Live background wallpaper in opengl for i3(and Plasma). It's made for shaders from Support with displaying currently playing song.
- Pulseaudio
- Freetype2
- Compton (optional)
- Playerctl (optional)
git clone
cd liveW
$ ./liveW -s source -p shader_name
source is name of Pulseaudio device which you can obtain with:
$ pacmd list-sources | grep "name:"
name: <alsa_output.pci-0000_22_00.3.analog-stereo.monitor>
name: <alsa_input.pci-0000_22_00.3.analog-stereo>
You are intrested in one with .monitor on the end.
shader_name is name of the shaders folder inside folder Shaders/ in root directory of project.
Example: ./liveW -s alsa_output.pci-0000_22_00.3.analog-stereo.monitor -p equalizer
$ ./liveW -h
Usage: liveW <options>
-h Print help
-d Turn debug on
-k Plasma window setup
-w Window mode
-g Geometry WIDTHxHEIGHT (default 800x600)
-o Starting point TOPxLEFT (default 0x0)
-t Transparency (default 0.8)
-p Shader name in Shaders folder
-f FPS (default 30)
-D Display only if there is sound
-Y Use only youtube thumbnail for album art
-s Pulseaudio device source
Specify using the name from "pacmd list-sources | grep "name:""
In most multi monitor configurations all monitors are part of one X11 screen so maybe liveW will be strached through all monitors. To set liveW to draw on one monitor use arguments -g (set width and height of window) and -o (distance of top-left corner of window and top-left corner of screen).
If you have two monitors vertically placed with resolution 2560x1440.
First monitor: ./liveW -g 2560x1440
Second monitor: ./liveW -g 2560x1440 -o 2560x0
NOTE: liveW have only support for music input for now
- Create directory inside Shaders/ and copy shader code in file frag.glsl inside created folder.
- Add to begining of the shader:
#version 430
uniform vec2 resolution;
uniform float time;
uniform sampler1D samples;
uniform sampler1D fft;
out vec4 color;
- Rename possible colission between variables names from above inside code in something else.
- Replace:
- iResolution -> resolution
- fragCoord -> gl_FragCoord
- fragColor -> color
- iTime -> time
- void mainImage( in, out ) -> void main()
- If using music input replace code:
- texture(iChannel0, vec2(coordX, coordY)).x;
- If coordY is smaller then 0.5 replace with:
- texture(fft, coordX).x;
- otherwise
- texture(samples, coordX).x;
- ft2build.h file is missing
$ sudo cp -r /usr/include/freetype2/ ..