A collection of Terraform modules for AWS.
See changelog.md
for history of changes.
This folder contains modules related to taking automated backups.
Configures a scheduled ECS service which takes database backups and uploads to S3.
Configures a scheduled ECS service which takes backups of ElasticSearch instance and uploads to S3 using shutterbug.
An EC2 host launched by an ASG that registers itself with Route53 on startup. Provides SSH access to private subnets.
Modules for ECS cluster EC2 host configurations.
Avoid using this module. Prefer standard. This it creates DLCS-specific folders and contains unnecessary modifications (e.g. for ElasticSearch + Samba etc)
Create a EC2 host with EFS + EBS backed storage. Designed to be general-specialists and have modifications for ElasticSearch and Samba. Also have standard folders created.
Create a EC2 host with EFS + EBS backed storage
Modules for AWS Athena / AWS Glue
Sets up AWS Glue table for ALB logs
Sets up AWS Glue table for CloudFront logs
ECS specific modules (a number of the other, older, modules are ECS specific and should be removed).
Scale in/out a service based on cron schedule
Helpers to construct container_definition object for use in tasks.
Create launch template, autoscaling group and capacity provider for EC2 ECS host.
Similar to above but uses attribute based instance selection rather than specifying an instance type.
Create a task definition and relevant task + execution IAM roles
These modules are similar in that they both create an ECS servce, load-balancer target group, load-balancer listener rule and optionally DNS records.
The difference is on task launch_type and have been separated for simplicity and to avoid conditional logic.
Create baseline IAM config, including FORCE_MFA
Create ALB target group, listener rule, security groups and optional DNS records
Create ALB with an HTTP + HTTPS listener.
Create an SNS topic with a policy to publish to it.
Create an SQS queue subscriped to an SNS topic with a DLQ.
Modules for ECS services
Do not use these - prefer ecs/* modules instead as they allow for better composition
Creates ECS Service, roles, policies and accompanying ALB rules. Optionally create ssl cert and DNS entries.
Modules related to creating and managing ECS tasks/envvars etc
Create ECS container definitions + tasks with 1,2,3,4,5 containers respectively. (obsolete: favour /ecs/container_definition
and /ecs/task_definition
instead for clarity)
Helpers for setting VALUE_FROM
properties in ECS container definitions. Calculates paths and generates permissions.
Create a VPC with default 3 public and private subnets. Also creates s3 + dynamoDB vpc endpoints