Productivity Application - Backend
Just clone this repo
and then do yarn install
or npm install
to install all the dependencies.
After installing all the dependencies just run yarn start:production
or npm run start:production
and the server will start listening at the specified port.
You can update application config by either editing the config file app/global/config/index.js
or by setting up the Environment variables.
This is all that matters at the moment.
You can checkout the frontend code of this app at
- Added functionality to make the board publicly accessible.
- Add Deploy to Heroku button
- Allow user to specify Port Number using Environment variables
- Allow user to specify Database Host using Environment variables
- Allow user to specify Web Token Secret using Environment variables
- Create the project
- Setup Mongoose and Mongoose Models
- Setup GraphQL and its Types, Queries, Mutations and Resolvers.
- Setup token based user authentication
- Add token validation middleware for express
- Setup social authentication
- User passport for user authentication