This will be my home page
- Create your first commit with this Readme
- Amend the previous commit to check the first and second box.
- First Commits : Index.html
- Create a bare index.html (just the basic structure with no content)
- Add and commit some elements about you (Your name, a short bio)
- Add and commit some more elements about you (Your name, a short bio)
- First Branch : Style
- Create a branch name style and check it out
- Create an empty style.css file and commit it.
- Add some style to your page and commit them
- First fast-forward Merge
- Go back to the main Branch
- Merge Style into main ( fast-forward )
- include the css into your html
- Commit the new index.html
- First Merge-Commit
- checkout the branch style
- Add some more style and commit
- checkout the branch main
- Merge the change from style