An android weather sample app with Jetpack Compose which uses the Bright Sky API to get data of the German Meteorological Service - DWD.
Only locations inside germany are supported for now.
Current temperature, Max temperature, Min temperature, Current weather state, Animated weather icons, Precipitation volume, Precipitation risk, Relative Humidity, Wind speed, Wind direction, Dew point, Visibility, Solar irradiation, Sunshine duration, Pressure, Cloud cover, 10 day forecast, Hourly forecast, Auto completion for locations, Set location via device location/gps, Switch between designs, Multiple languages
- Hilt
- Kotlin Flows
- Material Design
- Multiple language support (en, de)
- Jetpack Compose
- Datastore
- Retrofit & OkHttp
- Moshi
- Lottie
- brightsky-API
To build the app a google-services.json file needs to be added to the app folder. Therefore it is necessary to create a firebase account.
Rules and guidelines for contributing in this project.
Download the forked project using git clone:
Create a new branch with a descriptive name:
git checkout -b feat/<SHORT-FEATURE-NAME>
Recommended pattern for branch-names & commit-messages:
- Feature-branch:
- Bugfix-branch:
- Commit on feature branch: e.g.:
Added new language for france
- Commit on bugfix branch: e.g.:
Fixed icon mapping for heavy rain
- Feature-branch:
Write some code, fix something, and add a test to prove that it works.
Commit your code and push it to GitHub
Open a new pull request and describe the changes you have made.
We'll accept your changes after a completed review.
Do not exceed the number of 500 lines for a pull-request to keep them small and the review easier.
This project and everyone participating in it is governed by its Code of Conduct. By participating, you are expected to uphold this code.
Thank you!
As part of of the German public broadcaster, we aim to offer insights into our Android development process and openly showcase it to the public community.