm run dev

# Run unit tests
#  -> It looks for files that end with '.spec.ts', e.g. MyApp.spec.ts
npm test -s

# Generate the table of contents for this readme and docs/
npm run gen-toc

Code Structure

Folder Use
bin Reusable commands for development, used in package.json
dist Where TypeScript files are transpiled to
src The location of the source code
src/core Core utilities of the server
src/migrations Database migrations to create & replicate the database
src/routes Api routes, routed to by express
src/views Pug templates for rendering html
static Static assets served at /static
uploads Internal uploads directory for storing files


This project uses unit tests to ensure that everything is working correctly, guide development, avoid bad code and reduce defects. Tests are any file in src/ that ends with .spec.ts, by convention they are inline with the source code, in a parallel folder called __tests__.

# Run the tests
npm test -s

# Generate code coverage
npm run coverage -s


This repo uses Prettier to automatically format code when you stage changes. This means that code that is pushed is always formatted to a consistent standard. You can manually run the formatter with npm run format.


Building the image

This project uses a GitLab CI to build a Docker image when you push a git tag. This is designed to be used with the npm version command so all docker images are semantically versioned.

npm version ... # major | minor | patch
git push --tags

Using the image

With this docker image you can easily deploy it to your server using docker-compose. The server uses environment variables to let you configure how it works. Some variables are set by default when in development mode, below is the available configuration:

Variable Description
NODE_ENV The mode the server is running in either production or development
API_URL The url where this container is hosted, e.g.
WEB_URL The url where the web counterpart is hosted
DB_TYPE (optional) The type of database to conenct to, default: mysql
DB_URI The uri to access the database, e.g. mysql://user:secret@
JWT_SECRET A unique secret used to generate JWT tokens, the longer the better
COOKIE_SECRET A unique secret used to sign cookies, the longer the better
HASH_SECRET A unique secret used to hash private info with, the longer the better
ADMIN_EMAIL The email address where login emails will come from
REG_TWILIO_NUMBER Your Twilio phone number used to register posters
VOTE_TWILIO_NUMBER Your Twilio phone number used to submit votes


See docs/api

Using the cli

You can use the api with docker run or docker exec, depending if you have a running container already.

# If you have a running container
docker exec -it postervote_api cli --help

# If you want to run without a container
# -> Where you have a mysql container and your (^) variables in .env
docker run -it --rm --link mysql --env-file=.env $IMAGE cli --help

Below is is the --help output for reference

Usage: cli [options] [command]

  -V, --version                      output the version number
  -h, --help                         display help for command

  serve                              Run the server
  db:migrate                         Perform database migrations (oldest to newest)
  db:destroy                         DANGER: Undo database migrations (newest to oldest)
  db:regenerate                      DANGER: Undo database migrations then perform them again
  jwt:token <email>                  Generate a JWT for a given email
  bulk:append <input-file> <device>  Start or append-to a bulk upload file
  bulk:insert <input-file>           Bulk register posters
  help [command]                     display help for command

Serial bulk

There are bulk:append and bulk:insert commands for bulk registering PosterVote devices agains poster records. The first command generates/appends to an ndjson for each device connected to over serial. The second command takes that ndjson file with human-added poster ids and sets them up in the database.


This command listens on serial for PosterVote debug info, parses the data and appends to the ndjson file.

  1. Plug the PosterVote USB cable in and run this command.
  2. Make sure the PosterVote has a bettery in and has booted up.
  3. Hold the cable pins against the PosterVote device pads, the black wire should go on the middle pad with the red wire on the MCLR side.
  4. Hold down the first and third PosterVote device buttons and watch the command output.
  5. A record should have been added to the ndjson file.

Device pads — The pads are numbered 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 where MCLR is 1. The serial cable should be yellow=4, black=3 & red=1


This command takes the ndjson file form bulk:append and uses it to seed the database. You need to edit the ndjson file and fill in the "poster":null bits to map each device to a poster. The posters need to be created before hand through the website.

Future Work

  • Run database migrations on container startup
  • Give the poster pdf a name
  • Hashids the posters endpoint to stop increment attack
  • Add code coverage for IVR routes

The code on is a mirror of


The Node.js based server for Poster Vote







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