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Final group project for Management and Analysis of Physics Dataset - M.Sc. Physics of Data UniPD 2023

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Streaming processing of cosmic rays using Drift Tubes detectors

Goal of the project

  • Set up a cluster on CloudVeneto (AWS).

  • Simulating a continuous Data acquisition stream from a particle physics detector by injecting the provided dataset into a Kafka topic. The dataset is hosted in a CloudVeneto bucket.

  • Process the data using Spark and send the results to a real-time dashboard (Bokeh).

Network architecture

Network schematics


  • Connect to the cluster -> KAFKA_BOOTSTRAP_SERVER

  • Define a producer

  • Create two topics -> data_raw, data_clean ; define the number of partitions and the replication factor

data_raw = NewTopic(name='data_raw', 
                        replication_factor=1)                     #replication factor is 1 (no replication) because we have one broker    

data_clean = NewTopic(name='data_clean', 

kafka_admin.create_topics(new_topics=[data_raw, data_clean])
  • Connect to s3 bucket
  • Send message asynchronously -> KafkaProducer.send()
  • Full batch -> KafkaProducer.flush()
### loop into s3 bucket and send batches to the broker simulating a streaming data

for obj in list_obj_contents:
    #load each txt file into pandas dataframe
    df=pd.read_csv(s3_client.get_object(Bucket='##', Key=obj['Key']).get('Body'), sep=' ')
    df.rename(columns = {'HEAD,FPGA,TDC_CHANNEL,ORBIT_CNT,BX_COUNTER,TDC_MEAS':'values'}, inplace = True)

        # append a record to the msg to send
        producer.send('data_raw', row)
        #send message to the topic when we reach batch size 
        if batch_counter==batch_size:
            # sleep time
    # send last batch 

Spark analysis

  • Session and Context creation

  • Vary these parameters to test performance:

    • spark.executor.instances: n° of executors

    • spark.executor.cores: n° of CPU cores for each executor

    • spark.sql.shuffle.partitions: n° of partitions used when shuffling for joins/aggregations

    • spark.sql.execution.arrow.pyspark.enabled: in memory columnar format → no major differences→left true

  • Producer creation -> send the final message to the data_clean topic

# read streaming df from kafka
inputDF = spark\
    .option("kafka.bootstrap.servers", KAFKA_BOOTSTRAP_SERVER)\
    .option("kafkaConsumer.pollTimeoutMs", 1000)\
    .option('subscribe', 'data_raw')\
    .option("startingOffsets", "latest") \


# extract the value from the kafka message
rawraw_data ="value").cast("string")).alias("csv")

# split the csv line in the corresponding fields
raw_data = rawraw_data.selectExpr("cast(split(value, ',')[0] as int) as HEAD",
                                   "cast(split(value, ',')[1] as int) as FPGA",
                                   "cast(split(value, ',')[2] as int) as TDC_CHANNEL",
                                   "cast(split(value, ',')[3] as long) as ORBIT_CNT",
                                   "cast(split(value, ',')[4] as int) as BX_COUNTER",
                                   "cast(split(value, ',')[5] as double) as TDC_MEAS")

Batch processing:

  • total number of processed hits: hit_count

  • total number of processed hits per chamber: hit_count_chamber

  • histogram of the counts of active TDC_CHANNEL, per chamber: ch*_tdc_counts_list - histogram of the total number of active TDC_CHANNEL in each ORBIT_CNT, per chamber: ch*_orbit_counts_list • Create JSON message→send to topic

# function to apply to each batch: writes and sends a kafka message at the end
def batch_processing(df, epoch_id):

    df = df.persist()

    # 1: total number of processed hits, post-cleansing (1 value per batch)
    hit_count = df.count()
    # 2: total number of processed hits, post-cleansing, per chamber (4 values per batch)

    hit_count_chamber = df.groupby('CHAMBER').agg(count('TDC_CHANNEL').alias('HIT_COUNT'))\

    # 3: histogram of the counts of active TDC_CHANNEL, per chamber (4 arrays per batch)

    tdc_counts = df.groupby(['CHAMBER','TDC_CHANNEL']).agg(count('TDC_CHANNEL').alias('TDC_COUNTS'))
    tdc_counts = tdc_counts.persist()

    # 4: histogram of the total number of active TDC_CHANNEL in each ORBIT_CNT, per chamber (4 arrays per batch)

    orbit_count = orbit_count.persist()



    # prepare message to send to kafka
    msg = {

        'msg_ID': ID,
        'hit_count': hit_count,
        'hit_count_chamber': hit_count_chamber[0][0],
    producer.send('data_clean', json.dumps(msg).encode('utf-8'))

# Apply function to the streaming dataset

query = raw_data.writeStream\
            .option("checkpointLocation", "checkpoint")\
            .trigger(processingTime='5 seconds')\

Consumer - Dashboard

  • Create consumer
# Initialize Kafka consumer by subscribing to the topic
consumer = KafkaConsumer('data_clean',
                         bootstrap_servers = KAFKA_BOOTSTRAP_SERVER)
  • Poll messages
def polling():
    for msg in consumer:
        value = json.loads(msg.value.decode('utf-8'))  # Convert the message value to a dictionary
    return value

    def create_value():
    #instantiate dictionary
    combined_dict = {}
    poll = polling()
    x = poll["msg_ID"]
    y = poll['hit_count'] 
    combined_dict["p1"] = {"x": [x], "y": [y]}  

    return combined_dict
  • Create periodic function and launch the dashboard with bokeh serve --show

dashboard gif

Metrics analysis

How does performance change by varying the following parameters?

  • Number of executors (and cores)→10 (1 core), 3 (2, 4, 4 cores), 5 (2 cores)

  • Number of Kafka partitions→1, 5, 10, 100, 200

  • Number of shuffle partitions→5, 10, 25, 50, 100, 200

  • Input rows→1000, 5000 rows/

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Testo alternativo


Final group project for Management and Analysis of Physics Dataset - M.Sc. Physics of Data UniPD 2023







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