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fh# Frontend Template App

GitHub Repository

Build and Test

Local development

# get the source
git clone
cd template-app
git submodule update --init

# install dependencies
npm install

# constantly build dist/bundle.js and run a local web-server on port 8001 
npm run watch

# same as watch, but with babel, terser, etc active -> very slow
npm run watch-full

# constantly build dist/bundle.js and run a local web-server on port 8001 using a custom assets directory assets_local/
npm run watch-local

# run tests
npm test

# build for deployment
npm build

Jump to https://localhost:8001, and you should get a Single Sign On login page.

Framework Documentation

You can find more information about our framework, technologies used and the development workflow in our Frontend Developer Guide.

Starting the API server

If you want to add backend implementations, you need to start the api server. For this you will need the Middleware API that you cloned according to the onboarding developer guide.

# start api server
cd api/docker
sudo docker-compose up

Get started

To create your own app, first copy this repository.

The construct


The main html construct is based in the asset folder: dbp-frontend-template-app.html.ejs You can change here favicons, the color variables, fonts and the outer html construct.

  • To get started rename this file to dbp-frontend-first-app.html.ejs

For favicon support in multiple browsers there exist one folder and twi other files. The icons - in different size - are based in the folder icon.


The main logic is based in the src folder.

There are at least two files. One for a topic, one or more for an activity and some other files with for example helper functions. (In our case i18n.js for the translation).

dbp-frontend-template-app.js is the entry point of the App. If you want to use it with the app shell:

  • Rename the file dbp-frontend-template-app.js to dbp-frontend-first-app.js
  • Change the dbp-frontend-template-app string to dbp-frontend-first-app

dbp-template-activity.js is one activity of the topic. The main code of the activity is based there.

  • Copy or rename the file dbp-template-activity.js to dbp-first-activity.js (the name given in dbp-template-activity.metadata.json: module_src)

The class in this file is based on lit-elements

  • Change in the last line commonUtils.defineCustomElement('dbp-template-activity', StarterActivity);
    • The first string dbp-template-activity is the given element name in dbp-template-activity.metadata.json
    • The second string StarterActivity is your given class name in the point above.

There is another folder i18n. In this folder there is the whole translation based. You have subfolder for your different languages. In these subfolder you have a translation.json file where you can bin strings to your translation keys. For further information look at:

The main structure - the topic - from the application is based in dbp-frontend-template-app.topic.metadata.json.ejs For more information about the structure look at: Components

  • Change the name in german and english (or add another language if you support one)
  • Change the short_name
  • Add a description of your App
  • Change the routong_name
  • Add the path of your activities.metadata.json

The activity metadata should be also based in the assets folder. The file dbp-template-activity.metadata.json is an example for an activity. It contains the basic description of an activity.

  • Copy or rename the file dbp-template-activity.metadata.json to dbp-first-activity.metadata.json
  • Change element to your element name.
  • Change the module_src - this is the file where the code of your activity is based.
  • Change the routing_name(has to be unique and url safe), name, short_name and add a description
  • Copy or rename the file dbp-template-activity.topic.metadata.json to dbp-frontend-first-app.topic.metadata.json
  • In rollup.config.js change all template substrings to first.


This source is delivered with a clean, "brandable" design. If you want your own design fork the repo toolkit, create your own AppShell and change vars in common/styles.js

The style for the activities itself, can be changed in src/<your-activity-name>.js in the function static get styles().

For TU Graz purposes go to <your-app-name>.html.ejs and simple delete the attributes shell-name, shell-subname and no-brand in line 111-113.


To ensure a uniform and responsive design the activity should occupy 100% of the window width when the activity width is less than 768px.