cloudfoundry.org is the community site for Cloud Foundry.
Cloud Foundry is the industry's open Platform as a Service (PaaS), providing a choice of clouds, frameworks, and application services.
cloudfoundry.org is built using Middleman.
cloudfoundry.org uses a Fork and Pull model of collaborative development. Follow this link to learn how to submit a pull request.
- Point your browser at https://github.com/cloudfoundry/cloudfoundry.org and click "Fork".
- From shell/prompt:
> git clone https://github.com/username/cloudfoundry.org.git
# Clones your fork of the repository into the current directory
> cd cloudfoundry.org
# Changes the active directory to the newly cloned "cloudfoundry.org" directory
> git remote add upstream https://github.com/cloudfoundry/cloudfoundry.org.git
# Assigns the original repository to a remote called "upstream"
> git fetch upstream
# Pulls in changes not present in your local repository, without modifying your files
- All issues (bugs, enhancements, questions, etc.) are tracked via the [cloudfoundry issues] page
- Each issue should be contained inside its own branch
- Each branch should be named after the issue number (iss1, iss2, etc)
#####To check if the issue already has a branch:
> git branch -r
origin/HEAD -> origin/master
As you can see from the output above, Issue #4 is in progress (upstream/iss4).
####To contribute to issue that is IN PROGRESS: Let's say that you want to work on Issue #4:
From shell/prompt:
> git fetch upstream
> git checkout --track upstream/iss4
# makes iss4 the active branch in your workspace, and sets up the "upstream" configuration, and merges the remote branch with your local workspace
You may now start working on the issue.
####To INITIATE work on an issue:
Let's say the issues list contains the following issue:
Issue #9: add directory structure and files for bootstrap-based site
From shell/prompt:
> git checkout --track -b upstream/iss9
# creates a new remote branch called "iss9", makes it the active branch, and sets up the "upstream" configuration
> git fetch upstream iss9
You may now start working on the issue.
bundle install
sh build.sh
sh run.sh
Now that you have it running locally you can start to develop and test new functionality and content.
See the CF Getting Started guide if this is your first CF app.
sh build.sh
cf push appname
Smoke test new app (eg. http://appname.cfapps.io).
When you have tested your changes, and it is time to merge the changes in to the branch created earlier...
Commit and push your changes
> git commit -a -m "added directory structure for bootstrap-based site [issue 9]"
> git push upstream iss9
Create a Pull Request
If you have publishing rights for the www.cloudfoundry.org website, please use the publish.sh script.