Read a manifest, OCR the images, create AnnotationLists and add them to a copy of the manifest
This tool uses the tesseract OCR engine. Ensure you have this installed and on your $PATH before running the code below.
usage: [-h] [--base-output-uri OUTPUTURI] [--lang LANG] [-c] manifest output
Read a manifest, OCR all the pages then adds the results as annotation lists
positional arguments:
manifest URL to Manifest file
output Output directory for annotation lists
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--base-output-uri OUTPUTURI
Output URI for annotations and annotation list
--lang LANG Language to pass to the OCR engine see:
-c, --confidence Include OCR confidence value in text of the annotation?
This should work with v2 manifests and v3 manifest. For v2 AnnotationLists are created for v3 AnnotationPages are created.
python iiif2annos/ --lang frk --base-output-uri http://localhost:5500/newspaper newspaper
Using these blogs as a guide: