This Project Development is Shifted on For Adding Dashboard
Create new Issue in that Project if you want Some Help in Error
Dumb Bot is A MultiPurpose Discord Bot with 214 Commands And 85% Of Database is Based on quick.db
For Discord.js version 13 Support go in discord.js v13 Branch Some Commands will may not work but if you got any bug or error create an issue Removed Registering of Slash Commands Because of error Join Discord and My username will be Dhvit
This bot Also Supports Many Slash-Commands This Bot Supports : Giveaways Ticket System Music Reaction Roles Custom Commands Auto Mod Leveling Much More!!
The Original Bot is Dumb Bot and For testing You can invite That bot from here - Invite Bot
Tested Ones : This Bot Project Can Run on Windows ,, UnTested Ones: Maybe Ubuntu
This Project Size is 400mb (Counted With Database)
You can Join Our Support Server - Support Server
First of all do git clone in console or Download Project from here - Download From Here
If you are using Hosting Service like or In there Go on New Project And in That go on Imprort From Github And Paste This -
Fill the config.js and utils/gw-config.json With Your Credentials
"registercommands" : false, //Write True If You Are Launching The Bot First Time
"token": "", //Your Super Secret Bot Token
"imageapi": "", //Your Amethyste Api You can get it from
"ownerID": [], //Your Discord User ID
"prefix": "", //Your Bot's Prefix
"chat": {
"url": "",
"bid": "",
"key": "",
"uid": ""
}, // You can get This Things from
"api": "", // Your Youtube Api
"youtubeAPI": "", // Your Youtube Api
mainprefix: "", // Again Your Prefix
"owner": "G U D B O Y", // Owner Name
basiclang: "en", //The basic language of the bot, "fr" for French and "en" for English
embeds: {
color: "BLUE", //Embed color (in English)
footers: "GIVEAWAY :tada: :tada:" //Embed footer
events: {
addcolor: "GREEN", //The color of the event add (in English)
remcolor: "RED" //The color of the event remove (in English)
reaction: "🎉", //Reaction to the giveaways if you in the console you see 'unknown emoji' that's what this emoji is not recognized by Discord
grole: "Giveaway Manager", //If the member doesn't have permission to handle messages he can still use the giveaways commands if he has the role configured right here
auth: {
support: "XXX", //The link of your Discord server
dperms: "8" //The permissions that the bot asks on we want to add it on a Discord server (8 = moderator)
"ownerID": "720632216236851260",
"everyoneMention": false,
"hostedBy": true,
"botsCanWin": false,
"embedColor": "#000080",
"embedColorEnd": "#FF0000",
"reaction": "🎉",
"giveawayEmoji": "🎉"
After Downloading Project in Console Type npm install
After Installing The Packages in console Type node xp.js
If the Console Shows Port is running on And Logged in as < Your Bot name> If Your Console Shows Anything from up then Your Bot is ready and you can use it
if It shows any error Contact us on our Discord Server
If you want to register your bot's Slash-commands then go on config.js and in registercommands Remove false and write true there. This is not tested Yet so if you get Any error in that use Gui which is made by my one of Favourites "Androz" Website -