This is the development site for the Modelica Buildings library and its user guide.
Stable releases including all previous releases are available from the main project site at
Instructions for developers are available on the wiki.
The Modelica Buildings library is a free open-source library with dynamic simulation models for building energy and control systems. The library contains models for
- air-based HVAC systems,
- water-based heating systems,
- controls,
- heat transfer among rooms and the outside,
- multizone airflow, including natural ventilation and contaminant transport, and
- electrical systems.
The main project site is
Download Buildings Library 8.0.0 (2021-06-08)
The Modelica Buildings Library is available under a 3-clause BSD-license. See Modelica Buildings Library license.
Python modules are available under a 3-clause BSD-license. See BuildingsPy license.
You may report any issues with using the Issues button.
Contributions in the form of Pull Requests are always welcome. Prior to issuing a pull request, make sure your code follows the style guide and coding conventions.
The distribution at contains all binaries.
Developers may build the binaries as follows.
The Buildings library already contains the compiled binaries that are needed to link to EnergyPlus.
To rebuild the Spawn of EnergyPlus binaries, CMake is required. The binaries consist of the fmi-library, and a library that connects Modelica to EnergyPlus.
To build the fmi-library, which is only needed if is updated, run
cd Buildings/Resources/src/fmi-library
rm -rf build && mkdir build && \
cd build && cmake .. && cmake --build . && \
cd .. && rm -rf build
To build the Modelica to EnergyPlus library, run
cd modelica-buildings
rm -rf build && mkdir build && cd build && \
cmake ../ && cmake --build . --target install && \
cd .. && rm -rf build
To install the latest build of EnergyPlus that contains the Spawn interface, run
cd Buildings/Resources/src/ThermalZones/EnergyPlus/