______ ____ _____ __ ______
/ / / / / ___| / _ \ \ / / \ \ \ \
/ / / / \___ \| | | \ \ /\ / / \ \ \ \
/ / / / ___) | |_| |\ V V / \ \ \ \
/_/_/_/ |____/ \___/ \_/\_/ \_\_\_\
Sow is not yet another installation tool. It is not able to handle installation steps by its own. Instead it is used to describe and execute an orchestration of multiple installation components based on arbitrary installation tools, like terraform, helm, kubectl, etc.
The tool itself only handles the information flow among those installation components and controls their execution order.
Each installation component is described by a set of yaml documents. This is used together with an installation configuration and information provided by used components to generate a deployment configuration and a contract intended to be used by other components.
The deployment configuration consists of a sequence of plugin execution requests and their configuration.
The installation plugins are shell modules or executables delivered with the tool itself or provided by the installation content. sow finally just generates the plugin config and executes the plugins in the appropriate order.
A component is described by a set of yaml documents.
The component.yaml
describes the dependencies to other
components. A deployment.yaml
describes the configuration
for the plugin executions. The component may
export structured yaml values to be used by other components (the contract),
again described by a yaml document (export.yaml
) and keep a state in form
of a yaml document (state.yaml
) or other files.
The information flow is described by the component dependencies
and an installation configuration.
Therefore sow processes the yaml documents with the
spiff++ in-domaim templating engine
by providing appropriate merge stubs based on
the exports of the dependencies and the last local state.
This allows to describe the calculation of the effective document versions
in-place with dynaml
expressions evaluated by spiff.
The dependencies are also used to determine the appropriate deployment and deletion order for the components of an installation source.
An installation source is a set of components bundled in a dedicated filesystem structure. This could, for example, be stored and versioned in source code management systems like git. The installation sources might be nested, this means an installation source may also include other installation sources. With git, this could be done using submodules. In any way the result is a closed filesystem structure containing the complete installation source.
Finally a landscape describes a concrete installation as instance of an installation source. It is again described by a dedicated closed file system structure containing the installation source and a yaml document containing the configuration values for the dedicated installation. This configuration will also be part of the template processing of the various configuration files provided by the installation components.
During the installation process, this filesytsem structure will also be used to hold the state of the installation components. It can again be versioned using a versioning system. With git, for example, the installation source can be added and versioned by a git submodule.
Sow is not meant as noun, but verb, in the sense of the required action to till the soil. It is used to sow the seedlings of different kinds or species found in greenhouses in the field, or acre.
The first use case is to install a garden with a gardener on a kubernetes cluster.
├── acre.yaml # config of the concrete installation instance
├── crop # the installation source for the landscape
│ ├── acre.yaml
│ ├── SPEC-VERSION # optional file containing the specification
│ │ # version of the installation source
│ ├── components # components of the root installation source
│ │ ├── comp1
│ │ │ ├── component.yaml
│ │ │ ├── deployment.yaml
│ │ │ └── export.yaml
│ │ ├── nested # components may be nested
│ │ │ └── comp2
│ │ │ ├── component.yaml
│ │ │ ├── deployment.yaml
│ │ │ ├── lib # convention: any kind of library
│ │ │ │ .
│ │ │ │ .
│ │ │ │
│ │ │ ├── action # optional: direct plugin code, deploy/delete code
│ │ │ ├── plugins # optional: folder for local plugins
│ │ . └── export.yaml
│ │ .
│ │
│ ├── lib # convention: folder for any kind of libraries
│ │ ├── sow.sh # optional sow extension script
│ │ .
│ │ .
│ │
│ ├── plugins # optional: folder for plugins provided by product
│ │
│ └── greenhouses # recursively included installation sources
│ └── nestedproduct # name as root of the installation source
│ ├── SPEC-VERSION # optional file containing the specification
│ │ # version of the nested product
│ ├── other product folders (see above)
│ └── components
│ ├── testcomp
│ │ ├── component.yaml
│ │ ├── deployment.yaml
│ │ .
│ │ .
│ │ .
│ │
│ ├── greenhouses # recursively included installation sources
│ │ ├── othernestedproduct
│ │ .
│ . .
│ . .
│ .
├── state # state that needs to be persisted
│ ├── <components>
│ .
│ .
│ .
├── export # information flow among components
│ ├── <components>
│ .
│ .
│ .
├── gen # temporary files (can be deleted at any time)
│ ├── <components>
. .
. .
This file may contain any configuration information in any structure required by the installation source.
A convention is to use a node landscape
to hold the
configuartion information.
Using dedicated elements has an advantage for the later merging process, because it avoids undesired overrides and allows access to dedicated kinds of information for the yaml interpolation steps.
This document is processed by spiff using an optional acre.yaml
in the root installation source as template.
Tis template can be used to provide defaults or to check required values
in the configuration (using spiff features).
The processing result is stored in gen/config.json
. This file
is used as stub for the processing of the other control files.
The meta.installationHandler
node can be used to configure an installation handler.
path: <path to executable bash file>
config: <optional, arbitrary yaml>
If configured, the referenced script will be called once before any call to sow
(except for sow version
and sow help
) with argument prepare
and once after the sow
command with argument finalize
. If the prepare step fails, neither the sow
command, nor the finalize part will be executed. If the sow
command fails, the finalize step will still be executed.
Whatever you provide in the (optional) config
node will be given to the script as a second argument in form of a JSON string.
This file indicates the root folder of a component. It is used by
sow to extract control information for the component held in
the node component
So far, three fields are used:
: a list of components the actual component depends on. The import can be labeled by using the syntax<label>: <component name>
If a component is a nested component (containing a
), there should be a label to simplify the access during the interpolation process later on. -
: a list with stub files that should be added to the merging processess for the other control files. These files typically contain settings or utility functions, that should be used during the interpolation process. The given file names should be relative paths. They are looked up- locally to the component
- locally to the installation source
- locally to the sow tool root
: boolean value indicating whether this component is active in the actual landscape. -
: plugin definitions (see deployment.yaml) called before deployment evaluation (actionprepare
) and after deletion steps (actioncleanup
This file is processed by spiff using the landscape configuration
and the tool's component.yaml
template file as stub.
This document is used to describe the used deployment plugins for a component and their configuration settings. It is processed by spiff using some stub files.
- the last state document (described by
) - the actual execution environment (see below)
- the import information (see below)
- the effective installation configuration
- additional stubs described by the
The environment stub contains the node env
with fields describing the
actual component environment:
: the component nameGENDIR
: component specific folder for temporary filesSTATEDIR
: component specific folder for persistent filesEXPORTDIR
: component specific folder for contract filesROOTDIR
: installation root directoryROOTPRODUCTDIR
: installation source directoryPRODUCT
: in case of nested products the product namePRODUCTDIR
: the root directory of the component's productSPECVERSION
: the specification version of the component's productDEPLOYEDVERSION
: the actually deployed specification version of the component's productMIGRATION
: a boolean indicating that migration steps should be executed (see Migrations)
sow evaluates the dependencies and generates an additional stub file
containing the exports of all imported components.
They are stored with their label below the node imports
The effective deployment configuration is stored in the gen
directory below
the component folder. The deployment template also declares state fields
(using the &state
marker in dynaml) whose content should be kept for the
next processing. It is automatically added to the stub list as top-level stub.
If a manual merge should be done with the latest state such a node
has to disable the auto.merge, also, by adding a merge none
(See state support of [spiff++](https://github.com/mandelsoft/spiff/README.md(#-state-)
The generated effective deployment manifest should contain a plugins
listing the plugins that should be executed. A plugin entry may take
a single string argument, additional string arguments as list or a
configuration object.
- echo: "deploying a secret"
- kubectl:
config: # <yaml config for kubectl plugin>
kubeconfig: (( landscape.cluster.kubeconfig ))
- apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
- echo:
- "Happy"
- "sowing"
- echo: # this is the object form for specifying a plugin
- "Happy"
- "sowing"
The config object may contain the following fieds:
: the instance key for the plugin executions (typically used by the plugin to generate a sub folder for keeping state and temporary data)path
: the config path for the instance config in the deployment manifestconfig
: the instance config as part of the objectargs
: plugin arguments as list of strings
If only arguments are used for non-builtin plugins or no explicit key is given
the first argument (or, for no arguments, the plugin name) describes the key of
the plugin instance and optionally the path of the yaml node that contains the
configuration for the plugin call.
The syntax here is ":", any part may be empty. If the key
part is empty the plugin name is used. If the path is empty no configuration
is used if the config
field is not set.
The chosen keys must be unique for a component (built-plugins don't use keys).
The denoted path should contain the actual configuration for the plugin. This way the same plugin can be called multiple times with different settings.
The key is used as sub folder to store information
for the actual plugin execution, to separate multiple occurrences
of a plugin in the plugin list. By default the plugin name should be
used as dir
If the plugin name start with a -
, its execution is not notified
on the output. This can be used for the echo
plugin to
echo plain multi line text.
The execution order is taken from the list order and reversed for the deletion of a component.
To always use a dediacted order, for example to use a plugin to prepare the input for the next one, a dedicated order can be pinned for a dedicated sequence of plugins.
This is done done with a built-in plugin called pinned
. It takes
a list of regular plugin specifications that are always executed in the given
To declare a list of plugins using the standard (unpinned) behavior, the
built-in plugin unpinned
can be used.
If multiple plugins can be be executed in parallel, the build-in plugin
can be used. Like pinned
and unpinned
it accepts a list of
The pinned
and unpinned
plugins can be used inside parallel
to include
a list of plugins with a defined execution order.
If the list of external plugin instance is changed, the vanished instances will automatically be deleted after the deployment.
There is an internal interface for built-in plugin. The pinned
plugin is an
example for such a plugin. Built-in plugins could be loaded by the command
extension mechanism offered by sow
, or even by the optional action
script of a component.
A built-in plugin is just a shell function with the prefix BUILTIN_
It must take three arguments:
- $1: the action (deploy, delete, prepare or cleanup)
- $2: the plugin exection specification as json
- $3: the original document declaring the plugin execution
The execution spec includes a name
field and an optional args
, path
field. The simplified spec (see examples above) always provide
the args
field, if the execution is configured as list field. It may contain any deep list structure as given by the spec in the original yaml. If a map is
given the map fields are directly contained in the root level map besides the
name field.
If the execution config is not part of the plugin execution declaration, it is the task of the plugin to access the config in the original document, if required. There is no predefined file system based contract as for regular plugins.
There are some predefined built-in plugins:
: execute list of plugins always in the given order (for creation and deletion)unpinned
: execute the plugins in the reversed order for deletionparallel
: execute plugins in parallel
A component may contain an action
script below its root folder.
This script file is sourced
by a bash executing an action. It
may define builtin plugins (using the internal builtin interface) or regular
plugins just as shell function. Any shell function defined here
can be called as regular plugin just by its name for the descriptor files.
This file should describe the information intended for reuse by other
components. By convention it should be stored below an export
The file is optional, if there are no exports.
It uses the generated effective deployment.yaml
and all the stubs used for
its processing as stub. It also contains the actual state, therefore the
state file is omitted.
If it contains a files
section the listes files (structure with path
fields) are written to the components export folder. Optionally the
file mode is specified with mode
The data flow is heavily based on the processing of yaml documents with spiff++.
Every component is processed separately.
- the installation configuration is processed together with a
configuration template provided by the installation source. The result
is an effective installation configuration stored in the
folder. - the
is processed together with the installation configuration used as stub to achieve the effective component meta data. Here, dedicated components can be activated or deactivated, or dependencies might be adjusted according to the actual installation configuration. - the component meta data is evaluated to determine the effective component dependencies and stubs used for the further processing. The export information of the used components are gathered and aggregated into a single import file.
- the
is processed to determine the concrete plugin sequence, their configuration settings (4b) which is stored in thegen
folder of the component and the actual (maybe updated) state (4a) replacing the old state held in the state folder. Therefore the state support ofspiff++
is used. - the effective deploment configuration is evaluated and the plugin
set and order is determined. Then the plugins are called in the
appropriate order together with their dedicated configuration settings.
The plugins might access and provide own instance specific state information.
(For example a
file). - the optional
is processed together with the actual generated deployment manifest and all other stubs (except the state.yaml) to generate the contract information for using components. The effectivestate.yaml
is stored in theexport
folder of the component.
Sow evaluates the current working directory fo figure out
- the concrete installation folder
- the actual product
- the actual component
This information is then used as default for its execution.
By default sow interprets its arguments as components that should be deployed and executes their deploy actions in the appropriate order.
The following sub commands are supported:
: (default) deploy componentsdelete
: delete componentsshow
: show meta data of given componentsinfo
: show info about actual position in filesystemversion
: show tool versiongenerate
: generate manifests without action executionorder
: show order of components and/or their deploy or deletion orderadd
: create the frame for a new componentvi
: lookup or edit component related files in component specific foldersdiff
: compare old and new version of generated files
The command supports the following options:
: complete the component list forinfo
it shows the complete component and product list fordeploy
completes the deploy and delete order according to the configured component dependencies.-A
work on all active components-m
: use given component names as pattern to match against filesystem and component list-n
: no redeploy, just do new deployments-k
: keep temporary files-X
<plugin>: enables trace mode for given plugin-x
: enables trace mode-v
: enables verbose mode
sow help
prints a complete list of commands with supported options.
If a file .sowrc
exists in the user's home directory it is sourced
prior to any command execution.
Plugins are used to execute the real installation work. There are several plugins delivered with the tool, but an installation source or even a single component might provide own or replace existing plugins.
A plugin is just an executable or shell script. The provided plugins are all shell scripts.
There is a combined environment and command line interface for the execution of plugins.
In the environment environment variables are provided for a dedicated execution:
: The manifest file the plugin execution is taken fromPLUGINCONFIG
: A file containing the configuration configured in the plugin specification in the above manifestPLUGININSTANCE
: The configured plugin instance name/pathGENDIR
: The place to store temporary files for the componentSTATEDIR
: The place to store persistent (state relevant) files for the componentEXPORTDIR
: The place to store files intended for reuse by other components.SOWLIB
: Library path for shell libraries offered by sow.
In former versions the json content was given directly by environment variables.
This might cause problems with the length of argument space for process
creation, therefore it has been changed to file names.
Those changes are handled automatically when using the PLUGIN_setup
or by sourcing the pluginutils
library (see below).
Using a complete plugin call specification (using the config/args) field
the first variable should never be used.
If only the arguments are used in the plugin call specification and the
plugin requires further configuration, it should be taken from
the json file provided in DEPLOYMEMT
If the plugin call specification givens the path
field it is passed in the
This should be used as sub folder path for instance specific data stored below
, to separate different usages of the same
plugin in a component.
If no config is given, but required by the plugin this value should also be used
to lookup the config in the DEPLOYMENT
file. If it is not given
a convention here is to specify the path of the configuration field
as argument, defaulted by the plugin name.
If a plugin is implemented by a shell script, there is a library that handles the contract described above. It can be used by
source "$SOWLIB/pluginutils"
It always provides the variable PLUGINCONFIGJSON
containing the configuration
of the actual plugin call in json format and the variable PLUGININSTANCE
Their values are fed according to the actual settings and conventions. It also
sets the variables
: GENDIR location for the executionstate
: STATEDIR location for the execution
and assures their existence.
The evaluation of environment and arguments alone is done by the shell function
offered by the utils
Additionally it loads the standard utils library from the sow tool, that offers functions for (colored) output and json access (see lib/utils).
A product may declare a specification version using the file SPEC-VERSION
It must contain a plain number that should be incemented by one if a new version of the product requires a migration step for at least one contained component.
If this file exsits all deployed components of a such a product remember their deployed specification version in their state directory.
The processing of the deployment.yaml
of a component has access to the actual
processing environment, which provides information about the already deployed specification version of the component and the actual version. Addtionally a migration flag is provided. If a component requires a dedicated migration step, the plugin set must be configured accordingly by the expressions contained in the deployment.yaml
Not for every change a dedicated migration step is required. This depends on the used plugins. For example, the kubectl plugin is able to handle api group changes, additing and deleting of deploy objects out of the box. But if the migration of content is required, this must potentially be explicitly handled.
A possible strategy here is to add a component local custom plugin to handle migration steps prior to the regular plugins.
In general upgrades must be done version by version. Therefore a check is included, that prevents upgrades spanning more than one specification version.
If a new specification version is introduced the codebase of the product must remove all the previous migrations and add the newly required ones.
The product version is potentially much finer than the specification version. Therefore it is possible to skip the installation of version updates of a product as long as the specification version described by the product version does not change.