This project is based on my Database course final project. We were divided into several groups, and each group had to create a database from scratch. We have freedom to choose the database that we want to create. We start by defining the business process and continue with the database design and its implementation in MySQL.
The final design looks like this:
● Install node.js
● npm install
● npm run start:dev
● Get all transaction from transaksi table
url: /api/transaksi
method: GET
● Add transaction to transaksi table
url: /api/transaksi
method: POST
body example:
"nama_barang": "PSP",
"berat_barang": 0.35,
"jenis_barang": "Elektronik",
"ongkir": 12000,
"metode_pengiriman": "express",
"status": "diantar",
"id_customer": "CR008",
"id_penerima": "PR003",
"id_kurir": "KR008"
● Get specific transaction using no_resi from transaksi table
url: /api/transaksi/{no_resi}
method: GET
● Delete transaction from transaksi table
url: /api/transaksi/{no_resi}
method: DELETE
● Update transaction from transaksi table
url: /api/transaksi/{no_resi}
method: PUT
body example:
"nama_barang": "PS Vita",
"berat_barang": 0.55,
"jenis_barang": "Elektronik",
"ongkir": 10000,
"metode_pengiriman": "reguler",
"status": "diantar",
"id_customer": "CR008",
"id_penerima": "PR003",
"id_kurir": "KR008"
● Update transaction "status" and "tanggal_terima" from transaksi table
url: /api/kurir/{id_kurir}
method: PUT
● Get specific transaction using id_kurir from transaksi table
url: /api/kurir/{id_kurir}
method: GET
● Get All customer from customer table
url: /api/user/customer
method: GET
● Add customer to customer table
url: /api/user/customer
method: POST
body example:
"nama_customer": "Budi Susanto",
"alamat": "Gg. Indonesia No. 117",
"no_hp": "082435665822",
"kode_area": 68234
● Get All penerima from penerima table
url: /api/user/penerima
method: GET
● Add penerima to penerima table
url: /api/user/customer
method: POST
body example:
"nama_penerima": "Budi Susanto",
"alamat": "Gg. Indonesia No. 117",
"no_hp": "082435665822",
"kode_area": 68234
● Get All kurir from kurir table
url: /api/user/kurir
method: GET
● Add kurir to kurir table
url: /api/user/kurir
method: POST
body example:
"nama_kurir": "Budi Susanto",
"no_hp": "082435665822"