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Running on OSG
To submit jobs to clas12 OSG, use the submission portal for Generators
Then you must set the submission options
- Configuration --> the run period you need to simulate, should correspond to the DST data. The submitter is currently responsible for making sure the correct beam energy and current are supplied.
- Magnetic Fields --> choose from allowed option for your chosen Configuration (run period). The submitter is currently responsible for making sure they produce the appropriate amounts of the different field settings.
- Generator --> choose clas12-elSpectro of course!
- Generator Options -->
- Here you must give the specific script you wish to run (See below for standard scripts) e.g. MesonEx_p2pi_Flat_s_give_t_M2pi.C
- --ebeam ENERGY e.g. --ebeam 10.6
- --ft i.e. restricts scattered electron to within ft acceptance 2<θ<5 and 0.4< Ee' <6 GeV
- --min_e_th e.g. --min_e_th 8 i.e. set minimum angle for scattered electron to 8 degrees
- --tarPos e.g. --tarPos -3 i.e. set centre target vertex position to -3 cm , note this is default so will be set to -3 if argument ommited
- --tarLength e.g. --tarLength 10. i.e. set target cell length to 10cm, note 5cm is default so will be set to 5cm if this argument is ommited.
- --misc e.g. --misc "--tslope=4 --flat=1" i.e. Some string options specific to each script, each option should be prefixed --.
- So for RG-A fall 2018, to get 2pi events in the FT I would use : --ft --ebeam 10.4 MesonEx_p2pi_Flat_s_give_t_M2pi.C
- Number of Events / Job --> number of events in each output file, typically 10000
- Number of Jobs --> however many you like, but remember to test with 1 or two jobs to start with
- Total Number of Events --> calculated for you if you supply previous two
- Background Merging --> For realistic simulations you need to add random background. The submitter is currently responsible for generating the correct proportion for each current in their run period.
- Submit .... good luck
This method allows to specify generic phase space final states For Generator options, use script CLAS12_Simple_Flat_s.C
- For --misc string can set produced states and decay products (if exist) for the produced meson and baryon
- --misc "--baryon=2212: --meson=221:111,211,-211" i.e. proton + η(π0 π+ π-)
- --misc "--baryon=3122:2212,-211 --meson=321" i.e. Λ(pπ-) + K+
For Generator options, use script MesonEx_p2pi_Flat_s_give_t_M2pi.C
For --misc string can set tslope "--tslope=4"
also can add a flat component to production CM angle
- --misc "--tslope=4 --flat=1" flat =1 means 1:1 t-channel to s-channel (flat) production
can also add a M(2π) mass depedence via ROOT a TFormula
- --misc "--tslope=4 --flat=1 --M2pi=0.9*TMath::BreitWigner(x,0.78,0.149)" for rho like mass dependence. Note the default mass distribution is '0.9*TMath::BreitWigner(x,0.78,0.149) + 0.1*TMath::BreitWigner(x,1.27,0.187)+0.1' and if you want flat phase space you must request a constant mass distribution
- --misc "--tslope=4 --flat=1 --M2pi=1"
For Generator options, use script MesonEx_p2K_Flat_s_give_t_M2K.C
For --misc string can set tslope "--tslope=4"
also can add a flat component to production CM angle
- --misc "--tslope=4 --flat=1" flat =1 means 1:1 t-channel to s-channel (flat) production
can also add a M(2K) mass depedence via ROOT a TFormula
- --misc "--tslope=4 --flat=1 --M2K=0.9*TMath::BreitWigner(x,1.019461,4.266)" for φ like mass dependence. Note the default mass distribution is '0.9*TMath::BreitWigner(x,1.019461,4.266) + 0.1' which is φ + 10% phase space and if you want flat phase space you must request a constant mass distribution
- --misc "--tslope=4 --flat=1 --M2K=1"
For Generator options, use script MesonEx_n3pi_Flat_s_give_t_M3pi.C
For --misc string can set tslope "--tslope=4"
also can add a flat component to production CM angle
- --misc "--tslope=4 --flat=1" flat =1 means 1:1 t-channel to s-channel (flat) production
can also add a M(2π) and M(3π) mass depedence via ROOT a TFormula
- --misc "--tslope=4 --flat=1 --M2pi=TMath::BreitWigner(x,0.78,0.149) --M3pi=TMath::BreitWigner(x,1.6,0.2)"
- Note the default mass distributions are M2pi = TMath::BreitWigner(x,0.78,0.149) + 0.8*TMath::BreitWigner(x,1.27,0.187)+0.1
- and M3pi = 8TMath::BreitWigner(x,1.32,0.11)+2TMath::BreitWigner(x,1.41,0.16)+ 3.5TMath::BreitWigner(x,1.67,0.26)+1.25TMath::BreitWigner(x,1.70, 0.25)+0.5TMath::BreitWigner(x,1.90, 0.16)+2.0TMath::BreitWigner(x,1.96,0.37)+6.0*TMath::BreitWigner(x,2.09,6.25)
and if you want flat phase space you must request a constant mass distribution
- --misc "--tslope=4 --flat=1 --M2pi=1 --M3pi=1"
This allows Meson -> ( K+ +K- ) type intermediate masses.
For Generator options, use script MesonEx_nKKPi_Flat_s_give_t_MKKP.C
For --misc string can set
- --tslope => give t distribution slope for KKpi system
- --flat => give relative amount of flat production angle compared to t distribution
- --MKK=TMath::BreitWigner(x,1.0194550,0.00443) => alternative MKK disribution
- --MKKPi=TMath::BreitWigner(x,1.5,0.3) => alternative MKKPi disribution
For example, --misc "--tslope=2 --flat=0.1 --MKK=TMath::BreitWigner(x,1.0194550,0.00443) --MKKPi=TMath::BreitWigner(x,1.5,0.3)"
This allows K* -> ( K- + π-) type intermediate masses. For Generator options, use script MesonEx_nKPiK_Flat_s_give_t_MKPiK
For --misc string can set
- --tslope => give t distribution slope
- --flat => give relative amount of flat production angle compared to t distribution
- --MKmPi=TMath::BreitWigner(x,0.896,0.047) => alternative K-pi+ mass disribution
- --MKKPi=TMath::BreitWigner(x,1.5,0.3) => alternative MKKPi disribution
For Generator options, use script MesonEx_DeltaEtaPi_Flat_s_give_t_MEtaPi.C
For --misc string can set tslope "--tslope=4"
also can add a flat component to production CM angle
- --misc "--tslope=4 --flat=1" flat =1 means 1:1 t-channel to s-channel (flat) production
can also add a M(ηπ) mass depedence via ROOT a TFormula
- --misc "--tslope=4 --flat=1 --MEtaPi=0.9*TMath::BreitWigner(x,0.78,0.149)" for rho like mass dependence (not real physics !). Note the default mass distribution is flat phase space --MEtaPi=1 .
For Generator options, use script VeryStrange_KKXi_Flat_s_give_t_MXi.C
For --misc string can set tslope "--tslope=4" for gamma* - 2K system
also can add a flat component to production CM angle
- --misc "--tslope=4 --flat=1" flat =1 means 1:1 t-channel to s-channel (flat) production
can also add a M(Ξ) mass depedence via ROOT a TFormula
- --misc "--tslope=4 --flat=1 --MXi=TMath::BreitWigner(x,1.322,0.001)" for Ξ(1320) like mass dependence. Note the default mass distribution is "TMath::BreitWigner(x,1.322,0.001)+0.5*TMath::BreitWigner(x,1.530,0.01)" If you want flat phase space you must request a constant mass distribution
- Alternatively to give a fixed mass for Xi use double == , --MXi==1.763 for example
- --misc "--tslope=4 --flat=1 --MXi=1"
For Generator options, use script VeryStrange_KpKpXi_KmY_Flat_MXi.C
For --misc string can set Hyperon Y species "--Hyperon=3122" for $Lambda (3212 for $Sigma)
- can also add a M(Ξ) mass depedence via ROOT a TFormula
- --misc "--MXi=TMath::BreitWigner(x,1.950,0.060)" for Ξ(1320) like mass dependence.
- Note the default mass distribution is 'TMath::BreitWigner(x,1.823,0.024)' If you want flat phase space you must request a constant mass distribution --misc "--MXi=1"
- To get flat in distinct mass region you can try --MXi=TMath::Abs(x-1.823)<0.05
- Alternatively to give a fixed mass for Xi use double == , --MXi==1.763 for example
- e.g. --misc "--MXi=TMath::BreitWigner(x,1.950,0.060) --Hyperon=3122"
For Generator options, use script CLAS12_eD_NJpsi_t_s.C For --misc string options are
- --nucleon => select quasifree proton or neutron target (neutron by default)
- --muons => decay to muons not electrons (if ommitted will decay to electrons)
- --tslope => give t distribution slope
- --flat => give relative amount of flat production angle compared to t distribution
e.g. --misc "--nucleon=2112 --tslope=4 --flat=1 --muons" for production on neutron decaying to muons.
In includes JPAC model for Pentaquark photoproduction
For Generator options use CLAS12_ep_pJpsi_t_s.C
- --jpac => model selection, none by default, 0=> pomeron exchange , 1=> + 1P*, 2=> +2 P*, 3=>2019 3 Pentaquarks
- --muons => decay to muons not electrons (if ommitted will decay to electrons)
- --tslope => give t distribution slope(overwritten if jpac model used)
- --flat => give relative amount of flat production angle compared to t distribution(overwritten if jpac model used)