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Single Stage Envelopes

Dale Emery edited this page Mar 23, 2018 · 4 revisions

NOTE: This wiki describes version 0.5.0 of DHE Modules. For information about the latest version, see

You can create a simple envelopes with one Stage module and (maybe) one Upstage module.


When a Stage module completes its envelope stage, it holds at the voltage of the LEVEL knob until it receives a trigger or its DEFER gate rises.

These single-stage envelopes are retriggerable. If a trigger arrives while the envelope stage is in progress, Stage begins a new envelope stage starting at the current voltage on the IN port.

Attack and Hold

  • Connect a trigger source to Stage's TRIG port.
  • Leave the IN port disconnected.

Attack and Hold

When a trigger arrives, Stage starts an envelope stage that progresses from 0 volts to the LEVEL voltage, and holds until the next trigger.

Decay and Hold

  • Connect the trigger source to both the TRIG port and the IN port:

Decay and Hold

Think of this as an Attack/Decay/Hold envelope with instantaneous attack.

This is useful for plucks.

NOTE: With the trigger source connected to the IN port, the envelope stage starts at whatever voltage the trigger source offers at the instant it rises to or above 1 volt. So you can vary the envelope stage's starting voltage by varying the incoming trigger voltage.

Rise/Fall and Hold

Combine an Upstage module with a Stage module to start and end the envelope at whatever levels you like.

Here is a rising single-stage envelope:

Rising Envelope with Upstage

Here is a falling single-stage envelope:

Falling Envelope with Upstage

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